The Positive Thinking Trap
With a title as provocative as this, one could easily be forgiven for thinking that my purpose is to promote gloomy thoughts, a ‘realistic’ take on life and its events peppered with a generous dose of cynicism. Not at all. However, what alarms me is when personal ... Views: 1388
We hear the word ‘surrender’ and the admonishment to ‘live in the moment’ all of the time in spiritual circles – even ‘Let go and let God’ – However, for many of us, this is not only a challenge, but it often feels impossible as we’ve been so conditioned to ask – ‘and after that?’.
If you ... Views: 1721
As a healer I have been greatly blessed with the ability to see into the non-physical and subtle energy realms since a young age. When young this was mostly nature spirits, spirit guides, deities, angelic beings and the appearance of relatives that had passed on to other worlds.
As an adult ... Views: 1550
We’re all aware of the term ‘no strings attached’, however, in my experience there are almost always strings attached.
In certain healing circles it is seen as appropriate to ‘cut the cords’. If a cord is invasive, I can totally understand this sentiment but we also need to be present with ... Views: 2080
Introduction to Chakra Cords/ Relational Cords
Chakra Cords or also called Relational Cords are strings of energy that run between individuals, within religious and political groups, within families, ethnicities and nations. More commonly they are experienced as our energetic connection to ... Views: 2010
Too Capable to Surrender
If you were asked to do too much too soon, take on too much responsibility at a young age – either physical responsibility such as household chores or emotional responsibility – caring for siblings, a sick parent or feeling responsible for an emotionally challenged ... Views: 1578
Suffocation or Existence
When a child is asked to fulfil the needs of a parent, especially its mother, then it faces one of the biggest dilemmas that can continue well into adulthood and later years. If at a young age we exist to fulfil the needs of our mother then the main way in which ... Views: 2967
By the time we reach adulthood we’ve had plenty of experiences and have drawn plenty of conclusions about what is either good or bad. We’ve taken on my labels, many labels have been forced up on us and we’ve willingly adopted some labels – labels such as ‘good girl’ – ‘bad girl’, ‘good boy’ – ... Views: 1598
Three Levels of Healing
The modern healing arena provides anyone seeking personal development and healing work a plethora of choices – all of which can add up to confusion. So which method or technique is best? Energy Healing? EFT? NLP? Theta Healing? Gestalt? Hypnosis? Voice Dialogue? ... Views: 1405
The Law of Attraction – Pitfalls, Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams
Have you been using the Law of Attraction for a while and yet your stated goals and dreams still seem to be at a distance? Are you frustrated with just not being able to either create what you want or disheartened that what ... Views: 1586
The Law of Attraction and Energy Anatomy
As small children we generally come into the world brimming with effervescent, exuberant, vibrant pure positive life force energy. However, there are many circumstances that can dampen, hinder or even detach us from any sense of ourselves as pure ... Views: 1465