What a month it has been! From the inauguration of our Aruna gatherings to a Category 4 hurricane that barely grazed us, we are experiencing some intense yet magical energies.
In last month's audio blog entitled "Is it possible to live completely guided by Spirit?" I quoted Ted Murray's ... Views: 1379
Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if you have to dig a little. ~Tori Amos
In the last article, we discussed why we need to be Spiritual Warriors and how to recognize those traits within us all. Spiritual growth and personal healing take courage & tenacity. Many people quit ... Views: 1345
“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.” ~August Wilson
It takes a great deal of courage to be on a ... Views: 1140
“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.” – Rumi
Finding a true spiritual guide for this life is one of the most amazing gifts that can be given to you. Knowing when you are complete, when to move on, or just when it is time to graduate and live the teachings, is the greatest ... Views: 1119
"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do”
~Bible, John 14:12
In this series, we have been discussing the tricky balance of attaining a space of spiritual surrender and the seeming opposite need for ... Views: 1108
We have been exploring the delicate balance between the ideal of spiritual “surrender” where we literally “let go, let God” as the saying goes, resisting the temptation to micromanage life, which can be exactly what is called for; versus the spiritual maturation of self-empowerment, where we ... Views: 994
I understand that one path of enlightenment is devotion, and I have certainly experienced the exquisite beauty of that path. I’m not saying that it is wrong for someone to be devoted to his or her teacher. But at this stage of my life, devotion or worshiping another person seems to also invite ... Views: 920
I have been a seeker and I still am,
But I have stopped asking the books and the stars,
And I started listening to the teaching of my soul.
Who do you look to for spiritual guidance and comfort?
In the wake of global tragedies resulting from religious extremists who are ... Views: 1203
As we approach another New Year’s eve, I have been musing how nearly everyone in the US celebrate with fireworks. Brilliant displays of many colored lights exploding in the night sky brings even the most skeptical and hard-hearted among us a sense of child-like wonder and de-light.
This ... Views: 1170
In part one, we explored the path of karma yoga, or seva, considered an essential spiritual practice which means “self-less service. “However, it is important to recognize that, like most teachings, giving can become out of balance, and even detrimental to both giver and receiver if coming from ... Views: 999
From early childhood I was steeped in the tradition of service both from a Catholic upbringing first, then later from the eastern spiritual traditions of Seva (meaning self-less service). This culture of giving ran the gamut from helping my Mom make ornaments to sell at a hospital Christmas ... Views: 1010
With the carnage in Paris so ever-present on our minds, I am reminded that even though it is so difficult to fathom such violence, one of the blessings I have received from all of the spiritual and energy healing practices is the deepening experience that this earth journey is a tiny fragment of ... Views: 1128
The Law of Attraction is a universal law which states that “like attracts like”. A high vibrational frequency attracts more high frequency or what you might perceive as “positive” situations into your life, while a low vibrational frequency magnetizes more “negative” situations to you. Through ... Views: 1404
In part I of this series we discussed the attributes of being and empath or a Highly Sensitive Person, and how to know when you are being impacted by other peoples’ energies, and why this happens on an energetic level.
Now let’s address some tools to help you better manage your boundaries and ... Views: 1124
In part I of this series we discussed the attributes of being and empath or a Highly Sensitive Person, and how to know when you are being impacted by other peoples’ energies, and why this happens on an energetic level.
Now let’s address some tools to help you better manage your boundaries and ... Views: 0
Do you ever feel like you are suddenly drained, disoriented, or depressed for no apparent reason? Have you been labeled by coworkers or family members that you are “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”? Do you often feel overwhelmed when working with certain people or being in groups, and need ... Views: 1405
“A healer is not a bus; you don’t have to take on everyone who shows up!”
I have met many energy healers, intuitives, bodyworkers, therapists, psychics and other spiritually oriented people who have allowed deeply disturbing situations and have accepted disempowering beliefs due to a ... Views: 1036
One of the toughest decisions for someone who tends toward a more holistic, integrative approach to wellness is the treatment of cancer. Mainstream western medicine has adopted chemotherapy and radiation treatments as the ‘standard protocol” and many believe those are the best options. At the ... Views: 1473
Some days it seems everything is totally flowing, projects are getting completed as if by magic. Then you wonder why it wasn’t happening like this all the time? What was going on the other days, weeks or months of seeming to stand still, feeling like nothing is getting accomplished.
As my ... Views: 1069
“Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional.”
–Dr. Christiane Northrup, ob-gyn and author
Energy healers are not the only ones speaking about the possibilities to transcend ordinary life experiences, even the inevitability of aging. Medical doctors like women’s health expert Christiane ... Views: 1430
In my last article I discussed steps to Awaken your Inner Healer, which I believe is inherent in everyone. This proves true each time I attune new students to Reiki and they, as if by magic, begin to feel energy flowing through their hands, and experience the recipients feedback of healing ... Views: 986
During a long healing Ayurvedic retreat in India, the doctor said something that struck a chord. I relayed the unique experience of a “collecting up” of energies that I was feeling when he repeated mantras and placed his hands above my crown and below my first chakra or base of the spine. When I ... Views: 1060
I received a great question recently from my community and I thought it deserved a bit of explanation for everyone:
“Does Reiki always need to be done with the whole sequence
of hand positions to be effective, or can you just
place your hands on another person’s or animal’s body
without ... Views: 1157
In my last article we covered seven tips on the basics of start-up -- from setting up a business checking account, getting business cards and a table, to deciding your pricing and where you will practice. In this article, while still in the first level of your business building, we will go a ... Views: 1015
Nearly twenty-five years ago, shortly after my father died suddenly from lung cancer, I had the “calling” to leave my profession as a civil rights lawyer and become a healer. It hit me like a ton of bricks, as I had spent more years studying law than practicing! Back then, I felt I had no choice ... Views: 1194
Dr. Oz revealed his Ultimate Alternative Medicine Secrets during his nationally broadcast afternoon talk show in 2010. He ranked Reiki #1. Dr. Oz said, “Reiki is one of my favorites, we’ve been using it for years in the Oz family, and we swear by it.”
The Reiki attunement process makes it ... Views: 1002
In the last article I wrote about my husband’s recent heart surgery, and how it brought out my “fixer” — the shadow side of many healers. Healers and caregivers of all kinds stray into the “FIXER” mode when we push or force our agenda, our beliefs or modalities onto someone.
The underlying ... Views: 1172
Christmas 2014 was a huge wake-up call on many levels. My husband, Kumara, woke me at 3am with chest pains. This was not his first heart attack so we knew to take it seriously and move quickly. While my sister drove us to the ER (quicker than waiting for an ambulance) I applied Reiki from the ... Views: 1645
Last week, our electronic equipment tanked en masse – both computers, our TV, our power washer and a drill. When I inquired within about any underlying significance to this unusual level of breakdowns, I got that I was getting an “upgrade.”
I understood this to mean that energetically I am ... Views: 1037
In my last newsletter, I shared a breakthrough that I had with an energy healer who was really stuck and in pain and subsequently, very frustrated with herself for not being able to release and clear the painful pattern.
When other methods have not helped, this advanced healing technique has ... Views: 995
If you are like me and most of my clients, you may have a recurring pattern, issue or problem that just doesn’t seem to shift. What is more, even Reiki or other powerful energy healing modalities, bodywork, and Energy Tools and Release techniques do not seem to work on this issue. Are you tired ... Views: 1015
A while back I had an argument with my partner and it got to a rare point that we were not even speaking to each other. I went out for an appointment, and found myself complaining to a friend about some of the things he was doing that really upset me. I felt really unsupported, as I imagine he ... Views: 1439
Last night I was up till 4am filled with so much energy and excitement as I received powerful energy downloads and the following special message from Yeshua for Winter Solstice 2014:
“This is a landmark event in both personal and planetary evolution. It is a time for inner and outer joy for ... Views: 935
I am noticing something remarkable yet subtle that is occurring with me and all of my long time clients. At first I struggled to find a way to verbalize it until one day in a session as I listened to a client describe a new sense of calm and non-reaction in the face of many challenges, I coined ... Views: 1015
I have been pondering my spiritual journey for the past 25 years. After my father’s sudden death from lung cancer prompted me to seek ways to ease suffering, and other existential answers led me to a meditation master from India, it has become apparent there are different stages of ... Views: 1030
Years ago, I had no clue of the depth of the Soul level awareness that animals demonstrated, or even that I was receiving the messages on this higher plane. Animal consciousness continues to surprise and delight me, and has prepared me to share our profound inter-connectedness, and given me the ... Views: 1346
As a Reiki Master Teacher, Intuitive Coach and Soul- level animal communicator for over two decades, you may think nothing surprises me as I regularly experience truly remarkable healings and results that many people might call “miracles”. Yet I still can be delightfully awe-struck, I will ... Views: 1682
Your body cannot heal without play.
Your mind cannot heal without laughter.
Your soul cannot heal without joy.
— Catherine Rippenger Fenwick
And I would add “your prosperity cannot heal without time off.” So even though I am in the midst of launching a new program and it seems ... Views: 1511
“Don’t question why she needs to be so free
She’ll tell you it’s the only way to be…”
–Rolling Stones, “Ruby Tuesday” lyrics
Knowing how important it is to maintain a high vibration and be in balance on every level, this summer I dedicated to saying yes to anything that felt good and made ... Views: 1207
With the Fourth of July festivities approaching, many animal owners are very concerned for their companions, especially dogs who can be terrified of the loud noises of fireworks and thunderstorms.
Commonly seen signs of noise phobias include:
• Shaking, trembling
• Excessive ... Views: 1251
In my previous article in this series, I shared how to access the Center of Your Head, which is your command center and stepping off point to your Higher Mind.
I first learned of this space from my spiritual teacher Ma Jaya. Initially I sought her out to seek guidance about how to do AIDS ... Views: 1765
In my previous article I introduced the topic of Higher Mind as the gateway to higher consciousness and Universal Mind, and distinct from the analytical, logical and rational part of our mind. Higher Mind is the space I receive much of my intuition and direct knowing with clients and even ... Views: 1631
"What you seek is seeking you." ~ Rumi, Sufi mystic poet
All my clients, no matter what issue they come to me with, ultimately crave more clarity and connection to their inner guidance or intuition. The inability to cease the incessant chatter of the monkey mind, jumping from thought to ... Views: 1987
Do you ever feel like what you want, or what you are struggling with, is well, not really worthy or important or spiritual enough? This morning I was thinking about the advanced state of awareness that manifesting your dreams truly requires. It is not merely about wanting more, better, bigger ... Views: 1589
In the past few articles we dove into the art of manifesting our heart’s desires through the power of intention. Yet if it was as easy as saying an intention or asking for what we wanted, we would all be living the life of our dreams already. So in addition to focusing your mind on intentions, ... Views: 1528
While becoming consciously aware of your thoughts and beliefs, and re-choosing and re-focusing them through intentions are extremely important, there is an even higher state of manifesting, or consciously co-creating your reality. Evolutionarily speaking, this is an advanced concept, and even ... Views: 1581
Now that you understand how to craft clear and powerful intentions, you may still find yourself thinking that they are not working. I just figured out another new reason why this could be the case: your intentions may be in direct competition with each other!!
Well we live in very complex ... Views: 1350
Once you have stated your intentions clearly and positively, in the present with great enthusiasm, here are a few more tips to cement the intention process so you can create much better results more quickly and easily.
Conscious Language
I don’t know about you, but I was uncomfortable ... Views: 1268
There is fascinating research that our very DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by the frequency of words. Interestingly, our genetic code follows the same structure as human language. This research claims to directly or indirectly explain phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, ... Views: 1376
In my last article I wrote about the ability to transmit healing and intuitive energy and spiritual awakenings through look, touch, voice, thought or even mere presence. The two meditation masters I lived with were exceptional generators of spiritual energy or “Shakti” and I came to expect this ... Views: 1218