Cell phone radiations are associated with a number of health problems. Brain cancer is one of the major health condition that can be caused due to cell phone radiations. There are studies that claim that excess cell phone usage leads to brain cancer. Research shows that there is an increased ... Views: 1152
Teenage is a beautiful stage of life where adolescents learn the hard and sweet lessons of life. It is that part of life when they learn the basic lessons of being responsible, being respectable and how to turn into an adult slowly and gradually. It is almost like the second last part of a ... Views: 794
The one human activity that has the ability of relaxing and rejuvenating body, mind and soul is “Sleep.” It is during this process wherein the entire body system relaxes from the day’s physical and mental strain. Therefore, various doctors and health experts suggest that individuals should ... Views: 1245
“Money is the secret to all the keys,” says a popular quote. It won’t be exaggeration if said that a sound financial status is the key to a happy life. It is a known fact that a sound financial status can handle majority of the so called life problems. Though many say that money cannot get you ... Views: 1262
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