After emerging from their chrysalis once a butterfly’s wings have dried, it’s had enough sun, and possibly a little nectar from the proper plant, it will fly. When human beings are nurtured, healthy and unencumbered - we fly too. However, when we don’t release what does not serve us, create a space for peace within regularly, and aren’t nurtured emotionally and energetically, we may not fly as well as we had intended. We all want to feel free. When we're free, we are more successful, our relationships flourish and we are better human beings for the world. With that said, here’s a little dose of butterfly wisdom for you…

3 Tips for Feeling Inner Freedom

Are your wings soaked and wet?

Does your energy feel sluggish, like something is gnawing at your emotions or you have unfinished business? This heavy, dragging feeling can be like a low level fever but from an energy standpoint. Sometimes when our past issues with others have not been fully dealt with, they can hang around us like remainders at the end of a math problem. These ‘energetic remainders’ if you will, keep us from feeling at 100%.

Tip #1: Communicate. Don’t let unfinished business hang around you. Talk, text or email - but handle it so that it has no power over your energy. You need your energy to thrive!

Sun on your wings?

Are you having fun in your life? Most of us need to work very hard to make enough money to support our families, so the idea of fun doesn’t come into play as often. However, while we’re working hard we need to find moments for the ‘exhale’ or ‘unplug’, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. You will feel less harried and make less mistakes at home and at work.

Tip #2: Make time to spend with dear friends. Go on a hike. Sleep well. Do nothing for 10 minutes and daydream. Buy yourself flowers sometimes. Walk in nature.

Did you nectar?

In order to feel free within your energy, you must be well nourished. Many of us are so ‘on-the-go’ that we forget to eat until the last minute. Also if you spend a lot of time in your car and you're constantly interacting with others at work, you’ll need to replenish your energy. Fill your cup, as they say. This is the only way to balance - otherwise you will eventually feel depleted.

Tip #3: Take care of your health. Eat well. Read. Make time for spiritual nourishment like prayer, yoga, Reiki or meditation which fills the spiritual cup. Also, practices like meditation and Reiki help to create more clarity within the soul so that the intuitive, creative mind can be greater accessed. This is imperative for flourishing in relationships and in the workplace.

Feeling emotional and energetic freedom is important. We can experience our truest successes when we feel free. We love in a healthier way, we’re more open to others, we feel more grounded, and yes... we are simply happier.

Author's Bio: 

Daydree Horner is the Good Love Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Life Coach at MyOshun. Her goal is to help clients create the ideal environment for personal transformation to occur, where they envision and can manifest the life they truly desire. Her business offers services that help mindfully assist the individual in accessing their own healing, success, transformation and ultimate joy. MyOshun offers Reiki, Couples Reiki, Certified Life Coaching, The Good Love™ Coaching, and à la carte Dating Services such as, Virtual Love Assistant and Goddess Party. Daydree's warm, enthusiastic and focused approach helps clients disarm fear, access their gold within and connect to inner joy. Daydree Horner practices at BodyMind Systems Medical Center in Santa Monica, CA.