Reiki for Troubled Times
There is no doubt that at this time of writing we are globally facing very frightening and uncertain times. Many, many people worldwide are afraid, anxious and overwhelmed by the current pandemic that is going on around us and among us. Reiki is a powerful healing ... Views: 867
How to Send Global Healing.
We are at this moment facing a pandemic. Many people want to do something to help, but feel useless in the face of the statistics that are hiking up and up daily. I have for some weeks, in light of the current situation, been practising sending global healing. I ... Views: 1181
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1066
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1115
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1109
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1024
Many people ask, “What will I feel during a distant Reiki attunement?” There really is no one answer to this question, there are so many variables and possibilities! Even people who, like myself, have received many, many attunements still have different experiences.
What you will experience ... Views: 1053
Meditation for Positive Thinking
This is a short, easy to follow meditation for positive thinking that can help you to re-programme your mind to focus on the good things in life and in turn attract more of those things to you.
Our minds are constantly bombarded by thoughts, experiences, ... Views: 936
There are so many benefits of choosing to receive a distant Reiki attunement. Distant Reiki attunements have been available for many decades now, yet many people still don’t consider it as an option for being attuned to an energy system. I am still amazed at how many Reiki practitioners don’t ... Views: 1133
I am asked a lot about connecting with Spirit Guides, so I thought I’d write an article about my own suggestions and experience of connecting with spirit guides.
We all have spirit guides, they are ethereal being of light that are assigned to us before we begin this lifetime, to help us ... Views: 915
Grounding after attunements can help reduce symptoms of feeling light headed, dizzy and a little disorientated, whether you have received an attunement or have given one, grounding is important to anchor you back to Mother Earth.
When you give or receive attunements you are working with ... Views: 1086
What are Distant Reiki Attunements?
I have been asked a lot about distant Reiki attunements, what they are, how do they work, do they work, etc.
Distant Reiki attunements enable a connection, an alignment to a particular energy vibration. Distant Reiki attunements can be sent to anyone in the ... Views: 962
Energy Meditation
This form of meditation focuses your attention on how everything is made up of energy. It is a simple meditation that is beneficial for your body, mind and spirit. Physically and emotionally this meditation will help you lower stress levels and create a feeling of liberation ... Views: 1112
Room Clearing and Cleansing
Room clearing and cleansing can help shift and remove any stagnant, negative energies that have built up in a room and could be effecting your energies. Just as physical clutter, dust and dirt builds up in a room so too does the non-visible stuff. It is important ... Views: 1062
Daily Ritual
The process of daily ritual is very important in our spiritual lives to help us focus on who we truly are and bring into this reality our true nature. Daily rituals can be as simple or as complicated as you make them, but the purpose is the same-it reinforces your intention and ... Views: 1177
Mind Calm
Mind calm is the process of bringing your mind to a place of complete calm and stillness and can have enormous health benefits for you. When the mind is calm and free from the constant chatter and noise of the day we move into a place of peace and perfect ease, a place where ... Views: 1054
Occasionally when people receive an energy attunement or energy healing, whether it is chakra balancing, Reiki or whatever form, they experience a healing crisis after and actually feel worse before they feel better. This can sometimes have a negative effect as people focus on the crisis and not ... Views: 1642
Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences – they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. The are used for their healing properties the world over for centuries.
Essential oils can be very therapeutic when used correctly. Essential oils are used ... Views: 1507
As you may have already guessed if you've looked at my website, I'm a Reiki fanatic! I love Reiki healing, but I do acknowledge that it's not the only form of energy healing that exists and many people prefer other methods.
There are many forms of energy healing available to us, from ... Views: 1817
The Chakra Shower Meditation can be performed as a full length meditation or with practise it can become an exercise that you can easily do whenever you feel you need to cleanse your Chakras.
We are all aware of the cleansing and healing properties of water and the power of colour. The Chakra ... Views: 3277
Four Easy Ways To Meditate
Meditation is so beneficial to us for our mind, body and soul. There are many different ways and methods to meditate. Below are some methods you can try, for each of them make sure that you will not be disturbed and that you are sitting comfortably with your back ... Views: 1388
Laughter the Best Medicine
Is laughter the best medicine? Laughter certainly has enormous amounts of health benefits ranging from positively affecting diabetes, lowering risks of heart attacks, reducing stress, anxiety and depression, improving emotional health, strengthen your immune system ... Views: 1061
Having a Meditation Space can be a very important part of having meditation in your life. It can become part of your ritual. The space doesn't have to be huge, just a secluded nook in the home where you can be in total isolation to be able to think, relax, calm down and meditate. A place to sit ... Views: 1063
We are all faced with problems in our lives, whether small problems on a day to day basis or great problems that will potentially change your life. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and everything appears daunting, but if you develop a positive outlook small problems become insignificant and then ... Views: 1319
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Mindfulness - by Amanda Hadley - New Earth Energies
Our every day lives can be stressful, hectic and demanding, we are all guilty at some point of neglecting the present moment, allowing our brains to run like some bizarre computer program, remembering last week, last year, things to do tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. ... Views: 1150
Distant Reiki Attunements
I get asked a lot about distant reiki attunements, what they are and how they work. I am well aware of the controversy between Reiki practitioners regarding distant reiki attunements, my personal view and one shared by many others, is that if distant healing works ... Views: 2227
Are you feeling the Winter Blues? I know the short days often take their toll on me, so here are four quick and easy ways to lift your spirits that you can try any time.
1. Breathe
Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed and palms on your lap. Take a slow and deep breath using the ... Views: 1264
Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant with so many beneficial properties. If you've never tried it, read on to find it's many, many uses.
Out of the 400 species of the Aloe family, Aloe Vera (meaning True Aloe) has been used for thousands of years and is still present in varieties of medicines ... Views: 1408
The Benefits of Smiling
Recently I've been trying to smile more. I've noticed that whenever I smile I feel so much better. It's not that I don't smile because I'm unhappy, I just seem to have lost the smiling habit, or if I do smile, it's quick and fleeting. I'm practising smiling more, ... Views: 1152
The Cat Breathing and Cat Pose _ Yoga
I have been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for over twenty years and find it a wonderful system to unite body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga is the practise of relaxation, meditation, postures and breathing techniques.
There are so many benefits to ... Views: 1366
The Cat Breathing and Cat Pose _ Yoga
I have been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for over twenty years and find it a wonderful system to unite body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga is the practise of relaxation, meditation, postures and breathing techniques.
There are so many benefits to ... Views: 1496
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This is by far one of my favourite yoga breathing techniques. It can be a little difficult to get used to, but once you are you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it!
Alternate nostril breathing helps balance out the left and right side of the brain, calm your ... Views: 1428
Rose Quartz Crystal
Rose quartz is by far my favourite crystal to work with, look at and hold. The energies of rose quartz for me are amazing, bringing comfort, compassion, peace, love and healing.
Rose Quartz is often referred to as the stone of the heart and associated with the heart ... Views: 1544
If you've never used haematite before, or maybe you've forgotten about this wonderful stone, then the following article should spark your interest.
Haematite, also spelled hematite, is the mineral form of iron oxide. It is a magnetic stone, that is quite heavy. It is normally ... Views: 1177
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1523
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1494
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1525
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Reiki Today - by Amanda Hadley- New Earth Energies.
Reiki Today
Reiki is energy healing. Generally speaking whatever type of Reiki we are talking about it is based upon channelling natural energies, universal life force to heal either ourselves or any other living thing.
Please note that by living thing I refer to anything that has ... Views: 1662
The Bridge Pose _ Yoga
I have been practicing and teaching Hatha Yoga for over twenty years and find it a wonderful system to unite body, mind and spirit. Hatha yoga is the practise of relaxation, meditation, postures and breathing techniques.
There are so many benefits to your health when you ... Views: 1162
This is an article on crystal healing intended to give a brief introduction to using crystals.
Crystals are wonderful stones to work with for self healing and healing others physically, emotionally and spiritually. They give off gentle, natural healing energies.
Every crystal through it's ... Views: 1072
Be Guided by Spirit not Driven by EGO
The ego can be seen in many aspects of a person's character. It is often identified as arrogance, jealousy, fear, stubbornness, judgement, etc. It is also that little voice inside us that stops us from being in the present moment by using worry, fear and ... Views: 2578