We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Depression". If you have expertise in Depression and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Originally the title of this article, Darkness and the Redemption of the Light, sounded to me to be like an old-time church song, a boisterous Gospel hymn. It got me thinking about lyrics, a lot of Simon and Garfunkel, actually: “Hello Darkness, my old friend…” and then, Eleanor Rigby, who in ... Views: 735
1) Irritability
2) Irrational fear of going out
3) Slowing of mental process
4) Distrust of others
Anxiety in the over 60’s tends to be of the “worst case; what if” type
If I go on this coach trip there might be an accident, or I might be left behind. If I go out ... Views: 4120
In a dream last night I was visited by Ronnie Raben, who walked with me through a landscape of towering trees and exquisite flowers. Our world was enveloped by an aquamarine sky. We eventually came to a cluster of trees where we sat and began to talk. I marveled at the brilliance of life and ... Views: 5802
Over the Edge and Back
As I reached my early twenties, I fell off a cliff. Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and given a life sentence of mental illness and medication, my great potential I’d heard so much about growing up seemed to all but disappear right before my eyes.
Over a five year ... Views: 1628
Depression the Illness
Depression is an illness that can affect anyone at any time. The symptoms are not always recognized as Depression, because you might be feeling a bit low on energy, a bit emotional, getting up in the morning is an effort, self-esteem seems to have flown out of the ... Views: 6662
How many times have you started a diet, a new way of thinking, or tried something new and then a setback occurs and you just go back to the way you were?
Don’t worry, you are not the only one! Setbacks and difficulties occur all of the time – they are a natural activity of life.
There are two ... Views: 1406
Have you ever felt down during the winter months, when days are shorter and you’re inside more? You may have felt symptoms of SAD – seasonal affective disorder. SAD is a type of depression that hits when days become shorter. In some it may be no more than a slight case of wintertime blues. But ... Views: 1776
So how does one put the wind back in their sail?
It's simple really, and here's the great news. You are the sail and the wind behind it. Yes, you.
Most people set off on their course in life with their sail boat chartered for great destinations. Somewhere along the way the wind seems to ... Views: 3672
When we're in a depressed state, it seems as if it's never going to end. But everything changes over time. We can facilitate the rapidity of a change to more positive territory through actions of our own, such as those suggested below. No matter how bad things might be, or get, you always have ... Views: 1321
One of the most common experiences among depressed individuals is the self’s ability to negate itself, to see ‘negative’ within one’s own performance. A bright student does not think she is smart enough; a hard working mother believes she does bad parenting; an administrator only sees mistakes ... Views: 6551
Treating depression early and effectively can prevent it from becoming more severe and lasting longer. The type of depression a person is suffering with will determine the best choice for treatment.
Major Depression and Dysthymia can be treated with both psychotherapy and medication. Most ... Views: 1043
The Holidays are over and we've survived them. We may have put on a couple of pounds, but they can be dropped, if we get back on track. What we are looking at now is the rest of a long winter without the fun of the holidays to keep us occupied. During this time, many people suffer from something ... Views: 2774
Emotional eating can be all consuming. Sitting in front of the television shoveling food in your mouth as fast as you can. Not really tasting what you're eating. Not necessarily thinking about what it is you're eating. Continuing to eat long past the point of being full. Often times starting to ... Views: 985
Nadya Suleman is a 33 year old unemployed single mother who recently gave birth to octuplets, conceived through in vitro fertilization. She grew up as an only child and had always dreamed of having a large family. Reporters, pundits and bloggers have called her irresponsible and selfish, as she ... Views: 1207
Deborah first noticed the symptoms three years ago. It was late October and for no apparent reason the then-39-year-old financial planner began feeling increasingly lethargic, anxious and “grumpy”. Over the next several weeks Deborah began sleeping more and gaining weight. She tried ... Views: 1421
Whether striving to become a New You this year or just looking to Beat the Blues and strengthen your faith, Guideposts.com is full of uplifting content featuring inspiring people and inspiring stories sure to raise everyone's spirits.
Guideposts is inviting people who are looking to take ... Views: 966
The statistics for mental health problems in the UK are alarming. 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems this year in Britain, of which mixed anxiety & depression is the most common[1]. That’s 1 in every 3 adults and 1 in 10 children [2]. Anti-depressants are taken ... Views: 3038
Do you feel your mood and energy lift on the few days the winter sun shines, only to drop like a stone when the world goes gray again? If you are struggling through winter, please allow me to share with you how I learned to banish the winter blues and be myself again.
I know what it feels like ... Views: 684
Winter is upon us, which means it is a natural time to go within ourselves and work through feelings that have been tossed aside during the holiday rush. When these feelings come up, they can at times feel relentless. All that is really happening is that our emotions are trying to get us to ... Views: 2151
If you can translate your depression into a message that you need to make some changes and set out to discover precisely what those changes are, your depression may prepare ... Views: 3270
How are you feeling right now, at this time of year? Do you feel like you have way too much to do? I know I do. On top of all the tasks we usually do every day, there are gifts to buy and wrap, parties to attend (or give), h'eour d'eouvres to make, perhaps a Christmas tree to buy or put ... Views: 1669
Dr. Randi Fredricks, Ph.D., LMFT
San Jose Counseling and Psychotherapy
(408) 264-3082
As scientific evidence accumulates in support of non-conventional approaches to mental health care, more and more practitioners are suggesting these methods to patients. Since prevention of disease is as ... Views: 1333
Many of us have encountered the self proclaimed victim, be it a family member, a friend or a work colleague. What never ceases to amaze is that these people make it their life purpose to report to the world of their misfortune or short coming. Granted some people may have incurred a health ... Views: 2647
If you have a friend or loved one who is experiencing hopelessness or depression, it can be difficult to know exactly what to say or do. While there isn’t any one magic thing to say that will alleviate their pain, there are many ways to offer support.
The best way to offer help is to listen, ... Views: 12393
For anyone who has experienced depression, it’s not a fun place to be. The feeling of sadness and despair can hang over you even though you can’t pinpoint any specific reason for feeling so down. Although many of life circumstances can contribute to depression, it can sometimes be ... Views: 3150
We think about, we dream about and often we worry about what’s going to happen during the holiday season! Sometimes, this is good, sometimes it’s bad.
You have to admit; we tend to get really emotionally charged for any holiday or vacation time of the year. After all, a holiday ... Views: 8632
Kick Depression Out of Bed; Snuggle up with Joy Instead.
"My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I try never to go there alone."
~Ann Lamont; author
Depression sucks.
No doubt about it.
Having treated dozens of individuals with depression over the years, while reading countless books on the ... Views: 3170
"My mind is like a bad neighborhood. I try never to go there alone."
~Ann Lamont; author
Depression sucks.
No doubt about it.
Having treated dozens of individuals with depression over the years, while reading countless books on the treatment of this "noonday demon", I still believe that the ... Views: 11514
The signs of teenage depression can often be mistaken for typical mood swings and ups and downs often associated with simply being a teenager. So, what's considered normal? Is a teenager who's on top of the world in one moment and then suffering from unexplained sadness the next normal or truly ... Views: 1014
It seems more and more people are struggling with depression these days. Many people, like me, would rather get relief from depression symptoms using natural methods. I have found therapeutic grade essential oils to be very helpful in elevating the mood and lifting me out of depression. ...It ... Views: 3031
If we are to believe advertisements and the media, the holidays should be a glittering magic time when dreams come true and all expectations are met. While that might happen on TV, in real life people don’t usually resolve all their problems and live happily ever after in an hour. For ... Views: 1634
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year, experience depressive symptoms in the winter or, less frequently, in the summer, repeatedly, year after ... Views: 1246
The failing economy and rising unemployment are just some of the issues that have contributed to the rise in emotional depression. Depression is actually one of the fasting growing illnesses in the world. The secret though is that more and more men are being diagnosed with depression. Depression ... Views: 2385
Have you ever been lonely in a roomful of people?
Have you ever been perfectly content all alone?
Most people would answer yes to both questions
and yet a number of the same people complain of painful
chronic loneliness. What is loneliness?
Why are some people troubled with it so much ... Views: 3025
With all these rhymes I was tempted to write a poem (and I may still...stay tuned for the sequel!!) about this topic. However, I decided I would just be straight-forward with these dynamics, seeing how critically valuable they are in our day-to-day lives.
We have a choice we make many times ... Views: 1177
Do you wonder why when we have the full range of emotions for approximately 11 months of the year, we expect to be happy 100% during the Holiday season the last month of the year? These expectations tend to be carried forward from generation to generation and are transmited in our culture, the ... Views: 909
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses with 10-15% of people suffering from depression at some stage in their lifetime. The general symptoms of depression include irritability, difficulty to concentrate, feelings of guilt or helplessness, reduced appetite, anxiety, loss of ... Views: 1892
Depression is a mood disorder that can impact your feelings, thoughts, relationships with other people, and even your day-to-day functioning. It is much more common than many people realize, affecting approximately 18 million Americans every year. The symptoms of depression include sadness or ... Views: 1280
There are many forms of anxiety treatment available and people have their own particular story to tell regarding their own experiences. At BeOnForm, we cross paths with hundreds of people who suffer the effects of anxietypanic and agoraphobia in the course of conducting anxiety treatment and as ... Views: 653
I've just had a baby a three weeks ago and I am feeling really depressed. Even though the baby is healthy and I have lots of help, I am still not excited about this whole process and I am really down. My recovery has been difficult and I don't feel like doing anything. How do I ... Views: 1905
As a courageous survivor of ECT (Electric Convulsive Therapy), I am often asked to speak to consumers and their family members about ECT. Many have the same exact questions I had when I was first asked to consider ECT as a treatment invention for my clinical depression back in 1990. Today, 18 ... Views: 1293
If you have been sad, losing appetite, and feeling a bit down lately, you probably are suffering from a mild form of depression. Do not worry; everybody feels this way once in a while. However, if you seem to be in a rut for quite a long time now, you probably need some help to boost your mood ... Views: 1363
Depression can be difficult to diagnose as the depressed person may not wish to admit that they have a problem that needs help. It is estimated that well under half the people who are currently experiencing an episode of depression will seek assistance from medical practitioners.
If you ... Views: 2712
I once heard Dr Wayne Dyer say a very interesting definition of depression. The beautiful thing about this definition is that it reveals both the cause of depression and the possible cure for it. He simply put it this way: depression is the opposite of expression.
Expression here refers to ... Views: 5450
Cathy came for counselling stating that she was feeling depressed. She described feeling sad, unmotivated, sleeping excessively as well as irritable and grouchy. She wondered if she might be clinically depressed and reported that her mother had struggled with depression. During the first session ... Views: 1611
So we have all been there and I think anyone who says they haven't is lying. I am talking about feeling like you are spinning your wheels, there is no hope, you are lost and have no idea where to go, in a funk, or at the worst feeling like giving up. It is the black hole of life.
Below are ... Views: 1334
When you find yourself crying a lot, getting angry a lot, complaining a lot, feeling depressed a lot (you get the idea); your emotions are out of check. You’re being flooded with emotion, which makes “thinking”, good judgment and decision making impossible. This so frequently ... Views: 1138
The American Medical Association says that now almost half of the population has a chronic illness. When we think of chronic illness we do not necessarily think of depression and anxiety. In fact some people like I did a few years ago felt that this illness is all in the head.
My old beliefs ... Views: 1167
The NZ Herald reported in September 2007 that the New Zealand government spends yearly NZ$30 million over a million prescriptions for antidepressants. Concerns are raised about the high prescription rate that includes antidepressants prescribed to adolescents and children as young as one year ... Views: 922
If you recognize the signs of depression and feel you have become depressed after experiencing the loss of a relationship break up then it is important that you take steps to treat this problem. Depression is a serious mental illness and should not be left untreated. Here are some things you ... Views: 2098