Did you ever hear the old song “I’m a Woman” written by songwriters Leiber and Stoller and sung by Peggy Lee? How many of us are still trying to be the "super" woman she sang about back in the 1960s?
I’m a W-O-M-A N
I can rub & scrub ... Views: 1201
Stress in today's chaotic and combative world is nearly unavoidable. Sources of it are everywhere and it's tough to escape it. While we can turn off the TV and stop reading the news, pressures in our daily life are a different matter. In some cases, a little tension may even be beneficial if it ... Views: 2563
If there were no other reason for eating other than to fuel our body, would we ever overdose on turnips? Liver and onions? Pickled tongue? Probably not! Then what is it that makes us want to eat an entire bag of candy, a plateful of spaghetti, a super-sized Big Mac and fries, or a box of ... Views: 3697
Regardless of where we live, we can unwillingly and unwittingly become victims of a disaster, either fueled by nature or by human error. A lightning strike in a beetle-killed forest, a single burning cigarette tossed into dry grasses along a road, or a campfire left untended can turn into an out ... Views: 1772
Have you spent most of your life feeling unworthy or somehow inferior? How many times have you held yourself back or prevented yourself from doing something you really wanted to do because you were convinced you weren’t “good enough?” This insidious belief is the silent saboteur that prevents us ... Views: 1495
Throughout our lives we experience all kinds of emotional ups and downs, and while we don’t always remember the specifics about past situations or events, their emotional after effects can stay with us indefinitely. Whenever we are unable to cope with our emotional pain, it may be easier simply ... Views: 1802
It's unclear where the idea of poverty mentality originated, but one of the earliest motivational speakers to talk about it was Zig Ziglar. Poverty mentality is a mindset about money that develops over time – it is a “poor me” attitude that stems from a deep-seated belief that there is never ... Views: 13105
Just like the main character in the 1960s Broadway production of Stop the World – I Want to Get Off, we may long for something better in our lives, but never realize that what we really wanted was right in front of us all along. Too often, it is not until someone or something we cherish is gone ... Views: 2116
Losing a family member, dear friend or a cherished pet is one of life’s most painful experiences. When we lose a loved one there is actually a double loss. Not only do we lose that person’s physical presence, we lose the potential for what might have been. The loss of physical presence can ... Views: 2787
Are you a fearful flyer? Does your heart race or your palms sweat at the mere thought of getting in a large metal tube that weighs as much as 395,000 lbs. at takeoff, is 159 feet long (more than half the length of a football field), and somehow manages to stay in the air 35,000 feet above the ... Views: 1974
It has been nearly 34 years since the Viet Nam war ended in 1975, but to John W. and thousands of others like him, it might as well have been yesterday. John still jumps violently when he hears fire crackers or a car backfire. He still awakens during the night tense and alert for any hint of ... Views: 3453
If we are to believe advertisements and the media, the holidays should be a glittering magic time when dreams come true and all expectations are met. While that might happen on TV, in real life people don’t usually resolve all their problems and live happily ever after in an hour. For ... Views: 1642
“Take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more….” For countless numbers of unhappy employees these immortal words made famous by country singer Johnny PayCheck still resonate as loudly today as when he first sang them in 1977. How many days do you get up ... Views: 1770
For thousands of years, hands have played a significant role in the healing practices of many peoples and cultures. While the concept of “laying on of hands” fell into disfavor for more than 500 years, there is now a resurgence of interest in hands-on healing, both within Western ... Views: 1687