Six years after her first encounter with Bioenergy healing, Tania Ahsan meets founder Michael Cohen again to find out how his technique has developed.
"I recommended the treatment six years ago and that hasn’t changed"
by Tania Ahsan
Editor of Kindred Spirit, Mar 2009
Six years after her ... Views: 1956
The statistics for mental health problems in the UK are alarming. 300 people out of 1,000 will experience mental health problems this year in Britain, of which mixed anxiety & depression is the most common[1]. That’s 1 in every 3 adults and 1 in 10 children [2]. Anti-depressants are taken ... Views: 3042
In May 2007 having had 2 brain tumours removed Trudy commenced a series of 16 Bioenergy Healing Sessions with its founder Michael Cohen at his London Clinic. What was to transpire from her Bio Energy Healing treatments was so profound and life changing. For the first time in 2 years Trudy had ... Views: 1487
This week the Daily Mail published an article on Deep Brain Stimulation that entails two holes being drilled into your skull and then the brain being stimulated with electrodes.
Is this ... Views: 2704
Michael Cohen experienced 14 years of debilitating digestive symptoms, which affected him physically, as well as the psychological mind games associated. He had intolerances to 16 different food types as well as being hyper sensitive to chemicals, smells and pollution. He overcame all his food ... Views: 2256
In May 2007 having had 2 brain tumours removed Trudy commenced a series of 16 Bioenergy Healing Sessions with its founder Michael Cohen at his London Clinic. What was to transpire from her Bio Energy Healing treatments was so profound and life changing. For the first time in 2 years Trudy had ... Views: 1498
“When I came for treatment I was unable to see any way out of my current situation. Since working with Michael the way forward has been clear and obvious. I haven't looked back since! “ Sarah
Sarah is a high-flying Corporate Management Consultant who was stuck in the fear of not ... Views: 1760
The RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Clinic in London W1 specialises in treating debilitating, difficult and long-term symptoms.
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing is a non-invasive, hands on/off technique that is used to access a client’s body’s energy circuitry system, to enhance dramatically ... Views: 1572
Sarah*, a client who was diagnosed with Clinical Bi-Polar Depression turned round during her RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing Treatment session and said:
“There was something small I forgot to mention. I usually travel around London on double-decker buses. I always sit up top so that I can look ... Views: 1468
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Beyond PMS Hell - by Michael Cohen and Aglaia Hernandez Kortis
“In 2001 whilst at work I felt the most excruciating pain in my pubic area that had me folded in half on the office floor. I started bleeding uncontrollably and was rushed to Westminster Hospital.
After the examination they discarded the possibility of a miscarriage. I was diagnosed by ... Views: 3046
Sara* experiences extreme emotional patterns including: feelings of sadness, tearfulness, low confidence, anxiety, distress, mugginess, imbalance, irrationality, lethargy and tightness in the chest.
For the last 9 months things have been spiralling and were getting to the point of being out of ... Views: 3570
Bioenergy Healing Practitioner Training
2005-2006 Apprenticeship Training Course
The Bioenergy Healing Research Foundation presents a unique opportunity for you to train with its founder, Michael Cohen. Each year Michael will select only 3 students to train alongside him in his clinic. The ... Views: 2678
RaphaYad Bioenergy Healing is the dynamic technique that is at the cutting edge of Bioenergy Medicine and Healing.
Throughout a persons life emotional and physical traumas as well as conflicts impair the connections in their body. These in turn cause blockages and cellular degeneration, ... Views: 2951
Hi, I'm Michael Cohen, Bioenergy Healer and Teacher...welcome to the world of energy medicine and energy healing. I work within the field of Bioenergy using a technique known as Bio Plasmic Manipulation (BPM). My website will take you through the different applications and techniques that i am ... Views: 1344