The use of magnets to treat arthritis
Please read all of this article before attempting any self treatment
The management of the pain caused by the condition known as arthritis is a concern, at least for some part of their life, for the majority of the population. Usually, but not ... Views: 1406
What is good health and how do we get it.
By Peter Rose FSI
Most people wish to have or to remain in, good health, but what is that? To some it is the simple absence of pain; to others it is the ability to perform a specified physical activity with ease.
My personal definition of good health ... Views: 893
How Natural are natural therapies The concept of NATURAL health care
The other day I was asked how I could both believe in natural medicines and eat meat. This reminded me of the people I have met, usually city dwellers with no first hand practical knowledge of the natural world, who think ... Views: 1051
Daily meditation. And exercise by peter rose FSI
NB It has taken several years to evolve this sequence of actions and during this time my physical fitness and strength has also evolved. I am now 70 years old and still find I can improve slightly in my daily routine.
Any and every person who ... Views: 1014
When we use anything we can not ignore how they have been designed to be used. Computer systems have specific design limitations and have to be accessed and operated in the way that was designed. Machines are the same. You can not drive a car by ignoring the way the steering is designed to be ... Views: 983
Thoughts belong in the ethereal world, which is why it is hard to capture them and write them down in an earth bound language.
It is also why thought forms are strong and important. It is also why it is so hard to remember a thought in its entirety.
When the intuition instigates a thought, ... Views: 1219
Many, if not most, of the religions of the world suggest that you need to be poor in order to be “saved”; or that some how, being deprived and poor materially is the way to heaven.
To some extent the definition of religion is going to get involved in any consideration of this suggestion. ... Views: 1605
Some people say we choose, before we start a cycle of earthly life, a life which contains illness, pain, problems, poverty etc and so they conclude that since we chose it we must accept it. I believe they are wrong in that conclusion. We may choose suffering but the choice is made in order ... Views: 1222
The Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu; must be the most “interpreted” text in the history of this planet. Most printed editions of this wonderful work include the producers’ interpretation of the original work. Since the original was written in ancient Chinese where so few “characters” had so many ... Views: 1289
To build the most beautiful pagodas then use them to dry washing; that is spiritual. Beauty without purpose is not part of the natural way.
In nature the most beautiful flowers and birds are all beautiful for a purpose. If human kind does stand between Heaven and Earth, then it must learn from ... Views: 1105
Shiatsu is about energy, it is about projection of energy, it is about being a conduit for universal energy, it is about re-aligning a recipients energy; but it is also about pressure, the physical stimulus of selected trigger points, about physical releasing of toxins that had become locked ... Views: 1752
Yoga and Magnetic Therapy
By Peter Rose FSI
Our modern world is full of stresses that did not exist for previous generations. This statement could have been written in any period, from the industrial revolution (about1800 ) onwards. That does not make it any the less true. The sheer ... Views: 2235
Arthritis is a generic name for any pain connected with a joint. It can have a variety of causes and can occur at any age. It can be due to a degeneration of the bones, and or the ligaments that connect them. This degeneration can be through wear and tear or due to an “organic” problem with the ... Views: 1389
Anxiety and depression in people of advanced years
CONTENTS :- general information, recognition of symptoms, how to alleviate the problems
1) Irritability
2) Irrational fear of going out
3) Slowing of mental process
4) Distrust of ... Views: 1332
The path from ill health to good health takes 7 stages; odd how often 7 comes up. Shakespeare claimed there were 7 ages of human existence, it was said there were 7 wonders of the world, 7 deadly sins and we could go on. The ancient belief systems claimed that a Sharman had to go through 7 ... Views: 3055
Using our bodies as they are designed to be used.
When we use anything we can not ignore how they have been designed to be used. Computer systems have specific design limitations and have to be accessed and operated in the way that was designed. Machines are the same. You can not drive a car by ... Views: 933
1) Irritability
2) Irrational fear of going out
3) Slowing of mental process
4) Distrust of others
Anxiety in the over 60’s tends to be of the “worst case; what if” type
If I go on this coach trip there might be an accident, or I might be left behind. If I go out ... Views: 4113