The day was a most beautiful one. A perfect day for the challenge was now here. The feeling was terrific and exhilarating too.

It was a job that must be done even though there wasn't any encouragement from either family or friends. It was time for the jump anyway so the decision was made.

What a view! It was better than anyone could have expected it would be. Ah! The feeling of perfect freedom was so exhilarating. That confident feeling now swelled in my chest even more than before.

The landing was getting closer & closer to the target now. I was sure everyone would eventually accept my decision to take on this challenging experience.

It wasn't long before I had my feet solidly planted on the ground. The applause was unbelievable when the target eventually reached . I was confident my decision would eventually enhance my life dramatically. This goal had been planned for a long time. And now it was reality

Did you really think this was a parachute jump? No it wasn't. This was some part of a 5-minute speech I made at the National Convention of the Dale Carnegie Organization several years ago. The exact words of this speech might not have been totally accurate. But it was the best that could be remembered.

The speech was an analogy of a decision to leave the family florist business and pursue a sales career. All the words used and the incidents described were very realistic to the challenging decision that was made. The audience seemed to be mesmerized by the speech. The emotions expressed were very convincing.

In the final minutes of the speech it was explained to the audience what this speech was all about. They now knew that this was all about a career that had been planned for a long time.

But the day turned out a little disappointing. I lost the contest. The speech went over the time limit by 2-3 seconds. It was the agreement of the judges that the loss was strictly because the speech went over the time limit.

The emotion displayed was so overwhelming in that speech that there wasn't enough attention paid to my wife and a couple of other people giving time signs from the back of the room.

There was a valuable lesson learned that day and it was this. Defeat is very disappointing but it's never permanent. That needs to be known by anyone who’s ever had any disappointment in life. You should never give up on achieving your goals in life. If you just hang on and keep at it sooner or later success will come your way.

In the years that followed I did win some local and regional speech awards but never got the chance to enter another national contest. However it was a thrill to eventually become a graduate assistant with the Dale Carnegie organization.

It required presenting sample speeches to the new members of the course each week. It was a lot of fun and enjoyment working with the instructor.

Eventually I joined the National Speakers Association with the goal to become a professional speaker got some local contracts for speeches and made some money from them.

However the big dream of being a top professional speaker never materialized. But I finally found a real purpose in life as a sales supervisor training a team of salesmen.

This was one of the most exciting and profitable times of my life. It was gratifying to see how helping learn the correct skills they develop profitable territories.

Sooner or later you have to come to realize that your life doesn't always turn out the way you expect. You must be persistent, have a strong passion to achieve your goals and initiate a well devised plan daily.

That eventually can help you create the ideal lifestyle you desire. Just go for it and see if that's not true. Here’s where you can get started. Go here for more information now.

Author's Bio: 

Born in Jeffersonville, IN Sonny Julius grew up in a family that owned a local florist business that lasted or 63 years. For 29 years he was personally involved in the business. Eventually becoming dissatisfied with it he left to become a sales representative and spent more than 20 years in sales roles. During that time he trained sales staff using an 8-step formula he developed.
After retirement Sonny became heavily involved in developing an Internet business devoted to helping others develop a plan to set realistic goals and accomplish them so they can design the ideal lifestyle they desire.