You know the situation: There you are at a business or social function and you end up with someone who you have never met before. Some people get amazingly uncomfortable with this situation because they simply don't know how to start or carry on a conversation. Yet successful people are always ... Views: 1564
I walked out of his office inspired. All I could immediately recall were those soft-spoken words, “STAY WITH IT”. They were from no less a person than Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Success Power fame, on whom I had gone to pay a courtesy call. The first time we met was two years earlier when he came to my ... Views: 2456
Killing Procrastination Instantly
Have you ever had a great idea but did not act upon it? And then later you saw that product or service out in the marketplace, perhaps earning the founder/inventor millions of dollars? Fortunes are lost due to procrastination but that’s not the only reason ... Views: 1593
Wow, what a great feeling!
You woke up day after day, feeling this nagging sense of dissatisfaction. “Is this what my life has become? Trudging from point A to point B with life’s great exhilaration coming from a cup of java?”, you quietly asked yourself, day after day.
The days melted away ... Views: 1197
This is the age of the Quick Fix - the magic bullets that claim to take away our sorrows, our tiredness, our sadness.
You need look no farther than your mailbox to see the range of remedies - prescription drugs and supplements - being plugged for everything from stress to low energy.
In the ... Views: 1511
Our beliefs frame our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality…do you know what you’re thinking?
Personal and professional development is a passion, as well as my business, and I often hear people lamenting about this or that problem, expressing a desire to see change in some aspect of ... Views: 2450
Happiness- you can’t beg for it or buy it or even barter for it. You can however create it and better yet sustain it. If you want to be happier long-term make creating and sustaining happiness a priority and apply the following happiness sustaining principals.
Choose it
The old adage, "people ... Views: 2368
Summer is here, our days are packed full and we often become stressed. We sometimes have so much going on we think there's no time to laugh and have fun. Wrong! There is good news! Smiling and laughter are really good for your health! And the more you do them the better!
From biblical ... Views: 6345
Focus. That is the single most important ability determinant of your success. The lack of it is also the single most common problem faced by a major portion of the general populace.
The average person cannot focus his or her mind on any one thought, task or thing for extended periods of time if ... Views: 2269
When Martin Luther King stood on the steps and proclaimed "I have a dream!" he did more than give a speech.
When John F Kennedy told America that he saw a man on the moon, he was not just giving a speech.
When these great men communicated, they did more than speak. They projected their vision ... Views: 997
My granddaughter has great parents and also great grandparents, and we all do things differently.
As parents, we love our children and also are responsible for emotional intelligence training and also character training! We want them to grow up to be responsible adults, contributing members ... Views: 1278
Zen mind is the “Natural” state of our beings: No self, no identity, no memes, no beliefs.
Any idea of “what is” takes us away from what is – to be in the moment, all ideas need to be gone. There’s not even an “I” to have the ideas.
The natural being acts as an outcome of the movement of the ... Views: 1371
In a previous article I talked about survivors who are unable to move on with their lives and/or having the attitude that everything that is wrong in their life is the result of another person. In that article it was discussed about how important forgiving yourself is so you can move on.
So ... Views: 8036
Nearly as dreaded as snakes and spiders, public speaking ranks high in causing fear in many of us.
Whether your motivation is a desire to learn or simple necessity, here is a really simple guide to writing and giving a speech.
Your Topic: is this speech about something already know? Then take ... Views: 3209
"What I do is prepare myself until I know I can do what I have to do."
Joe Namath
How prepared are you for that big break you are anxiously waiting for?
How prepared are you to begin the journey to achieve your dream?
What opportunities have you missed because you were not prepared?
Have your ... Views: 1534
There are two paths to follow in life. One is the path of the Dreamer, and the other is the path of the Dream Stealer. Which path are you following through life?
We all start out as dreamers! As little children we all have dreams of being something magic, perhaps a space adventurer or a ... Views: 2358
The more you follow the path of exploration into the mystery of life, the more life becomes revealed to you. Life begins to express its secret, its nature. What is required of us, for deeper understanding, is a commitment to follow earnestly the laws of life into self discovery. Few things have ... Views: 1068
For many years I have worked with people who are keen to work effectively as possible. The most successful people I have encountered in this time are moved by an expansive vision. They are fascinated by life and driven to experience it fully. They respond well to change although they do not ... Views: 1143
As a woman of color, you've always desired radiant, even-toned skin and healthy, fast-growing hair, but you may not have always had the facts and the guidance you need to look your best. Few books and magazines offer details about the skin and hair of women of color. The books that do offer only ... Views: 2520
It’s occurred to me several times that we don’t have enough hours in the day to finish all the jobs we have. We take the job home with us. After all, we are the embodiment of what we do. Create a fantasy. Smash up against reality. We think up complex games, contest ideas, promotional ... Views: 993
Want to get better connected to your inner self? To access your deeper thoughts and unblock your emotion? Try journaling!
I have been journaling for two years now, and it’s like having a special friend. Someone who’s always there to listen. There is something very comforting about writing in ... Views: 2113
‘With most people unbelief in one thing is founded upon blind belief in another.’
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-99)
At the start of 1954, the sporting world did not believe that a human being could run a mile in under four minutes. Such a feat was deemed impossible and beyond human ... Views: 10444
Do you have weight problems or console yourself with food?
Are you aware of your inner food programming and just how easily those buttons are pushed?
Discover how they got there and how to "re-program" your food responses.
As babies and children we were "trained" by reward and punishment to ... Views: 1073
I am reading a book named Anam Cara-A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue. It is fascinating!
Anam Cara in Gaelic means “soul friend”. Your Anam Cara is a person who you could reveal the deepest intimacies of your life to -- someone with whom to share your soul. Do we have friends like that ... Views: 1403
Tom Peters, alumnus of the management consulting firm of McKinsey & Company and one of today's best known and highest paid management gurus, first came to prominence in 1982 as he "knocked our socks off" with his eye-opening best-seller In Search of Excellence. This thought-provoking classic ... Views: 13817
On Diagnosis
First Things First
Where was I when I learned that I had breast cancer? You may as well ask where I was when I learned that JFK had been shot. I will never forget either answer.
In the case of JFK, I was in college, returning to my dormitory after class to find the television on ... Views: 4319
Death. No one wants to talk about it and yet none of us will escape it. When it happens to someone we know, most people don’t know how to handle it. And it’s because people are uncomfortable about it and it’s so final that people fear the most. In fact, there’s only one thing that tops death on ... Views: 2785
One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz."
Then he pulled out a one-gallon, ... Views: 1289
So, you want to fall in love? You are certainly old enough and moving
well along your chosen career path. Many of your friends are either married
or in committed relationships. You have grown weary of the singles scene
and the solitary life. Therefore, you must be ready, right?
Not ... Views: 1409
There have been many things which I have achieved in the past without apparently having set any goals, and conversely, many goals that I had set, written down, thought a lot about and yet didn’t achieve. Have you found this to be true for you too?
Interestingly, the goals that really meant ... Views: 1447
One of the first things most of us remember hearing when learning to drive an automobile was "Keep your hands on the wheel." Then there were other precautions like, "Keep your eyes on the road, drive defensively, buckle up for safety, and watch the road signs!"
These basic precautions would ... Views: 1183
When I was three years old, I had an experience I’ll never forget. My mother had just prepared lunch for my brother and me, and a neighbor lady came running over, breathless, telling my mother some news. Mom went right to the television and turned it on. This was unusual—she rarely watched ... Views: 1586
This FORWARD-LIVING Legend has taken his abilities and energy and focused them in such a way that enabled him to overcome many obstacles throughout his life. His childhood was one of poverty, slavery and some of the most debilitating work known to man. He was born in 1856.
During his years of ... Views: 1140
Remember me! It’s me! Joseph here in touch with you again! Okay, so you don’t remember! That’s fine then, so let me refresh your mind a bit. When we were in spirit, we had the same discussion you know and I told you, “Hopefully you will remember me when I approach you on this plane.” However, I ... Views: 1622
Several years ago, during an interview with Bernie Siegel on precognitive intuition and the role it plays in his life, this distinguished doctor and bestselling author recounted a story about a patient who criticized him for his anger. Siegel responded, "I was angry because of what I had to do ... Views: 1140
Emotional and physical well being depend on the metaphysical balance between giving and receiving. Both the Jewish mystical work, the Kabbalah, and the Dali Lama’s Book of Transformations assert the same principle: Each one of us needs to establish a balance between giving and receiving. Easier ... Views: 1707
We are each beings of light. Within that light are all the colors of the rainbow—all the aspects of God and humanity—all the power of our natural spiritual abilities. Why do some of us open to the full spectrum of our magnificence and power? Why do most of us continue to see only black and ... Views: 1146
1. Now is the time to be honest with yourself and others.
If you're trying to revitalize yourself, you have to be honest about what is and is NOT working in your life. Self-deception is like driving around in circles: you're moving, but you're not getting anywhere.
2. The only person you ... Views: 3832
Spread on fresh ALOE VERA GEL (from the leaves of the aloe plant) or products containing fresh aloe. How do you know if it’s fresh? Fresh products have an expiration date. Aloe soothes with anti-inflammatory plant sterols.
Aloe also ... Views: 4928
Part I
From the moment of our birth until the moment of our demise, we are constantly writing our life’s experiences onto the slates of our minds; and when we have finished writing on a slate, it is stored in an imaginary trunk where they remain until such time as they are needed as a reference ... Views: 1912
If you've been practicing the Law of Attraction, then you're probably familiar with the expressions, "just Allow" and "it will come." Well, technically, both expressions are true. However, Allowing is not just thinking that you can have your desire - it's also knowing and feeling that it is ... Views: 1452
Here's a great way to program, or set yourself up, for success in advance. It is one of many of what I call, New Empowering Habit Plans (TM). A New Empowering Habit Plan is a formula for achieving success in any given area of your life and requires a minimum of 21 consecutive days of ... Views: 2294
Major Players in the Affiliate Marketing Industry like
Commission Junction, Linkshare & BeFree are losing an
armada of potential affiliates!
If you're actively involved ... Views: 2337
Thinking about buying a Treadmill? Here are 4 questions to ask BEFORE you buy to make sure you get the most out of your treadmill purchase:
Question #1: What will you use your treadmill for?
Will you be using your treadmill for walking or running? If you're planning on running on your ... Views: 3567
If you read or watch Dr. Phil McGraw, chances are you've heard his advice on how to break a bad habit.
He points out that you can't just STOP doing the behavior to break the habit. You have to REPLACE that behavior with another behavior.
In other words, you have to START doing something else ... Views: 1238
Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun: But if a man live many years, and rejoice in them all; yet let him remember the days of darkness; for they shall be many.Ecclesiastes 11:7,8 (KJV)I was working in a shipyard, building gunboats for the Royal ... Views: 1370
Eight Baby Steps To Knowing Your "Self"
Who are you? What do you stand for? What do you believe in? What engages your passion? What brings tears of gratitude and joy to your eyes? Do you know, or have you lost yourself? In my work as a professional coach, I’ve helped many people ... Views: 1145
The rewards of life come to those who do, not to those who merely read, talk or day dream. Action is the key.
Okay I want you to answer this question:
"In December of last year did you achieve all you set out to achieve in January of the same year?"
This is a 'yes or no' answer, so don't ... Views: 1073
Some of the best marriages contain two people looking at each other through foggy glasses. And that’s a good thing.
We have some control over how we experience ourselves, our lovers, our world. Why not, then, choose a more positive version out of the many possibilities we can imagine? When ... Views: 1154
Yes, I know. You've heard it before. You can't love someone and you can't accept true love in your life unless you love yourself first. It does not apply to you, you say. You already love yourself.
Well, do you? Or do you secretly fear that you will not be loved the way you want because you ... Views: 1615