Have you ever overheard people talking about couples that have been married for a very long time? One of things often said is how a couple will begin to look alike over time. How and why do you think this occurs?
This phenomenon parallels a tea bag being steeped in clear water. After a while ... Views: 2618
Key Lesson
Part I:
Life itself has never weighed-in so heavily upon us as to hurt us; rather it is we who - - in ignorance of reality - - carelessly attribute weight to events that are essentially without substance, causing ourselves to suffer nothing less than the fervent magnitude of our own ... Views: 1312
As I was riding down the road last week, I noticed a billboard. As I sat waiting on a stoplight I kept staring at it. I couldn’t help wondering what those people were thinking when they created that thing. It made no sense to me whatsoever. The focus was completely off. They were spending ... Views: 1079
Every day, I receive dozens of emails and telephone calls from worried anxiety disorder sufferers asking me about medications, therapy and other less conventional treatments; my answer is simple, I DO NOT encourage the use of medication and there are so many therapies available now that it is ... Views: 7031
Chapter 2
"Beyond the Thinking Mind"
(Excerpt From STILLNESS SPEAKS)by Eckhart Tolle, author of THE POWER OF NOW
Most people spend their entire life imprisoned within the confines of their own thoughts. They never go beyond a narrow, mind-made, personalized sense of self that is conditioned ... Views: 2371
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Are Your Goals Exciting? - by Jim Donovan author of HANDBOOK TO A HAPPIER LIFE: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life You’ve Always Wanted
This may sound like a strange question, but are you really excited about your goals? Of course, I'm making the assumption that you have already invested the time to think about what you want your life to be like and identified some of your goals in several areas. If not, please do this ... Views: 1343
Have you ever heard a speaker and thought, "What in the world is he talking about?" Content prevents that being said about you!
Without content - you've got nothin'! Let's say you're one of the few who is not afraid of public speaking or presenting. Does it matter if you walk away ... Views: 1719
Article adapted from SHE WHO DREAMS By Wanda Easter Burch
Published by New World Library
(1500 words)
At the beginning of 1990, I followed my dreams to Africa. I was in Ghana when I fell asleep on a warm afternoon, lulled in and out of awareness by the syncopated beating
of yams in the ... Views: 5809
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a common mental disorder seen in childhood and adolescence. The incident of ODD is, on the average, about 10% but fluctuates from study to study depending on the population and the methodology used to determine the diagnosis. ODD is seen more often in ... Views: 4885
(Practical Zen Steps To Falling In Love)
Brenda Shoshanna, Ph.D.
"We never ask the meaning of life
When we are in love."
Bhagwan Osho
We are meant to live a life of love. When we're not in love, something's the matter. However, no matter how successful some are in other ... Views: 5014
One of the biggest differences between introverts and extroverts is how they react to stress.
Some people don’t understand how introverts react to stress. Because of this, they think that all introverts are “neurotic” or mentally ill. Let me explain why this is a misperception.
When ... Views: 8228
Is the flow of energy in your body’s ‘Living Matrix’ the key to you experiencing the interconnectedness that can enable you to move beyond illness, disease, past limitations and performance restrictions? Michael Cohen, Bioenergy Healer and Teacher explores how you, by virtue of your birthright ... Views: 2377
(in no particular order ... they are all great!)
Who does not need a moment in life to reflect with the Self? I have searched the Internet for the best looking spiritual treats of all denominations, most are very reasonable in price and serve great food in a modest setting. Most are open to ... Views: 3480
You have and will experience sadness. It might be the loss of a job, pet or a loved one. Yes, even a loved one. The trouble is, particularly here in the United States, we have a quick-fix for everything... why not sadness too?
Our quick-fix for sadness is that it's simply not allowed. Healthy ... Views: 3057
Recent statistics suggest that 40% of women (and that number is increasing) and 60% of men at one point indulge in an affair. Put those numbers together and it is estimated that 80% of the marriages will have one spouse at one point or another involved in an affair.
That may seem like a very ... Views: 6144
"Bad Boys".
If you're a woman, you may be saying "hmmm" as you hear these words. You know you shouldn't, but you just can't help yourself.
There is just SOMETHING about these guys that draws you in, even as your head tells you to "beware"!
So, what exactly is the attraction? It's not ... Views: 1456
This may be the most important article you’ll read about dealing with your husband’s affair. There’s plenty of information available on what to do if your husband is cheating. But very little has been written about the things you shouldn’t do.
Your husband is cheating. You’re not sure what ... Views: 5995
Yes, it is possible for the people of all ages to keep themselves healthy, physically fit and young looking throughout their whole lives. Just take the following three steps and enjoy a healthy, happy and a long life.
1. Eat Balanced Food
It's OK to eat for taste or for fun and eat whatever ... Views: 1280
Faith Burgess is a bright and charming stay-at-home mom. She has a toddler, Joshua. Faith is an introvert and so is her three year old son. I asked Faith to try and put into words what it was like to be an introvert so I could help get the idea across to my readers. This is the story she told ... Views: 1662
Relationships come and go. Some flourish. Some flop. Why?
One person has a business. Another person has the same type business. One business thrives. The other falls short. Why?
The Answer: Heart Failure
This is not the same type of heart failure as your physical body experiences – but it ... Views: 1134
As a hypnotherapist, I have people come to me who want to improve their lives. Many of them succeed with their goals. But some of them aren't ready for the change they think that they want. For instance, I had a client who wanted to stop smoking. He quit with very little problem, but a couple of ... Views: 1040
Since the beginning of our creation, the plants, flowers and trees have been with us. Even at our most primitive, we relied on them for their profound healing abilities. What has changed? Mostly, our lack of personal relationship with them. Our highly technical, over busy, media-drenched lives ... Views: 1904
Are there any pre-defined terms of Life, when adhered to , can make our lives better or makes the world around us a better place to live. To come to think of it, Yes - there are certain basic fundamental truths of life and the best thing we can do is to accept some of the time tested ones ... Views: 3427
Do you get tongue-tied while speaking to strangers or office-colleagues? Or, the thought of giving a presentation/speech to a group of people sends a rattle snake up your spine? Your voice turns viscous, your knees go weak, and your spirit leaves you to stroll on another planet?
Don’t worry; ... Views: 12660
People who touch your life, are those who are loving, kind, caring. They lift your day, they make you feel appreciated.
What is it about these people that is so special? They are loving, kind, caring. They treat other people well. They do not claim to be great teachers nor do they claim to be ... Views: 1661
Years ago I based my feelings of self-worth on performance and how much I could achieve in school or in business. When I turned to professional writing, my internal rating system focused on the number of sales. But guess what? My need for external approval was a bottomless pit. I could never get ... Views: 1433
Strength training is the most effective way to turn your body into a fat burning machine and stay in great shape! It is the most productive form of exercise there is! In order to be successful with strength training there are some basic principles that must be followed if you want to receive the ... Views: 1287
The multitude of personal development programs available in the market is vast and overwhelming. How do we know which programs are right for us? What can we do to maximize the benefits of a self-improvement course? Here are three steps that I've discovered to be crucial in starting any ... Views: 2641
Even if you know how to get organized, sometimes it seems like there's so much to do you don't even know where to start! Here are some hints to get you going and keep you on track.
1. Break your job into small chunks. If you’re going through lots of paper, take a pile and put it in a nice ... Views: 2968
Yoga literally means Union, it is a union of breath to the body and mind to the muscles. Yoga is an ancient science that originates from the sages of India 5000 years ago. Yoga is extremely popular ... Views: 1492
What are we teaching our children about money? Hopefully something!
I remember when I was growing up, our family did not discuss money. Money was a taboo subject, discussed by the parents and handled by the father.
This is one thing that I wish that was discussed more openly when I was ... Views: 1617
The two words, "men" and "relationships", often are not mentioned in the same sentence without a "punch line" following them. In addition, men are often stereotyped as being "insensitive" or "uncaring" when it comes to the needs of their partner. It has been my experience in coaching men that ... Views: 2372
Every client I deal with, in one way or another, eventually asks that question. The words may be different, but the question is the same. In this turn-of-the-century economic environment, it's a universal question. If you haven't confronted the issue yet, it's only a matter of time before you ... Views: 1310
The latest trend in the area of weight loss is low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet. With so much conflicting information out there on nutrition and weight loss, it’s difficult for the average person to not only find out what works, but also understand how to apply it.
In order to help clear ... Views: 1329
Jesus the Christ said 2,000 years ago, "All That I Do, You Can Do".
Early Christians were able to heal themselves and others with only their hands by using Christ’s Light of God's Unconditional Love. Today's Christians who forsake hate and embrace Jesus' path of Unconditional Love with true ... Views: 2430
It's a hot July day, one of the hottest days of the year. I slip on some sandals to pad down the blistering driveway and retrieve the day’s mail. What do I find amidst the usual real estate solicitations and utility bills? The Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog!
Is it just me, or has time ... Views: 1996
Does it sometimes seem like no matter how hard you work, little gets done? It does to me.
Last week it seemed like every time I looked around we were either having to redo something or some new semi-crisis would present itself. All work towards building the barn got put on hold to fix a broken ... Views: 1592
Our ten steps contain the 10 vital capacities that lead to self-control Yes, self control; a basic and vital human capacity. We have found that self-control is the foundation of emotional intelligence. These 10 steps will lead you and your child to this empowering ability.
Emotional ... Views: 2119
The Naked Truth about Emotional Intelligence
By Margaret Altman
Nancy came to work the other day in a pretty good mood. It ended when her boss suddenly threw a fit over a simple typo in the first draft of a letter that he had dictated
Red-faced and irate her boss flung the letter on her desk ... Views: 1794
The Genius Of
Your Unconscious Mind…
How To Accelerate
Mastering Your Life
Alan Allard
“Your Unconscious Mind, Skillfully Directed
Can And Will, Transform The ‘Impossible’
The Possible
And The Possible
The Probable
And The Probable
Your ... Views: 6530
Are you living your life, the way you want to live?
If your reply is in affirmative then you must be a very successful and powerful person in full command of your life and the circumstances. However, if your reply is in negative, then I am sorry to say that you are like millions of other ... Views: 1227
Every day, countless people around the globe seek out guidance and information from professional psychics, mediums and the intuitive arts. And why not? It's a great way to gain additional support and confidence in your life journey. Today's internet and phone technology afford us an ... Views: 1533
The belief that we can think and act in such a way that fear will be banished from our lives is a dangerous fairy tale, a fiction that contaminates personal responsibility and leads to reckless reactivity or paralysis. As long as we cling to the need to send our fears into exile, as long as we ... Views: 1140
It was 25 years ago when I first heard that question. Bob Proctor stood on a stage, I was eagerly sitting in the audience and he asked the question: Are you digging your grave with your mouth?
I must admit, the first time I heard that question I thought "how morbid!" and "what kind of a ... Views: 1669
"Selling is more difficult now that it was just a couple of years ago." Most of the participants in my sales seminars nod solemnly when I make that statement. And then they begin to fidget in their seats when I follow that up with this: "And it will be more difficult next year than it is today." ... Views: 1318
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SCHOOL SHOPPING: Less is ... Views: 1646
The bottom-line is not necessarily limited to finances or even business.
◘ Why are you doing what you're doing?
◘ Is your work and life as effective as you would like it to be?
Why are you here?
No, I don't mean, "why are you here on the planet?" That is a valid question, ... Views: 1419
Have you ever wished you could get others to agree with you? Do you ever find yourself agreeing with someone that you wish you hadn’t? Like maybe a telemarketer or other annoying individual?
This is a brief summary of some of the reasons we agree. Perhaps you want to become more persuasive ... Views: 2896
We all dream every night. Some people don't remember dreaming and would swear that they never dream. But dreaming is essential for sorting out and releasing the emotional buildup from our day so we can start the new day with a clean slate. If you stop people from dreaming, they become disturbed, ... Views: 6434
Stress plays a dominant role in human disease. The effects of mental stress are insidious and affect structure and function of the entire brain and body. As we age, we have a harder time coping with stress. In fact, aging may be defined as the progressive decrease in the ability to adapt to ... Views: 2821