Living Calmness
In Seishindo we believe.....
Each person is very much like a snowflake.
Never to be duplicated,
And with a life that’s over all too quickly.
One of our key tasks in life is learning how to appreciate our uniqueness rather than comparing our self to others, ... Views: 1659
In order to free ourselves from the pain of anger and resentment we need to be able to forgive our self and others. The longer we dwell on hurtful situations from the past, the longer we keep our self from living fully in the present. Forgiveness is an act of kindness. An act of kindness to your ... Views: 1641
1. Simple Story
"You move too much to be effective." Tamura sensei softly shouted at me. "You need to give your opponent a clearer target to strike at."
We were in the middle of studying how to defend ourselves from multiple attackers in an Aikido class for senior students in Japan. ... Views: 1755
1. A Story.
How do you react to deadlines? How would you feel if someone said "Hurry up, the clock is ticking and we've got to get this completed!"? How well do you cope with stress?
I had a client who was constantly striving to meet deadlines and felt like he was being driven crazy by the ... Views: 1569
This anger management Practice draws on the dual wisdom of Aikido and scientific research, "The gift of forgiveness" will help you explore how to change long term anger into a wider range of life affirming emotions. It is a simple yet profound Practice following the Seishindo principles of ... Views: 2137
1. Experience
I think most people will agree that they see more and more harmful expressions of anger in their everyday life, and thus I feel this is an important topic for all of us to take a closer look at.
Recently I had a client who came to me because he was feeling a lot of anger ... Views: 2129
1. Experience
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a rut of anger, wishing you understood a bit more about anger management?
Recently I worked with a client who stated she had a lot of unresolved anger. When I asked her what she meant, she said she often blew up at people, even when she knew ... Views: 2629
Many of us live our lives shuttling back and forth between two seemingly different identities that often conflict with each other. Our rational self tells us we need to lose weight and exercise more, while our emotional self has us eating potato chips and watching reruns on TV. These two ...Many ... Views: 1945
This article offers you an opportunity to better understand how to interact with people whose primary identity is one of fear and aggression.
When you are feeling misunderstood or at risk in a relationship with another person, or when you are having difficulty understanding your own ... Views: 1635
There is a story told by the Zen master Seung Sahn. Many years ago there was a young man living in Korea, and the young man felt that his life was quite empty. So he shaved his head and went up into the mountains to live the life of a monk. He studied diligently for a number of years, but still ... Views: 2786
My Aikido teacher Koichi Tohei sensei used to say that in a healthy person the flow of their ki is like the outpouring of an underground spring sitting at the bottom of a deep lake. The spring feeds water to the lake, much like we can feed the universe healing energy. The spring feeds the lake a ... Views: 1612
There are many different ways to perceive, utilize, and benefit from energy. What I offer here is one of many ways. Indeed when I do other kinds of activities I perceive of and work with energy in quite a different manner. What follows is my experience of energy while performing ... Views: 2123
Changing Personal History
"Take a moment and breathe deeply....... as you begin to consider how all the factors of your life mesh together to create your past...present,...and future.....
As you imagine the possible panorama of your future, you can see....feel....and perhaps also ... Views: 1422
This article was written with my dual perspective as an Aikido instructor, and as a certified trainer in NLP.
Aikido is a martial art that can help a person achieve a greater sense of relaxation and well-being, grace, balance, compassion, and overall awareness.
The principles of Aikido ... Views: 2487
Each moment in life, "lucky" or "unlucky", is to be savored, learned from, and appreciated. Easier said than done? Read this heartfelt story and see for yourself.
I met an exceptional American man in Athens in my younger years. He had a beautiful and gentle French girlfriend, and everyone was ... Views: 1266
What you worry about determines the course of your life. Free yourself from the tyranny of your negative "What if..." scenarios, and you will discover that you have everything to lose, and everything to gain!
A number of years ago I had a client who came to me in a really bad stressed out ... Views: 1420
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily."? This article can help you learn valuable lessons from the past, instead of allowing the past to determine your future.
The quality of the life we live, is based upon the learning ... Views: 1207
It is within your power to reduce the stressful reactions that you have. A key to changing your reactions is being able to track the way in which you generate stress.
Recently, a coaching colleague told me a story about his client "Jim" who gets into many arguments and confrontations with ... Views: 1380