Looking to make your month the greatest ever? Who isn't? Ask any successful salesperson the secret for having great months and they will all say -- positive attitude, creative preparation, and consistent performance.
To succeed month to month, you must execute day to day. Here are 31 creative ... Views: 6143
You can forget about making New Year's Resolutions if you're hoping for a successful outcome. Most aren't worth the paper they're written on.
No less than Mark Twain has written of New Year's Resolutions,"Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can ... Views: 3502
I first heard Aron Ralston's extraordinary storyapproximately 18 months ago when he appeared on the DavidLetterman show. It is without doubt the most "graphic"example I've ever seen highlighting a certain Wealthy Soulprinciple I have talked about over and over in my books andnewsletters. See if ... Views: 3196
All right, I admit it.
Recently I had begun wondering if I've got Bad Karma.
After a year of two shopping cart failures costing me thousands of dollars of lost revenues, 3 major computer breakdowns putting me months behind in my work, 3 hurricanes (lucky me has been in Florida) I took refuge ... Views: 8676
“Do you get what you pay for?” That is the best consumer question I have ever been asked, and I have been asked a lot of consumer questions. I have answered thousands in my television reports, during my radio talk show, and in newspaper columns. “Do you get ... Views: 1871
The money you borrow to buy a home usually costs more than the home itself. That is the most important thing you need to know. It’s easy to get so tied up negotiating the price of a home that the big savings that come with the right loan can be overlooked.
Mortgages are “complex financial ... Views: 2074
Don’t be a crazy person. That is the number one rule for writing a complaint letter. I’m not kidding—that simple idea will go a long way toward getting your problem resolved. It’s simple: If you come across as having your act together, you have a good shot at getting the complaint dealt with ... Views: 16274
I still remember the feeling vividly. Wind in my face, pedaling hard, weaving back and forth across the street. Using a sidearm technique, which I was quite sure I had invented, I threw newspapers the way other kids skipped stones. The perfect throw was when the paper gently landed on the stoop, ... Views: 1933
1. Respect yourself
Whether you are trying to return a $20 blouse you bought one week ago or a $20,000 car you bought one year ago, the process is remarkably the same. It all begins with respect.
You must respect yourself enough to go after what is right. Many consumers just shrug off lousy ... Views: 2386
You’re a liar.
I know you don’t want to hear that. But it’s true.
So am I. And man I hate to say that. But it’s true too. We all lie. To ourselves.
Now in our defense, we don’t mean to. And not only do we not mean to—we don’t even know we are doing it. Because we are in a state of ... Views: 1852