More work for the overworked. If you have plenty of time, you don’t need time management. If you are overworked, you don’t have time for time management. Life is not fair. Hasn’t been since you left the first grade.
Feel overworked if you like. Complain. Or fix it. Complaining is easier. ... Views: 828
And the rest of the story.
1. Long-term goals are valuable even if you don’t pursue them now.
Where is the value? If you ignore them completely, what will they do for you? If you don’t forget them completely, you are using up some brainpower to keep them. You probably have something ... Views: 1237
Why do children have to do homework? Who would ask a question like that? Children? Parents? Teachers? You be the judge. Or maybe you know from experience.
You hear a lot of complaining about homework. You would think somebody would fix it. Unless it is just there to complain about.
"I ... Views: 985
Everybody knows the Putitovs. They are those voices in your head telling you that you can put it off until later. People who really have trouble with the Putitovs call themselves procrastinators. Some people bring in the Head Nazis to give orders about starting.
In the fullness of time, most ... Views: 941
Do you ever complain that you don’t remember enough of what you read? Here’s what to do about it. Think of your memory as having four doors. You brain automatically stores experiences by using one or more of these doors. If you decide to remember something, you can decide which of these ... Views: 1165
Being One
Unity. Here is a subversive idea for self-growth. Most self-improvement material is written by the writer’s language channel, for other language channels to read. Your language channel is the part of your brain that talks and reads. Other modules in your brain handle the job of ... Views: 1004
Silly idea. People don’t need to plan screw-ups. They get plenty of experience at it. But you can get more out of screw-ups by planning. Start by knowing what you are dealing with.
What is a screw-up? It is when things are not working out the way you intended. And you are going to have ... Views: 822
(Another collaboration of the Engineer and the Un.)
Oh, sure. The Shudoffs would say it’s worth doing well. Well, that’s their job. They sit around in your head and tell you what you should do. Or, better yet, what you should have done. They want you to wait till you are sure you can to ... Views: 1029
(A collaboration of the Engineer and the Un. The Un is the perpetual adolescent in all of us. The Uns want to do things differently, bass-ackwards. The Engineer is the practical problem-solver in all of us. The Engineers are always finding ways to get things done.)
Which goals?
The big ... Views: 885
Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.
Networker: We were talking about people with options.
Vulcan: And about people making choices.
Canter: ... Views: 1160
Deciding about indecision.
Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.
Networker: In our last episode, we decided that the main obstacle to guided ... Views: 911
Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.
Vulcan: We were mulling about self-growth.
Engineer: We found some parts of the head that might help people ... Views: 972
Scene: the Head Office. The Vulcan and the Engineer sit at small desks. The Un lounges on a beanbag chair. The Canter and the Shudoff sit properly erect in straight-backed chairs. Others lounge in comfortable chairs.
Vulcan: The Boss wants us to mull about self-growth.
Engineer: To ... Views: 1079