Agustina Thorgilsson is The Official Guide to "Spiritual Growth". You can find complete information on Agustina Thorgilsson and her products by visiting
What Is Your Focus?
What is the main focus in your life? Is it finding a job, or
keeping the one you've got, just to pay the rent every
month? Or is it always searching for that special someone
who can make you happy?
Society has evolved a way of believing, that keeps us always
limited to the ... Views: 1764
Are you Spiritually disabled?
I worked may years as advocate for children and adolescents with autism. During these years I formed relationships with the parents of these children to the degree that they shared their innermost feelings with me.
One parent put it best when she said it was like ... Views: 3440
A Tree for Life
Will Parfitt describes, in this extract from his new book ‘The Complete Guide to the Kabbalah’, describes how our relationship with trees goes back to the origins of humankind, and how trees are a potent symbol for the creative growth process both on a personal and collective ... Views: 1497
Introduction to Spiritual Healing
It is widely acknowledged that life is sustained and nurtured by a life force. Whether this life force is called an energy, power or substance does not matter as much as our particular relationship to this all omnipotent power. It has been recorded ... Views: 2127
"Lay your story down." ~ H. Janice Mark
Janice, my business associate and muse, and I have discussed "story" many times. Most of us were well trained to focus on our stories... the details, frustrations, anxieties, and stress of daily life.
Remember, what you focus on is what you create in ... Views: 1136
Premises of the Belief Statement
Observing, Questioning and Understanding. These three actions are ones that each of us individually can and need to make on our own. True understanding and true growth must occur on an individual basis. Individual awareness is needed for true spiritual ... Views: 1255
The Fire of Now
This sacred moment of Now is the only door to freedom. How long has it been since you first heard this truth?
Many of you have been seekers for decades. You have acquired spiritual knowledge and had profound experiences, but the fulfilment of freedom has yet to embrace you in ... Views: 1096
I'll be honest with you.
I'm not the best person to write about thisbecause I'm not an expert on this topic.
But, I have to write about it somehow becauseI'm currently practicing it and it seems to bevery powerful so far.
There are many self-improvement strategiesthat use the sub-conscious ... Views: 2123
So many people talk about "living in the moment" and yet, so many people have no idea what these people are talking about. For many people, living in the moment is not pleasant. It cannot be pleasant when living this moment would create intense attention to the problems you may have regarding ... Views: 1424
Effective handling of emotions holds the key to health and happiness. Since health and happiness are universal aims, we will do a great favour unto ourselves if we learn to be adept in warding off negative emotions and employ the positive ones gainfully and in the right manner. By ignoring ... Views: 1660
The public awareness of Reiki energy healing hascome a long way since I started my Reiki practiceyears ago. I remember trying ever so hard toexplain what Reiki was to those who were open andcurious. Today, Reiki energy healing has becomepretty much mainstream. Chances are, if you stopsomeone on ... Views: 1593
It had been a lean month and both Ron and I were worried about paying the bills. It's hard to run three companies with no bank loan! In fact, it was the first time we had actually lost money and been in the red. That usually didn't happen to us. To make matters worse, both our son's birthdays ... Views: 1529
As if losing a beloved pet is not heartbreaking enough, the thought of never seeing them at all, in whatever afterlife you believe in, can be devastating. Native Medicine teaches the power of animals. Native Americans believe animals and their spirits can be harbingers of learning and bearers ... Views: 1693
Matter Of The Spirit - How Meditation and Prayer Can Work For You
Your mind and body are connected, you can connect with your spirit and begin contemplating how it can help you achieve the transformations you desire.
I've already defined spirit as the authentic ... Views: 1275
If you have a longing to connect with something higher, whether it be your higher self or higher powers and beings, one of the simplest ways to connect is by creating a daily ritual for yourself. Whether you meditate, do yoga, read inspirational books, or just take a walk, doing a daily ritual ... Views: 1037
What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.
1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?
What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this ... Views: 1298
Service is the hallmark of the Age of Aquarius. As humanity moves into this new and dawning era, service is understood more broadly than it has been in the past. No longer is it exclusively directed to giving assistance to those most in need. Instead, service is understood as inclusive of all ... Views: 1112
We often think that volunteering takes a lot of time, money, and effort. But it's the little things we each do, every day, that have the biggest impact on our world.
Here are seven simple ways you can reach out in kindness without even getting up from your computer.
1. Make a child smile. ... Views: 1371
When we find spirituality, or it finds us, the experiencefeels surreal. We begin to feel like we're walking on atightrope between two different worlds. We becomeungrounded and loose touch with the physical side of life.When our spiritual mission becomes clear, it is even truer.Learning to ... Views: 1496
What happens when you listen in the silence? Listening in the silence is an art. When you first begin all you hear are your own thoughts. They become so loud that most people simply want to block them out. Those who meditate and use relaxation techniques learn to quiet ... Views: 1336
Yes, we are living in a world where we are constantly shown, by the media, man's inhumanity toward each other through violence, terrorism, and war. Never has there been a time that our light is more needed than now. During this powerful time in history we, as a group of conscious beings, ... Views: 1134
“A common jar of clay can never become a noble masterpiece, unless it is broken by its master, refined in fire, and renewed.” – Sharif Khan
There is a passage in scriptures that I have always found troubling. It reads: “Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like ... Views: 1111
“A common jar of clay can never become a noble masterpiece, unless it is broken by its master, refined in fire, and renewed.” – Sharif Khan
There is a passage in scriptures that I have always found troubling. It reads: “Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like ... Views: 1185
Healing is a special gift that any human being can have. It is fortunate that we are provided with the opportunity to acknowledge and develop it. There is no difference from any human being performing healing and Christ healing. The only difference is if you belong to a large institution like a ... Views: 1092
Healing is a special gift that any human being can have. It is fortunate that we are provided with the opportunity to acknowledge and develop it. There is no difference from any human being performing healing and Christ healing. The only difference is if you belong to a large institution like a ... Views: 1589
Healing is a special gift that any human being can have. It is fortunate that we are provided with the opportunity to acknowledge and develop it. There is no difference from any human being performing healing and Christ healing. The only difference is if you belong to a large institution like a ... Views: 1038
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Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 1065
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Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 889
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Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 926
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Peril, catastrophe and disaster.
These are our friends, allies and mentors.
Appearing as enemies on the surface, these seeming threats are our most helpful teachers on our Earth adventure. These apparent foes repeatedly demonstrate how we humans have awesome power ... Views: 793
There is a general consensus that spirituality is good for you. This may be the only point of agreement about spirituality these days. Traditionally associated with religion or the occult, spiritual belief and practice in the 21st century are variously and personally defined. There is much ... Views: 687
There is a general consensus that spirituality is good for you. This may be the only point of agreement about spirituality these days. Traditionally associated with religion or the occult, spiritual belief and practice in the 21st century are variously and personally defined. There is much ... Views: 1694
There is a general consensus that spirituality is good for you. This may be the only point of agreement about spirituality these days. Traditionally associated with religion or the occult, spiritual belief and practice in the 21st century are variously and personally defined. There is much ... Views: 694
There is a general consensus that spirituality is good for you. This may be the only point of agreement about spirituality these days. Traditionally associated with religion or the occult, spiritual belief and practice in the 21st century are variously and personally defined. There is much ... Views: 790
To become enlightened is to view yourself and others as one. It is taking responsibility for whatever happens to you no matter how terrible. When you are enlightened you do not have time to hate, and you realize there are no justified resentments.
Enlightenment does not mean you become ... Views: 931
To become enlightened is to view yourself and others as one. It is taking responsibility for whatever happens to you no matter how terrible. When you are enlightened you do not have time to hate, and you realize there are no justified resentments.
Enlightenment does not mean you become ... Views: 1222
To become enlightened is to view yourself and others as one. It is taking responsibility for whatever happens to you no matter how terrible. When you are enlightened you do not have time to hate, and you realize there are no justified resentments.
Enlightenment does not mean you become ... Views: 899
To become enlightened is to view yourself and others as one. It is taking responsibility for whatever happens to you no matter how terrible. When you are enlightened you do not have time to hate, and you realize there are no justified resentments.
Enlightenment does not mean you become ... Views: 985
To become enlightened is to view yourself and others as one. It is taking responsibility for whatever happens to you no matter how terrible. When you are enlightened you do not have time to hate, and you realize there are no justified resentments.
Enlightenment does not mean you become ... Views: 1026
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 797
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 1309
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 1012
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 721
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 721
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 898
In returning and rest you shall be saved;
in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
God, Isaiah 30:15 NRSV
Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.
Jesus to His Disciples, Mark 6:31
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach ... Views: 898
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 990
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 686
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 864
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 893
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 1130
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 938
Slaying Dragons
When I was a boy reading the stories of "The Knights of the Round Table" and other adventure tales of knights, ladies, and evildoers, my friends and I were inspired and spent many afternoons playing heroes and villains. In the woods of our backyards we went on many daring ... Views: 938