Excerpt from the book 'The Visible & Invisible Worlds of God':
The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electro-magnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original ... Views: 1345
Many of us are on a spiritual path. We are relentlessly seeking, meditating, chanting, drumming and studying all sorts of modalities to help us heal or understand who we really are and what our true purpose is. Every day, I encounter such individuals serious about their journey, asking to ... Views: 1765
If all existence is energy and energy is inherently vibrational, it follows that everything in existence is vibrating at one rate or another. In the case of human beings, we are informed about where or how we are vibrating through our emotions. When we have emotions that feel good, we are ... ... Views: 2150
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electromagnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original Universal Creator-Source from which all Life ... Views: 2901