When everything is chaotic and uncertain and anxiety is running rampant here’s 6 quick and easy things you can do to help you get through it …
Take a break
Stop. Take a break. Now. At a minimum take 1-2 minutes, and do "nothing". Look out the window, daydream, think of something luxurious, ... Views: 947
When I was younger I had a mind like a steel trap. I could remember everything. I had no problem remembering as many as 10 things on my mental Things To Do Today list. Then, starting in my 30's, like Santa Clause, I started making a list and checking it twice. I had trouble remembering more ... Views: 1206
Barack Obama is right. America needs change. Change we can believe in. Once upon a time, America was a great and kind nation, the modern day Promised Land, whose streets were paved with gold and whose coins were made of precious metals. Today, America's streets are paved with tar and its coins ... Views: 992
The best revenge involves money.
The point of having money is living well. What’s the point of having money if you don't use it to better your life? Or the lives of others? I am not talking about extravagance or opulence (which certainly has its place if you want that) I'm talking about ... Views: 1476
Boredom can be boring. Boredom can also be dangerous. Too much boredom, extended boredom, can lead to depression, isolation, physical ailments, weight gain, weight loss, loss of libido, drug and alcohol abuse and even suicide.
How can you prevent boredom?
You can’t. Everyone will occasionally ... Views: 1516
Sometimes, for days or weeks or even months, we get so busy with our lives. we get so caught up in our life, in our work and in ourselves that we lose sight of what is really important in life.
Sometimes we need to stop ... take a deep breath ... center ourselves, and put our life into proper ... Views: 1606
Over the next 7 days do these 7 simple exercises ... and see how much your life will improve.
Choose To Be Happy
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. Choose to be happy, every day.
Take A Break
Too many things to do? Not enough time? Stop. You need a break. Now. At a minimum ... Views: 2772
The universe (life) is designed a lot differently than people believe or understand and it works in a particular way. Most of us, unfortunately, have it backwards. The Truth is quite simple, it's right, and it's not all that hard to understand.
Truth #1: The goal of life is happiness
Happiness. ... Views: 959
"Who am I ... and why am I here?" is the ancient mystery of our existence, the spiritual question of the ages, asked by men and women in every generation since Adam and Eve. The question has never been satisfactorily answered. Until now. Having pondered the question for 40 years there is now an ... Views: 1789
Like millions of others, you may be the victim of cell phone abuse. What is cell phone abuse? Let's say you're in a public place trying to concentrate on something or having a face-to-face conversation or just enjoying a peaceful moment when a stranger 5-10 feet away starts talking on his or her ... Views: 1557
Many people, it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying into the myths about money. Myths that are simply untrue. In fact, many of the most common statements about money are often ... Views: 3205