There is nothing the psychic soul enjoys more than broadcasting messages from its subconscious mind and Universal Consciousness. We think about a long lost relative or friend and minutes later, that person telephones or knocks at the door. Or we contact someone we haven’t spoken with in a while, ... Views: 814
12 Powerful Paths to Harmony
What’s your stress index these days? If it’s high, try these sure-fired ways to evoke and preserve harmony and light.
1. Resonate with a friend. One of the best ways to reconnect with the deeper, core self is to talk with a loving friend. Besides the relief in ... Views: 1122
Back in the 1930s, the late great psychic diagnostician Edgar Cayce said, “Thoughts are things---crimes or miracles in their own right.” The eyes of Cayce’s psychic soul, seeing everything as energy, readily perceived that our thoughts, emotions, attitudes and beliefs determine from life to life ... Views: 1748
No doubt you have noticed the wonderful people, projects and programs rising into consciousness to help us deal with these challenging times. Over just the past year in America, Eckhart Tolle’s visions of A New Earth seeded spiritual awakening in millions of people watching “The Oprah Winfrey ... Views: 1087
Although I realized in a vivid, technicolor dream some years ago that everyone is part of my spiritual journey, the impulse to write, study and research is nevertheless so strong in me that I tend to be impatient with whatever gets in my way. So I am constantly seeking to balance my work, ... Views: 1018
It's easy to throw around terms like enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, illumination and awakening. But what do they really mean? And when do we get there?
Throughout time, mystics, masters and saints have fascinated us with their spiritual adventures. In 1901, Richard Bucke's classic book, ... Views: 2355
While the journey to cosmic consciousness involves spontaneous awakenings for a few lucky people, it's a matter of "chop wood, carry water" for most of us, according to neurofeedback practitioner A. Martin Wuttke, founder of the Georgia-based NeuroTherapy Centers International (see ... Views: 1138
Recently I walked into my chiropractor's office and asked how he was doing. "Lots of challenges," he laughed, "so lots of growth and progress." I loved his positive perspective: It's all progress, no matter what!
Perspective often disappears into the mental fragmentation described by Edgar ... Views: 3098
What’s your stress index these days? If it’s high, try these sure-fired ways to evoke and preserve harmony and light.
1. Phone a friend. One of the best ways to reconnect with the deeper, core self is to talk with a friend. Besides the relief in resonating with a sympathetic, loving person, ... Views: 1124
No doubt you have noticed the wonderful people, projects and programs rising into consciousness to help us deal with these challenging times. Over just the past year in America, Eckhart Tolle’s visions of A New Earth seeded spiritual awakening in millions of people watching “The Oprah Winfrey ... Views: 1211
There's a wonderful story about Milarepa, the Tibetan Buddhist saint who as a young man went out into the world to experience life and returned home to find his house filled with demons. He was angry and afraid at first and wanted to fight them or flee. Instead, he did the unexpected.
First he ... Views: 1092
The deeper beauty of spring is its process. In winter's last days, as the sun warms the earth, each root and branch awakens to the patterned memory of who it is and what it can be. Life stirs and nature's growth in turn awakens all of us to the glories of being fully alive.
Consciousness ... Views: 1392
Decades ago, I saw a metaphysical movie that wonderfully illustrates the alchemical power of love. In "The Enchanted Cottage," a homely, self-effacing maid and a blind, crippled war hero fall in love. She blossoms into an attractive, self-confident woman and he into a charming, handsome country ... Views: 1208
The easiest, most exciting adventure in consciousness follows the lamplit guidance of the still, small voice in each of us. In the quiet of meditation, we listen to our souls and hear what is most needed in our lives and how best to obtain it. This wise, kindly voice never fails us and never ... Views: 1814
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is joyful for some people and stressful for others. If you begin to feel pressured by a need to give just the right gift or the perfect holiday meal, perhaps these commonsensical birds of Christmas will re-mind you to peaceful balance.
So often we ... Views: 1251
Several years ago, during an interview with Bernie Siegel on precognitive intuition and the role it plays in his life, this distinguished doctor and bestselling author recounted a story about a patient who criticized him for his anger. Siegel responded, "I was angry because of what I had to do ... Views: 1155
Watching Lobsang Samten trickle grains of sand out of a silver funnel into his beautiful mandala is a meditation in itself. He has used solid paints to tint ordinary sand just the right color, and each rich hue sits in little bowls clustered beside this ancient and magnificent Wheel of Life. ... Views: 1798
Last November, when the red cardinal laid siege to my home, I was amused to learn that he was caught up in the same illusion as so many people: seeing his own reflection in the window, he felt threatened by the "other" bird and attacked a mirror image of himself, bashing his beak and body ... Views: 5653