We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Relaxation". If you have expertise in Relaxation and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Most of us can use a tap on the shoulder once in awhile telling us to calm down, take a deep breath or relax. If it was that easy we would tell ourselves that every day and approach the day with a new attitude rather than feeling anxious, stressed or frazzled! Most people want to find ways to ... Views: 1728
On Saturday morning, my husband and I are taking our youngest two children to Los Angeles, even though we debated canceling the trip for some time. Stephen called our hotel and mentioned that we were considering cancellation because of the economy. They drastically lowered our hotel bill and ... Views: 1127
Now that the summer solstice has given us more time between sunrise and sunset, Americans are officially in summer mode - using the extra daylight hours to spend with the family. But unemployment rates are above 10% in many states and the recession isn't showing signs of an early end. A lot of ... Views: 1320
Most of us lead busy, fast-paced lives. We have too much to do and too little time, and may be dealing with career pressures, family difficulties, or financial problems on top of everything else. Doctors have known for some time that there is a direct link between stress and a variety of ... Views: 1081
With a massage table at home, you can easily indulge in the luxury and healing power of therapeutic touch on a regular basis. Check out the benefits of owning your own massage table below.
Enjoy giving and receiving massage in the comfort of your own home.
With a massage table at home, you ... Views: 4238
When listening to a recording of guided relaxation, have you ever felt annoyed by the following prescription: “Allow yourself to relax…”
“Allow?!!! If I could allow myself to relax, if it was that simple, then why in the world would I allow myself to be stressed in the first ... Views: 899
“After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.“
~Quentin Crisp
I have bunches of hobbies, obsessions, and pastimes and I’m guessing that you do, too. But to my detriment, I never remember how to relax.
I’m always working on a little of this-and-that, and I just love-love-love a ... Views: 922
First, a note (pardon the pun:) about music.
Music affects both the mind and the body. It affects our brain waves. When we’re relaxed, our brainwaves are slower. Music with around 60 beats per minute corresponds with the human heart at rest. Listening to some tranquil classical pieces is ... Views: 3552
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world, dormant forces, faculties, and talents become ... Views: 1502
Controlling your breathing has dynamic effects on your ability to calm yourself down in any situation.
When you can learn how to harness the power of your breathe to both release the tension in your body as well as to restore balance to your mind, you will have a powerful relaxation technique ... Views: 1190
Meditation and Thinking
Over the years I have learned one thing for sure about meditation, and that is that everyone’s experience is their experience. In other words, never compare your experience with someone else’s. Your experience is as valid as anyone else’s.
Meditation is a form of self ... Views: 2093
In-home massage therapy is convenient. You feel safe and comfortable in your own space, and it saves you the time it takes to travel to the therapist's office and back. The downside is that there can be a lot of distractions at home that fight for your attention and keep you from fully relaxing. ... Views: 1256
We live in a busy world. There is never enough time! Our priority lists start with the necessities such as family, work, cleaning and eating, and only when we juggle or sacrifice do we find the time for hobbies, personal development and dare I say it, Relaxation. And by relaxation I don't mean ... Views: 2217
If you have visited my site before, you will know that my interest is in promoting peace, health and harmony in our lives and relationships. Most of us however lead busy and demanding lives, and certainly many of my clients and customers have talked of stress, anxiety, acute sleep disturbance, ... Views: 1230
Massage at home is an affordable way to reap the benefits of massage in the comfort of your own home. Whether you and your partner practice massaging each other or you use an electronic massager, including home massage as a regular part of your life will relieve stress and tension and allow you ... Views: 1538
What better way to unwind and relax than to plan a girls night with a home spa party! Depending on your budget and preparation time, you can choose to hire a spa professional or mobile massage therapist to provide treatment services, or you can plan your own party, complete with bath and body ... Views: 2622
The role of the hippocampus as memory storer is now being more properly understood in relation to the learning process.
Until recently, it was thought that the part of the brain which stored memories was the hippocampus, and while this is true generally, its more specific role of housekeeper is ... Views: 1375
Now that you’ve learned some of the basics about sleep, let’s take a look at some common myths about sleep that may be contributing to your sleep problems.
MYTH 1: Spending more time in bed at night will give me a better chance of falling asleep.
Actually, the opposite is true. The longer you ... Views: 1947
Do you know that most people are breathing barely enough to be alive? Most people breathe in a shallow manner, just bringing the breath barely into the chest. We have been conditioned to hold in our stomachs,and to wear tight clothing, inhibiting our ability to breathe fully.
Have you watched a ... Views: 1632
Dear Mimi:
Although I exercise and meditate regularly, I find it difficult to keep the results with me in everyday life. Any ideas why?
This is a common occurance. One can turn on the Internet and almost daily find tips on relaxation and tension removal. So, considering how many of us are ... Views: 2352
A good night sleep is influenced by many things. If you are suffering from insomnia the first thing you should do is rule out where you sleep as the cause of the problem. The easiest thing to do is to look at your room and see if a change here could change your sleep problems.
1. Is your ... Views: 1302
Sometimes it happens when you are driving. It can strike at work or in the home. Auto-pilot. You’ve been on the highway for some time, the radio has been playing a steady stream of familiar songs and by the time you get to work, or where ever you are going, you have not experienced the event, ... Views: 1101
I recently returned from an 11-day vacation in Costa Rica with my husband. This was a real vacation. No computers. No cell phones. No plans for spiritual or work retreats. There was no one to meet and nothing to do but play for 11 days. I was so looking forward to it that I wasn’t expecting what ... Views: 880
During times of economic difficulty many people choose simpler pleasures that have the capacity to refresh our spirit and renew hope. Across the country movies are sold out, bars and restaurants are doing great business and more than ever we are getting back to the core values and activities ... Views: 1838
A respite or a scheduled time off from work, school or any activity happens to be the official definition of vacation. I ask you how many times do you truly believe when taking a vacation that you totally take off from such activities, and deviate from the normal every day-to-day nose to the ... Views: 1639
Learning to meditate, quiet my mind and touch into the deep place of peace within me is the greatest skill I have ever learned to improve my life.
"Meditation is the art of learning how to tend the sacred ground of your life. It connects you with your inner world. By meditating you learn how to ... Views: 1837
Have you ever heard the term “Monkey Mind” and laughed with the visual of a bunch of monkeys jumping around being crazy and wild? And can you relate to a feeling of having those little monkeys running around in your head causing your thoughts to bounce from one thing to the next and making it ... Views: 3756
It happens to us all every now and then, even the most passionate of trainers. We reach a point in your training when we lack motivation to train, eat right, we feel tired or come down with the flu...
These are usually the symptoms of over training or lack of recovery. But it is not always ... Views: 1255
Do you still “go out to play”? Do your friends still knock on your door and invite you out to play? I hope so, and I hope you go.
This world seems to send strong messages that play is frivolous, time-wasting, and useful only to procrastinators and slackers—unless, of course, you can find a ... Views: 891
Most of our grandmothers taught us that eight hours was a good night’s sleep. And in my grandmother’s time, where the average night of sleep was nine hours, getting eight hours was not nearly as difficult as it is today. People in her generation more often did physical labor, and although they ... Views: 849
Napping can be a wonderful thing. But as with many things, you can get too much of a good thing. Here are some tips from recent research about taking a nap:
1. A short nap at midday, perhaps after lunch, can not only be very refreshing but can also improve our alertness and performance in the ... Views: 6332
Ever considered buying a hot tub? Know that adding a hot tub to one's property is an investment that will help escalate a home's resale value? Aside from all intents and purposes, getting one would also mean that enjoying a daily dose of paradise without having to leave the comfort of home. Add ... Views: 1927
Yinergi is a new holistic life tool aimed at fighting the negative effects of modern society on our mind, body and soul. It combines meditation, soft movement and ancient martial arts principles into a practice of self-awareness, stress reduction, postural alignment and energetic connections. ... Views: 1474
Everyone suffers from stress at some point in their lives. It may range from easygoing stress to severe ones. If you allow your stress to enhance without doing something to relax, your health may get affected to a large extent. You may start suffering from several diseases such as gastric ... Views: 2806
The time between Thanksgiving and New Years can be a whirlwind of activity, when shopping trips take three times as long as usual and every joyful cookie exchange means an extra hour or two in the kitchen. Mindfully choosing your activities can keep you grounded in the moment, but to truly ... Views: 1080
Ever tried taking a powernap and ended up feeling even more tired as a result? Powersnooze.com creator, Paul Cashon explains the reasons why we can often end up more tired after a short nap and teaches us the art to a successful “powernap”.
A powernap is a short sleep or “nap” used to ... Views: 5924
According to the American Diabetes Association the answer is yes.
The fact is that stress alters blood glucose levels. Studies have also shown that people who are under stress often do not take good care of themselves. They often drink more alcohol, eat more of the wrong foods and exercise less. ... Views: 1631
Shooting flowers in the great outdoors is considered to be a pastime more than work. The relaxing feel of the outdoors in national heritage sites and parks is enjoyed by many outdoor photographers. Going on such outdoor day shoots requires some equipment especially if you’re using a ... Views: 1658
Stress always seems to find its way into our busy lives. Fortunately, there are many ways to relax at home. Here are ten techniques for relaxation that you can try today.
Do you have a few minutes to spare while the kids are asleep and the laundry is going through its spin cycle? Here are ... Views: 1670
How do you choose the relaxation music that works best? You can certainly start by experimenting with many different types. After all, it seems likely that what one person finds relaxing another will find irritating. But is it all just a matter of personal preference?
Actually no. Though ones ... Views: 1177
Your energy level depends greatly on how you are using your body. Your muscles have a tendency to accumulate tension because of the stress and mental pressure you experience. A lot of people get so used to this tension in their body that they don’t really remember how it is to feel relaxed and ... Views: 922
You can survive without food for weeks, without water for days but without oxygen for only minutes! But most of us spend very little time thinking about our breath. As the Oxford University Press reminds us, “In earlier years breathing was synonymous with life itself, for with the ... Views: 3866
You can survive without food for weeks, without water for days but without oxygen for only minutes! But most of us spend very little time thinking about our breath. As the Oxford University Press reminds us, “In earlier years breathing was synonymous with life itself, for with the ‘last breath’ ... Views: 1093
What better way to help save our planet and “Go Green” then to start in your own backyard? Not only will you be helping Mother Nature by being environmentally friendly, but you can receive therapeutic benefits as well. Physical, emotional as well as spiritual well-being benefits can be ... Views: 2198
The Wicked play is an adaptation of the book Wicked: the life and times of the Wicked Witches of the West, authored by Gregory Maguire. It is commonly referred to as the stage version of Wicked that is a ‘contemporized’ adaptation.
According to the broadway musical play the stage ... Views: 2151
The other day I was driving to a speaking engagement. As I am driving, a small crack on my window (which I have ignored for a year!) started to crack and spread before my eyes. As I went over every bump, the windshield crack started to get longer and longer. Getting out of the car at a rest ... Views: 2052
What better way to reflect, meditate, daydream or just to take a break from a hectic lifestyle, then to retreat to your own backyard sanctuary. Get back to Nature by spending time in your garden as you prepare your soil, plant, weed and enjoy your harvest. Not only will you enjoy the beauty ... Views: 2107
Here is a typical day at a nudist resort.
When you drive through the gates of a nudist resort, the outside "textile" world ceases to exist. You see families and children nude and just enjoying themselves. You might see them socializing around the pool or in the jacuzzi or maybe playing water ... Views: 3179
I have found the key to feeling good is balance. Easier said than done. For most of us, our daily grind seems out of whack and hectic. How do you find time for yourself in order to live a more balanced life? The points I offer below have been made many times before. They seem simple and ... Views: 1982
In our hectic lifestyle, it is important that we take the time to "smell the roses" and "listen to the birds singing". By creating a sacred space where you can become relaxed and unwind, your body is in a better position to rejuvenate and heal.
What better place then in the natural setting ... Views: 2356