An impressive variety of people believe in Dr. Mosaraf Ali and his healing skills. His grateful, smiling patients include villagers at his free clinic in the Himalayas; Prince Charles, Morgan Freeman, Tico Torres of Bon Jovi; guests at his London and Tuscany health centers, and thousands of ... Views: 1922 defines a mystic as:
"A person who claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge."
So all you have to do is believe in the possibility - and you can call yourself a mystic.
It's okay to talk ... Views: 1313
The pews at the Church of St. Paul and St.Andrews, on 86th Street and West End Avenue, filled up as soon as the doors opened. Gentle folk, smiling and politely allowing one another to take choice seats near the make-shift stage, unhurriedly poured around the benches.
Ms. Nina Rao, master ... Views: 2089
Dear Mimi:
Although I exercise and meditate regularly, I find it difficult to keep the results with me in everyday life. Any ideas why?
This is a common occurance. One can turn on the Internet and almost daily find tips on relaxation and tension removal. So, considering how many of us are ... Views: 2364
November 17 is acting teacher Lee Strasberg's birthday and each year on this day I reflect on the period of time when I taught at his school.
I remember being quite the anarchist, suggesting to my students that it really didn't matter whether they used the "Strasberg" technique or a "rival" ... Views: 2983
Recently I woke up feeling peacefully joyful. With the fast fading remnants of a dream I could no longer hold onto, I remembered what True Love for me was all about. I don't know where I was while asleep, just that a lingering sense of well-being remained upon awakening.
The first time I felt ... Views: 3402
Dear Mimi:
Of course, some neck tension has purely physiological sources, for example, the way one sleeps or uncustomary physical exercise. In these cases, gently rolling and massaging the neck can be helpful, with special attention to the ... Views: 1862
Bruce Greyson, M.D., formerly a professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut, is now the Bonner-Lowry Professor of Personality Studies in the Department of Psychiatric Medicine at the University of Virginia in Charlottsville.
Known as "The Father of NDE Research," he has been ... Views: 3616
How do you stay healthy and find peace of mind, even joy, in the midst of these life-on-earth challenges? Or if you're ailing, how can you get back to your old (new) self?
Newsflash: The health and well-being scene in New York is thriving.
Here's a sampling of 5 organizations making medicine ... Views: 1399