I get totally fixated on things, usually things I want like a new desk, a goal at work or a certain pair of shoes. My mind is swept away in this physical world and my spirit is lost in the dust. It’s time to get re-centered. I think the self-help books about positive thinking & laws of ... Views: 1117
I was born with more than a sweet tooth. More like a carb-craving, sugar-addicted soul. It’s been the most difficult thing to control in my diet – sweets. Not hard candy, but rich cake-y desserts, thick sweet and creamy drinks, cookies…you get the idea. In attempt to “be healthy” I have tried ... Views: 1350
Have you ever wondered when your life is going to change? I mean really change. As each year approaches, we have a stirring hope inside that surely this will be the year that our dreams come true, our relationships improve, we are out of financial debt, our anxieties would ease, and the weight ... Views: 1268
I can't help but notice as I write this review for Emotional Freedom, by Dr. Judith Orloff, that at this particular moment, I'm not feeling so free. Worries twirl in my mind: Will readers like the review? What will Judith think? Insecurities abound. Thank God that Emotional Freedom is available ... Views: 2092
These two supplements will amp up your immune system and keep allergies, viral infections or that strange “why do I feel so yucky when I should feel great this summer” feeling at bay. Introducing: Olive Leaf and Oil of Oregano. The combo you need to feel amazing all year round! (No, this is no ... Views: 1525
Why are so many people resistant to the M word? We know it's good for us and, it only takes 10 minutes a day. So why aren’t you doing it? If you’re a self-proclaimed type-A-functional-ADD person like me, your answer to that question is probably “Uhh,” and on to the next thing you go. Meditation ... Views: 2037
Do you know that there are NO LIMITS on your life? None. There’s no chain tying you to a fence, there’s no deadlines or timelines. It’s the truth, my friend – the world is your oyster. The only limits you encounter are the ones that you place there… I can hear the excuses now. I know because I ... Views: 1317
For me, the New Year always offers a sense of hope and excitement. Some say it’s just another day, and that it is, but whether it is just a mental state, or an energetic vibration from collective consciousness, there’s something unique about this time of year. I’m tempted to offer some ... Views: 1957
Poop on My New Book by Leah Guy| Jan 01, 2008
For me, the New Year always offers a sense of hope and excitement. Some say it’s just another day, and that it is, but whether it is just a mental state, or an energetic vibration from collective consciousness, there’s something unique about this ... Views: 1230
When I do yoga, I feel free, open and wonderful. When I don’t sleep, I feel confused, irritated and fat. I don’t do yoga everyday, (although I want to!) and it’s not like I never sleep. I feel imbalanced, though, over time with just a little too much of this, and not enough of that, and before ... Views: 1454