Have you ever considered that your past, no matter how difficult, may actually be the platform to your exciting future? I thought I had a fairy tale life, and then suddenly, I didn’t.
The loss of my child, and subsequently the loss of my marriage and my husband, changed every chapter of my ... Views: 1187
The greatest truth about being happy is that happiness is a choice and a decision. It's just a thought away! Every day you wake up and get to make the decision about how you want to feel.
Ask yourself, "Do I want to be happy today?" Isn't that the choice most of us would want? And yet, we ... Views: 1326
Did you know Happiness is a choice? You are the one in control of making that decision every single day. It's hard to fathom when it feels like the whole world and the economy are in chaos. However, I learned through tragedy and ultimately triumph, I could choose "happy," no matter ... Views: 1730
How does your day begin? Do you just hop out of bed, read emails, check your bank account, and listen to the news? This is not the best way to begin the day! It’s jarring and starts the adrenalin and cortisol production in your body and stress on your mind!
You spend the majority of your day ... Views: 1255
Your “Why” Should Make You Cry™
You may not know me, but I know you because we share something in common; we’ve both had to face adversity, tragedy, and challenges in our lives. How do I know? Because no one is immune. If you’ve achieved any number of years, you will be, or already have been ... Views: 3133