It was exactly one year ago …
May 21, 2012.
The day after my 51st birthday.
A day that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life.
It was the day that I went to the doctor because I suspected I had breast cancer. Unfortunately I was right. Stage 3 to be precise.
Talk about ... Views: 1264
I've been getting some interesting calls lately. In the last ten days, I've gotten more "panic" calls than I've had in a long time. The reasons for the calls vary. Some people are calling because they're worried about money and the recession. Others call because the "you know what" has hit the ... Views: 1265
In the past 2 weeks, I've received an incredible number of emails and calls from people who tell me they have "zero budget" or "money is really tight right now" or "I have a very limited cash flow." After you've read dozens of emails saying the same basic thing you begin to see a pattern.
I ... Views: 1460
Have you ever heard of the expression water under the bridge?
It refers to past experiences and conflicts. The assumption is that the longer you live, the more water you have under your bridge. Most people use this expression when they are referring to a bad experience they had.
So here's ... Views: 1273
1. Do a business plan. It really doesn't matter how short or long it is, nor does it have to be fancy with colored charts. However, you really should do one so that you know where you are going, what you are doing and how you're going to get there.
2. Get some business liability insurance! ... Views: 2250
Today's topic? Competition.
I can't tell you how many phone calls we get about this topic. It's number one on everyone's list... who is the competition? How do I beat them? They're going to take all the clients!!!
NOT TRUE. Plenty of business out there for everyone folks.
Let's take a ... Views: 2417
Taking chances.
That seems to be the theme of the week.
Taking chances...
Taking the chance that hiring you will be the perfect solution.
Taking the chance that investing in your company will be a wise investment.
Taking the chance that starting up a company of your own will ... Views: 4863
Everyone measures it differently. Some measure it by how much money they make. Others measure it by their career path and corresponding title. Then you have the people who measure it by the things that they have such as the size of their house, their art and jewelry, and the number of cars that ... Views: 1740
I grew up in the 1960's and 70's when there were no computers, PDA's or cell phones. There were no microwaves, no DVD's, no MP3 players and there were only about 7 good stations on television. We didn't stay home and play video games all day because there were no video games to speak of back ... Views: 1628
What if today was the day when your life changed for the better?
If you look back, I'll bet my last dollar that you all can remember one day that completely changed your path forever. That one day when your world tilted and it caused you to walk in a new direction.
I can remember ... Views: 1420
It had been a lean month and both Ron and I were worried about paying the bills. It's hard to run three companies with no bank loan! In fact, it was the first time we had actually lost money and been in the red. That usually didn't happen to us. To make matters worse, both our son's birthdays ... Views: 1520
It was the summer of 2004 when I finally decided to live a positive life. In fact, I'll never forget the day it happened.
It started off like any other summer day. After lunch, I decided to take my boys to the neighborhood pool. They were excited because the pool had just opened for the ... Views: 1665