In order to live empowered, we must first activate what we want in our own life. One way that we can begin doing this is by creating intentions. An intention is a statement that literally establishes a direction for energy and then activates the experiences that we want. ... Views: 2103
Living life as an empowered woman isn't a pipe dream.
It can be a reality for any woman who chooses to accomplish this in her life and then takes the necessary steps to achieve it. That being said, it may not happen over night.
As women, we face unique challenges that have to be identified, ... Views: 1228
Living life as an empowered woman isn't a pipe dream.
It can be a reality for any woman who chooses to accomplish this in her life and then takes the necessary steps to achieve it. That being said, it may not happen over night.
As women, we face unique challenges that have to be identified, ... Views: 1119
Being a transformation coach is much more than just a job. It is a rewarding career that will not only help you succeed in your own endeavors, but will also allow you to help countless people reach their goals as well. It doesn’t have to be complicated, difficult, or confusing either. By ... Views: 1454
Joyful Greetings ______,
Whether you have been thinking about starting a Heart-Centered Business, have already begun your business but want to learn more, or are even a veteran in your field but desire to grow and build your business like never before….now is the very best time for you. ... Views: 1198
For instance - you get that promotion at work - and you're happy. You don't get that promotion at work - you're miserable. Your child is well behaved and you feel happy. Your child is not well behaved and you feel miserable.
You see, when you're not managing your energy, you are at the ... Views: 1261
One of the keys to running a successful business, of any kind, is being able to positively identify and convey to others, the benefits that your services or products can offer to their life. Marketing experts, sales executives, and public relations gurus will all tell you, with confidence, that ... Views: 1461
One of the key strategies of becoming successful in your life is in understanding the importance of positive evidences (PEs). Whether you want to better yourself in the areas of financial management, personal relationships, eating habits or parenting, positive evidences will help aid you in ... Views: 1519
If you are a Heart-Centered Entrepreneur and are seeking to start or grow your business, it is important to be very clear about your niche. What holds many people back in the area of attracting clients, is trying to make connections with people who are not a good vibrational match to their ... Views: 1558
Creating success in your business is much like following a recipe. In order for it to turn out successful, you must have the key ingredients in place. Once you have established these key ingredients and built the required foundation, creating results will then become easily obtainable by ... Views: 1344
Whether you have been thinking about starting a Heart-Centered Business, have already begun your business but want to learn more, or are even a veteran in your field but desire to grow and build your business like never before….now is the very best time for you. Why? Because right now, more ... Views: 1322
Have you ever thought what it might be like to have more control over the things you are experiencing in your business? Wouldn't it be great to decide who your ideal clients are, and then have them actually appear? Wouldn't it be great to decide how many hours you want to work, or how much money ... Views: 1159
Making a plan for the New Year is important because it is a vital step towards reaching your goals and keeping your resolutions. Once you have accurately identified the stories and issues that have held you back in the past and changed your mindset in these areas, it is time to begin ... Views: 1157
One of the key elements of looking into the New Year, however, is getting a plan together for turning your resolutions into realities. The first portion of this, is to look at what things may be holding you back. What less than positive mindsets and vibrations have kept you from meeting your ... Views: 1216
As the holiday season comes to finale, one of the areas where stress tries to seem to creep into our minds is in the area of finances. With gift purchases adding up, tax considerations, and holiday travel expenses being incurred, many people are tempted to let negative vibrations into their ... Views: 1307
For many of us, the holiday season can seem to have a way of settling on us like a wet blanket. Many of the thoughts that try to work their way into our brains may seem as if they are attempting to steal our positive energy and shift us to a place of negative vibrations. Simple things, like ... Views: 1312
Scripting your day means taking a few minutes each morning to check in with what is up for you, then imagining the day ahead of you, and consciously describing how you want to experience it. It activates the day you describe at a cellular level.
When you script your day you are partnering with ... Views: 1892
For most of the people that I know, the month of November is one that is filled with times of giving thanks, chances to acknowledge our blessings, and moments of reflection on the good things that have happened all throughout the last year. Sentiments of gratitude can be seen all around and are ... Views: 3422
While many people associate learning a new task with a list of “how to” items, it can be just as beneficial to know what not to do as well. Learning from past mistakes that others have made allows you to sidestep them in your own path and more quickly obtain your goal. In fact, focusing on ... Views: 2105
Being a transformation coach is much more than just a job. It is a rewarding career that will not only help you succeed in your own endeavors, but will also allow you to help countless people reach their goals as well. It doesn’t have to be complicated, difficult, or confusing either. By ... Views: 2117
How many people in the world, whether business owner or employee, are living the life they dreamed of? How many businesses have failed, not for lack of hard work, but for lack of joy, satisfaction and fulfillment? Is your business or career meeting those needs for you? Is a “no” just “a fact of ... Views: 1375
We’ve all experienced fear in our lives. Most of it though is not beneficial to us. I know you’ve had this feeling…It starts in the pit of your stomach, you feel a little queasy, you start to notice your hands shaking a little and maybe you’re breaking into a cold sweat. Fear is overcoming you. ... Views: 1444
Do you spend time comparing yourself to others? Getting frustrated because you think you come up short? This is a problem that everyone has and it is also one that can be overcome with some practice. That’s not to say it will never come up again, but you will be better equipped to deal with it ... Views: 1379
Ever feel like you are struggling in your business and getting nowhere? That nothing you are doing is working for you? The first, and one of the most important things, you are going to learn is that you are never alone. Each person is a unique manifestation of Spirit and through Spirit we can be ... Views: 1187
Do you sometimes have the feeling that bad luck just follows you around? Are you convinced that the life you dream of can never be yours? Are you resigned to the limits in your life?
A proven process of using Empowered Living Tools can help you see how you are creating your own luck all the ... Views: 1543
Everyone grows up with a worldview. You don’t build it purposely. In fact, you don’t even know you are building it. But you take the information you see and hear from birth on and incorporate it into your worldview. It’s normal, it’s how you grow and learn to be part of the world you live in. ... Views: 1377
We are always talking to ourselves, telling ourselves stories. We interpret the events of our day-to-day lives through the stories we tell ourselves about the meanings of those events. The basic beliefs behind the stories you tell yourself may be holding you back, keeping you from manifesting ... Views: 1637
People are often very negative about selling. They picture the sleazy salesman pushing things that no one wants or needs just to make a quick buck.
In your business you may feel that you’re being pushy, you may feel like you’re not good at selling. A lot of people don’t like to refer to ... Views: 2169
Do you delegate or try to do everything yourself? I find that many business owners think they have to do it all themselves or that only they can do it right so they can’t give it away.
I often teach my clients the importance of delegating. You don’t have to do everything yourself. You ... Views: 1397
In order to create a selling process there are specific questions you can ask to help people move through a co-creational energetic process.
It is a formula. It requires a bit of a mindset shift to add structure to what you normally think of as just talking to people.
The first part of ... Views: 1439
To have the kind of success you want in business and in life, you need to activate a shift in your mindset and beliefs.
You want to be able to feel a consistency and flow in one on one conversations, as well as in your website, in your copy and in your group work – in every aspect of your ... Views: 2001
When you are in the higher vibrational energies, you are able to manage your thoughts and feelings by focusing your energy. That’s called Energy management. When you are in higher vibrational energies, you have the strongest connections to your inner guidance.
When you are in lower level ... Views: 2361
Do you have a song that’s really special to you? Maybe it’s “Let It Be” or some love oriented song. There is some reason that it’s a significant song for you.
It’s something vibrationally in how they put the song together. It translates into a feeling for you.
Have you heard that ... Views: 1555
Setting the energy stage means getting on the same page energetically as the person you’re connecting with. You might think of any time you’re connecting with people as a sacred serving opportunity.
You begin any sacred serving opportunity by allowing an energy of trust to be included in the ... Views: 1473
I had a client recently with what is referred to as What-if-itis. What-if-itis is when you’re worried about what hasn’t happened yet.
She had a prospect that was referred to her but was scared to call because she was scared of what the outcome would be. She didn’t believe that she had the ... Views: 1580
Empowerment is the ability to create in a way that powerfully aligns and attracts. Becoming a Life Coach , before you can empower others, you must first be empowered as an individual yourself. You need to fine-tune your own ability to manifest and make changes at a vibrational level. Then, ... Views: 1923
Even if you often let others carry on the conversation, there's likely another conversation simultaneously going on inside your head. As the other person speaks, your mind may be racing on with its own thoughts, drowning out all words but its own.
Often the loudest, most notable sensation in ... Views: 2674
Being a spiritual coach is a calling. It allows you to be a conduit for divine expression to flow through you to your clients, your friends, your colleagues, your family, and the interconnectedness of the Universe.
As you continue to deepen your ability to be ever present in the moment, ... Views: 2349
Labyrinths are amazing and versatile tools. People who walk them often experience an almost magical meshing of their analytical or rational mind with their intuitive and spiritual consciousnesses. From this altered state of consciousness, we can amplify our intuition, clarify complex questions, ... Views: 1645
Have you ever awakened in the middle of the night worrying about what if the clients don't show up? Or what am I going to do if... Or maybe just felt that sense of, "What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get a break?"
In my coaching business there was a point where I could not break through to ... Views: 1524
Have you ever thought what it might be like to have more control over the things you are experiencing in your business? Wouldn't it be great to decide who your ideal clients are, and then have them actually appear? Wouldn't it be great to decide how many hours you want to work, or how much money ... Views: 1522
Do you spend time comparing yourself to others? Getting frustrated because you think you come up short? This is a problem that everyone has and it is also one that can be overcome with some practice. That’s not to say it will never come up again, but you will be better equipped to deal with ... Views: 1544