A few weeks ago I was enjoying dinner with my brother, Tom, and we got into a discussion about self-employment. We have both been self-employed for many years and have successfully weathered a variety of economic storms and personal life crises that would surely cause most budding ... Views: 1447
Maintaining the integrity of the electromagnetic (EM) fields that are generated by the human heart and brain is an important key to maintaining a healthy body and happy heart. Electromagnetic field dysfunction (EMFD) increases your vulnerability to psychic invasions and environmental situations ... Views: 2421
Dowsing, also known as “water witching”, “divining”, “questing”, or “doodle-bugging” is an ancient intuitive method of finding water, minerals, objects, and other information on just about anything you can imagine. In fact when it comes to accessing information, dowsing greatly outpaces the ... Views: 6805
Modern technology and a variety of subtle energies in the environmental can cause insomnia, or the experience of sleeping the full night through, but feeling like you have not slept at all upon waking. An increase in morning aches and pains is another common symptom of invisible, energetic ... Views: 4178