Michele Blood is The Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Positive Thinking". You can find complete information on Michele Blood and her products by visiting Musivation Success.
Our son got married a few days ago to Isaiah, the man of his dreams. Hardly ever in our work with couples have we seen such depth in love, respect and commitment. Whoever feels that only a man and a woman can truly love each other, has not witnessed the kind of deep love that Isaiah and our son, ... Views: 1339
Life is what we make it, and it's also a constant exercise of self-improvement and to become a better person.
For some, this means that one should focus on becoming more educated and successful in their chosen field. Little did they know that it's not their purpose in life. How you treat ... Views: 1079
Discussing Politics & Religion
Bill Cottringer
“Those who say religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion is.” ~Mahatma Gandhi.
Just like the real reason for paying attention to the warnings of the Ten Commandments, being to help you avoid unnecessary pain, ... Views: 1762
Cuantas veces has pensado que la felicidad la lograrás si solo ocurre algo, o logras algo, o alguien hace algo? Bueno, creo que es mejor tomar control directo, y asegurarnos que nuestra felicidad es un asunto bajo nuestro control y es un resultado de nuestras decisiones! En este artículo de ... Views: 1248
Enjoy life to the fullest, it has an expiration date. Life today should mean pleasure, but our modern concept of living is often just the reverse; negative in concept and implying the resignation of one’s self image. Modern living often means abandoning satisfaction because of a phantom called ... Views: 1215
This was a question that was put before me recently and I thought it an interesting one. For many people the answer is its easier to be unhappy, because unhappiness, struggle and complaint are their default beliefs and behaviors. For others, happiness seems to come easily. We all know those ... Views: 1586
All of us (whether you are an executive, home maker, student or retired person) have felt the following at some time:
>To-do lists are increasing
>Mind is cluttered with thoughts
>You want to do so many things but simply don’t know from where to start
>The worst of it – You start taking ... Views: 1014
The Purity Of Intent
Here is a suggested Code of Conduct that transcends all social, religious, scientific and political beliefs while bridging the gap between the mainstream and the miraculous.
The Code is specifically designed to empower you so that you can bring fulfillment into your ... Views: 2900
Now that you're nearing the end of the bridge, discover the route since it
continues ahead. See the landscape. As you look ahead of you, continuing to
stroll, you will see a determine coming towards you just like a
psychic.. At very first, it may
very well be as well little to find out, ... Views: 769
The reality that you are living right now can talk you out of your hopes and dreams for your tomorrow. They can cause you to move into fear and doubt and begin yelling at God or even wondering whether or not He even cares about you? But I am here to tell you that when you believe in the Power of ... Views: 1228
Dr. Romance writes:
Extreme makeovers are all the rage these days, with botox injection parties, and reality shows. Plastic surgery is on the rise. Many people are trying to match the extraordinary measures actors and actresses go through to look perfect on the screen. ... Views: 1249
The Structured Mindset and The Power of Positive Thinking
Can you imagine that… You can choose completely how you feel always…
So allowing frustration, depression, stress, anger to remain is merely an unconscious choice…
Imagine if you worked on and protected your mindset then you can choose ... Views: 2254
In looking forward to 2016, I believe our intentions should have to do with altering the lens through which we view our life and ourselves. It is so important to experience and view life through the eyes of love and not fear. It is equally as important to see yourself through the lens of love ... Views: 963
With all the whirlwind of routines that occur together with the month of
December, we sometimes reduce sight from the fact that A new Twelve months
happens with the stop of all of it! A fresh season is approaching. Many of us
get a psychic reading through to
put together an inkling ... Views: 1018
I'm not your average "Barbie Doll" model. In fact, if it weren't for my feminine looks and soft toned voice, people would think I was a Navy SEAL or male head of a country, judging from my "guy" personality.
Most of my friends are either in the police, military or run multi-million dollar ... Views: 1497
2014 was a fate changing year for me. Thanks to various reasons I reached a low point, where one would think I can’t get up.I did it anyway. One day while I was sitting in my herbal garden I tried to calm my chaotic thoughts, I started meditating and I suddenly had access to an effective ... Views: 2021
"Quiet the mind and the soul will speak." ~Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati
A couple of months ago I gave myself a challenge. I committed to meditating every morning for at least ten minutes a day for the next thirty days. I created a small altar on the coffee table in our living room, consisting of a ... Views: 1399
I would like to think that with all my years of teaching, I have become centered in my life. I believe my spirituality has grown immensely since I started on this journey.
Now the question becomes am I all that I can be. After reading Promise Yourself I feel like I have a ways to go. We can ... Views: 1151
“What you are is God’s gift to you, what you become is your gift to God”
By- Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Spirituality means something different to everyone. For some, it’s about participating in organized religion: going to church, ... Views: 1586
The Holidays is such a special time for me. It is all about the light of joy in my heart and my desire is to share that light with others. This time of year I start thinking about what I accomplished this past year, and what I want next year to look like. I start plotting and planning what I ... Views: 1660
I love Thanksgiving. I mean I really LOVE Thanksgiving. I love that it is a holiday purely about stopping everything to give thanks for our lives, our blessings, the food on the table and the people in our lives. It is a time to feel grateful and give thanks to the universe, and the Creator for ... Views: 1732
Lately I’ve had one of those soul searching questions rattling around in my head, “When is enough, enough?” Whenever these types of questions pop up in my life, I always look to the same two sources for the answers. First I turn to nature and quietly pay attention to her many worlds, by ... Views: 1397
One of the hardest tasks for us to do is be still and listen to the spirit within ourselves. Life rushes past us at such a frantic pace that we feel guilty for taking a time out. The sweet special spirit within you during the course of rushing down your path sometimes gets ... Views: 1461
Runes are symbols inscribed on plastic, paper, wood, rock and any other material. One system of runes is called the Elder Futhark System. This system originally had twenty-four letters, beginning with the letter F and ending with the letter O. The northern Germanic tribes of Sweden, Norway, ... Views: 1127
In light of the increased media focus on strife between humans, with little emphasis placed on how to shift out of that constant struggle and evolve as a species, I feel compelled to offer this foundational perspective. These brief, easy to use tools empower individuals to hold more ... Views: 1257
During each of the many times I’ve begun this article, I’ve felt at once inspired to share and perplexed as to how to begin. So I am jumping in. Here goes:
I feel dismayed when I hear people, especially those who describe themselves as light workers, refer to the darkness as ... Views: 1251
Results. Success. Helping others. Supporting my family. Making my loved ones proud.
As the owner of a couple of medical practices, a skincare company, a publishing company, and a non-profit organization, I do all of that while still being a part of our community boards and taking care of my ... Views: 1084
Are you in a bad mood or just unhappy? Don’t worry. There are easy ways to beat a bad mood or even a bad day. Good moods or a peppy personality is not a disposition you are born with or without. And, you’re not doomed to stay unhappy the rest of your life. Your level of happiness is a ... Views: 1154
People often say, “I really wished that my child would listen. He’s forever getting himself in trouble; at school, at home…” They then go into details of the many ways this child does these awful things. Regardless, there is a easy answer to this if you believe in yourself. Instead of thinking ... Views: 1955
Perhaps you've experienced the power of affirmations.
Tell yourself a thousand times you can't do something, and you're that much closer to failure. Tell yourself repeatedly you can do something, and you're more likely to succeed.
Taken to the extreme, some people claim you can manifest ... Views: 5151
The real secret of staying positive is to go beyond any effort to think or feel positively.
Trying to keep your thoughts positive automatically creates inner conflict as you are approaching yourself and your way of thinking from a place of judgment and evaluation.
Paying attention to your ... Views: 1105
What comes into your head when you hear the word "beauty"? Hold your thoughts, feelings and images and let me try something. From here on in, do me a favour and FORGET EVERYTHING that you currently know or have been taught about beauty. FORGET that you should be a certain size. Forget that you ... Views: 1181
Everyone knows gratitude as thankfulness, though we also regard it as a process through which to increase spiritual power, thus get more out of life and progress toward self-actualization.
Commonly, those on the spiritual path to self-awareness experience three stages of gratitude.
The ... Views: 1149
In life, we all have mountains to climb. Some are literal others figurative.
Today I would like to share with you six lessons I learned climbing the Pyrenees during my Camino Francés pilgrimage in 2014.
The official route of the Camino Francés begins in the little town of St. Jean Pied de ... Views: 1300
In talking about the busy mind, also known as the monkey mind or mind chatter, you may be asking yourself, “How do I begin to gain some mastery over my mind”?
One of my coaching client once stated, “my mind runs on and on and on…. like a Duracell battery”. She too felt she had little to no ... Views: 1505
We all want to be happy in life, and in order to make that happen, it's important to develop a positive attitude and try to eliminate the negative one. However, for some odd reason, it seems like it's easier to look at the negative side of life instead of focusing on what makes life worth ... Views: 1312
Feng Shui is often described as a Chinese system for arranging space and the placement of things to bring balance and harmony into your life. Or, it’s all about flow and the movement of energy, or, it’s a way to clear space.
In reality, all of these statements are partially true but very ... Views: 2048
Are you one of those who believe in taking chances? Do you agree with the saying, old ways won’t open new doors?
No doubt, life is filled with a lot of opportunities and potentials waiting to be discovered. This is what makes life worth living-- it offers each and every one of us the ... Views: 7243
Gratitude in and of itself can completely transform our lives. Gratitude has the power to dissolve our anger, shift our perception, and replenish our energy. In a matter of moments, being grateful can take us from a state of helplessness, to a state of hope, and gradually to a state of joy. ... Views: 1516
Many attempts at personal explanation and definition do not result in attainment of an ideal because of improper or incorrect use of language. Oftentimes the words we use to define objectives cause us frustration and further misunderstandings that continue to lead us to ideas having little or ... Views: 1424
In order to find your best self, it's important to learn about yourself first. Finding the “real” you can be an enlightening experience, as it allows you to be fully independent and do the things you never thought of doing. It's hard to explain this kind of feeling technically, but not knowing ... Views: 1114
Article Title: Is it Possible to Counter and Ultimately Defeat Terrorism? Just sharing a Few Thoughts
from www.defeatterrorism.wordpress.com
and www.craiglock.wordpress.com
Author: Craig Lock
Key Words: Terrorism, Solutions, Peace, Possibilities for Peace, Politics, World, Middle ... Views: 1452
A strong, healthy relationship can improve your overall life, including your mind, your connections with others, and your health. In fact, treat a relationship as an investment in that the more you put in, the more you get back. You can have a healthy relationship with anyone in your life, ... Views: 1194
There comes a time in everyone’s life when they doubt who they are and their very purpose in the world. For some retreating into their turtle shell and doing what everyone tells them to do seems like the best option. But this isn’t the way to go about it. You should never allow other people to ... Views: 2173
Do you often view your glass as being half full or half empty? Do you tend to focus more on your blessings or your problems? Your positivity (or negativity) is more than just a personality trait. It can influence your body, overall way of life, and health. You will live longer and be happier and ... Views: 1945
I value the power of positive thinking. Until I can step outside of, or turn thought off completely, I can choose positive thought. If I’m going to live in a story, I’ll at least try to make it a good one.
That said, be leery not to wander too far into The Valley of Faux Mercy. The thinking ... Views: 1084
This article was originally published here -
1. Appreciate what is here (live in the moment)
What is already there does not need anything to exist, it is just there. You may wonder of its value, reasoning as to why they are there, how ... Views: 990
Stress is one of the most insidious maladies that can affect an individual. Whereas some stress can be beneficial at times, giving you the impetus to realize a dream or achieve a particular goal, extreme amount of stress can have negative consequences on your mental, physical and emotional ... Views: 1024
Have you ever stopped to consider how thinking negative thoughts affects your reality?
It's easy to get lost in a cycle of thinking negative thoughts pertaining to the past or future. However, in doing so we rob ourselves of the opportunity to be happy in the present! Seconds, minutes and ... Views: 1291
A long time ago I heard the phrase, “Your thoughts create your reality.” What does this mean to you? I think the truth goes a little bit deeper. As Francisco Coll shared, “You’re not what you think you are, you are what you think.”
You may consciously tell yourself certain thoughts, but ... Views: 1200