We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Life Purpose". If you have expertise in Life Purpose and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Growing flowers from seed is a LOT of work. Not physical work exactly, but more of a discipline. One must care for the seeds, making sure they get water on a regular basis and that weeds don't take over. If you aren't invested in the flowers growing, if you don't believe that they will ... Views: 1158
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text on the nature of existence. According to legend Lao-tzu wrote this book of wisdom. It has been translated more than any other volume, except for the Bible.
The 15th verse of the Tao counsels us: “But the muddiest water clears as it is ... Views: 1671
The Long-neglected Miracle of Existence
Else Byskov
Don´t we know it: we are so caught up in our everyday lives that we simply forget to see the wonder of the world and our own existence. So, let us take a guided tour of some of the most awesome wonders that we can witness every ... Views: 1516
Discovering your life purpose is a journey into knowing yourself. Your life has been guiding you to your purpose all along. It’s just matter of knowing what the signposts are.
Here’s a fun acronym to help you learn and remember the steps to purpose:
P = Passions: What do you love to do? ... Views: 1849
Smoke A Vape
So how do you smoke a vape? That’s an interesting question, and one that a lot of people are asking these days. A few years ago “vapes” – personal vaporisers, or more commonly, electronic cigarettes – were rare, and most people had never heard of them. Now “vape” is in the Oxford ... Views: 1238
The choice of a career path can be confusing. This could mean having answers to some tough questions. What are you good at? Where are your interests in? What do you think could impact other people? The answers to these will help in coming to terms with what career path you will take.
People ... Views: 1796
South east Asia's best tourist destination is Vietnam.The interest starts from the Vietnamese exotic traditional food and the places in Vietnam.
From the turquoise beach to the highland mountains with tea, coffee and flowers.From the Biggest cave to the islands.It's one of the most amazing ... Views: 942
Never in human history have people lived with such material excess as we do today. As our lives have become richer and more complex, so too have they become cluttered with unspeakable amounts of “stuff” that corporations and their advertising agencies have convinced us we need in order to lead ... Views: 1024
Cynics say there is no evidence for reincarnation. Based on the presumptuous and angry reactions we sometimes receive about the idea of past lives, it seems like some people don't want any evidence to exist. Maybe they don't like the idea of having to come back and suffer the consequences of ... Views: 1303
If we take a look at life from God’s position and perspective, we might be pushed to ask ourselves this big question: why are we here on Earth? What was God’s reason for placing us on Earth? Did we get here accidentally? Or, were we intentionally designed with a specific purpose which is ... Views: 1373
One sure way to generate controversy is to bring up the topic of reincarnation in a group conversation.
In our experience, in the Western world, about 30% will say they believe in it, 40% will express mild skepticism, and 30% will vehemently speak out against it.
Elsewhere in the world, ... Views: 1145
According to legend Lao-tzu wrote the “Tao Te Ching,” an ancient Chinese classic on the nature of existence. This book of wisdom has been translated more than any volume, except the Bible. “Tao” is generally interpreted as “the Way.” Lao-Tzu taught that the Tao and water are synonymous. He ... Views: 1648
Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
We are all born with a purpose. Each of us is unique and we all have a special role to fill, that no one else can do. When we discover, acknowledge and act on that, we feel fulfilled. When we don’t, we feel as if we are wandering through ... Views: 1802
Many people are asking the question, “What is my purpose?” It’s not something that was talked about several years ago but has now come into the collective consciousness.
The first thing to consider when exploring your purpose is to understand what purpose really means. Most of the people ... Views: 1889
Tarot Readings Part 2
Now that you just’ve made your ideas and celebrated your victories, there may
very well be a feeling of “what’s following?” You could uncover that, such as
the tiny leaves forming within the crops, you happen to be in a waiting online
game with forces ... Views: 1434
Oftentimes we get to a point in life where we feel stuck. No matter what we do or think we are doing or have done, we can’t seem to move forward or things are not changing for us.
Now if you are really stuck, as a life and business coach, I can help you get unstuck by helping you create a ... Views: 1362
Do you ever wonder what happened to that happy, fun, carefree version of yourself you had a few years back? Before the hard times, before the loss, before the challenges, before you got knocked down? Who was that girl? Where is she now? Can you get her back??
I've certainly experienced these ... Views: 1253
What lies on the other side of your fear?
I invite you to consider the possibility that the life of your dreams lies there.
For so long, I stayed stuck within the limiting mental constructs of fear. My fear gave me every excuse to stay in a place that didn't make me truly happy. I was ... Views: 1110
Meaning in life is found by finding your purpose in life.
To discover meaning in life, we have to find the meaning we give to life by the unfolding of our powers.
People from all walks of life share an inborn urge to find meaning in life; to discover direction and purpose in their ... Views: 1245
Goal Oriented Life Coaching Practice
Coaches 4 Success, Inc
At Coaches 4 Success, (Coaches4Success.Com), we are dedicated to offer our clients life coaching services that can improve the quality of their lives. One way is through goal setting. This collaborative process not only helps ... Views: 1565
Throughout our lives , we share a myriad of our possessions with each other. Say our dresses, our notebooks, our books, our room, our food and many others. Is it possible to share our sufferings, miseries, sorrows too? Yes , sometimes we do tend to share and empathize. Ever wondered if we could ... Views: 1120
Expressing and symbolizing human experience through meaningful concepts has long been an aim of religion, philosophy, and psychology. And few concepts do so more powerfully and effectively than that of purpose. The concept of purpose points not only to our experience of purposefulness, but also ... Views: 1553
Have you been feeling out of sorts at work and wondering if you need to make a change, but not sure if now is the time?
It’s important to self-reflect on a regular basis and not simply drift through life and career without awareness.
Paying attention to the synchronicities and signs in your ... Views: 1935
Inner wisdom gives you direct guidance for inspired action. It shifts your view of daily situations. It reveals patterns and your place and purpose in them. Through self-reflection you know your true feelings. You get in touch with who you really are. You increase your understanding and ... Views: 1789
Most people don’t realize that you can’t have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences.
Even though you don’t consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and ... Views: 1660
Most people don’t realize that you can’t have karma without reincarnation, and the theory of reincarnation dictates you are the sum total of all your prior existences.
Even though you don’t consciously remember, all your actions in past lives, negative and positive, created the challenges and ... Views: 1198
I visited with my niece last night (we’ll call her Bonnie). Bonnie is visiting from Alaska where she lives with her husband. Which, in itself, never ceases to amaze me.Years ago, while doing a reading for Bonnie, I saw her in a large city working in the design field. Boy, did her life path ... Views: 3387
Sometimes we think that the odds are against us; however, in truth, the glorious flow of the Infinite Intelligence is working with you, for you and through. The problem is that we don’t believe it is possible and we think that the odds are against us because we don’t feel smart enough, valuable ... Views: 1443
Experts suggest that if you have a life insurance then there is no need to worry about the non-dom legislation issued in the month of October. As famously quoted by Lord Jenkins, Inheritance tax is a voluntary tax, paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland ... Views: 1147
I have published a new self-help workbook called: Transforming Difficulties into Triumphs in 30 Days. A Story-Based Workbook. In this workbook, you can go through daily ways to overcome your life difficulties. Each day there is a story, lesson, and small action on discovering meaning, practicing ... Views: 1221
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth, and within ourselves. This was never more so than this month of ... Views: 1512
A few years ago I gave a large presentation at a F500 company that would end up being the biggest deal of my career and a huge win for the company. It also ended up being one of the biggest watershed moments of my life and changed ... Views: 1276
I am sharing my story, about how I discovered my own meaning and began to unfold my life purpose. I give an overview of how this began to unfold in my life, which has brought me to the possibility of fulfilling my meaning, through reaching out to others. I have come to this late in life, after ... Views: 1284
I will not talk here about the romantic kind of love or infatuation. Not wanting to underestimate or demean romantic love, I would say that pure Love (with capital “L”) is something immensely glorious and powerful, yet immeasurably gentler than romance. The Love we are talking about here is the ... Views: 1068
We live in a material world whose main trait is inertia, which is also one of our main traits. Our physical bodies, as well as our personalities, are naturally submissive to the law of inertia; we’re lazy, more or less.
When there is nothing to push us forward, as pain does, we can sink deep ... Views: 1151
"Don't trust anyone over thirty," I arrogantly proclaimed during the Sixties, when I was twenty-something and imagined I was bulletproof and would remain forever young.
I'm now more than four decades beyond that imaginary line of demarcation. When I look in the mirror it's clear that I am ... Views: 2179
Do you ever before experience like you “just know” issues? Do you might have
specifically great insights in the shower or whilst you’re driving? Have you
ever before recognized who’s about the other conclude in the line the immediate
the mobile phone rings?
They're ... Views: 1110
In primary school I had a vision of becoming a guidance counselor specialist. In high school, a psychologist, and then in university a clinical forensic psychologist.
When I was 10 years old I started outlining content for a book that at the time I was going to call, “When society ... Views: 1037
Another glimpse of some of the articles contained in the Earth Spirit Journal from Shamanic in Portugal, this is from August 2016 edition: (http://shamanicsinportugal.com/)
July brought us another higher pace and notch on the roller coaster of 2016. A blend of intensity for the physical body ... Views: 1689
WHY BLAME THE BARTENDER ? - A poem in English and Hindi on the human abuse of free will.
How are they to love us whose hearts know us not,
Why and how are they to confess love to a stranger ?
Why blame the lovers, love itself is fake in this world,
So naive to come with open hearts ... Views: 1111
Never do anything out of obligation instead do everything with gratitude and love. In other words, go through each experience with a purpose and reason for doing it. As an intuitive expert, I want you to know about some basic life principles that will help you. Do not act out of resentment or ... Views: 3248
Can there ever be too much joy in the world? We tend to become confused in life and think that our lives are meant to be hard and difficult. If that is your belief, I am here to tell you that you are living your life backward. We have become too busy, crazy with activity and stress in our lives ... Views: 2116
Don't get caught up in the negativity that surrounds you. Use this time for your joy! Many times without realizing it, our enemies are the ones that motivate us because they get our goat and cause us to challenge them. So if you are facing some kind of enemy in your life believe that you must be ... Views: 1061
Are you ready to die?
Most people aren’t? Yet if we are not willing to be with death it will hunt us down. Last week I had a gigantic dose of people sitting with death. My contractor’s 10-year-old daughter with an inoperable brain tumor on the brain stem. Next a dear friend called with breast ... Views: 1234
Here’s Where My Heroine’s Journey Actually Began
The bathroom floor.
I found myself kneeling there quietly praying and sobbing in 1998, my husband sleeping in our adjacent bedroom. That was the year of my Seven-Year Itch. I always joke that my Seven-Year Itch came in the form of my mother ... Views: 1161
Success is a word that can mean many different things. Everyone has a varying definition for the term, and even when you both define it the same, the levels of meaning can range.
As an example, when most individuals consider success, they think in relations to income level . Two individuals ... Views: 2483
“Our minds map out a neat, perfect little road for life and we hate to have it changed in any way. Yet that perfect little road may completely by-pass our goal of God-realization.”
–Barry and Joyce Vissell, The Shared Heart
Joyce and I have written before about the importance of taking ... Views: 1615
So, you want to learn tarot, become a psychic reader, develop your intuition. Many people are feeling that call, without quite understanding it or the history behind it. Here’s the thing – all those three desires are separate, each rife with misconceptions. Working ... Views: 1258
I have observed that in my area, there is a lot of money in the hands of the people who flock to Florida seeking fun, greater happiness and a better way of life. In truth, don't we all seek those attributes but struggle to achieve? People can't wait to retire so they can enjoy some fun, greater ... Views: 1124
It may sound strange coming from someone who has written dozens of blogs about happiness and taught a lot of seminars on the subject, to hear that happiness isn’t necessarily all that it’s cracked up to be. Or put another way, in terms of one’s overall quality of life, spirit, and degree of ... Views: 1265