Time travel is possible. And it’s achievable both “physically” and “mentally.”
First, let us examine time travel in a physical sense, when a traveler uses some sort of physical means to move their selves (including their body) through time, at will.
According to the relativistic physics, ... Views: 1562
We are encountering various immature or spiritually unconscious beings all the time. They can be little children, animals or even grown up people with mental or emotional issues. Although most of the time these interactions can be lovely and amusing, they can also turn out to be extremely ... Views: 2127
The causes of your self-sabotage can be the following:
- Self-defeating or limiting beliefs about that particular activity or life in general, such as: I'm vulnerable; the unknown is dangerous; I should not take the risk; life is unfair; I'm not good enough; I’m not worthy; life is hard; I am ... Views: 1293
There are several very efficient and innovative methods for successful dealing with fears, i.e. reintegrating them back into our personality. But first, let me elaborate a little bit on the nature of fears.
What are fears?
Fears, together with desires, are some of the basic life dynamisms ... Views: 1392
I will not talk here about the romantic kind of love or infatuation. Not wanting to underestimate or demean romantic love, I would say that pure Love (with capital “L”) is something immensely glorious and powerful, yet immeasurably gentler than romance. The Love we are talking about here is the ... Views: 1068
Being mindful means to do any activity fully conscious of yourself and of the activity itself. Simply put, it means to consciously live in the present moment.
Although many people don’t consider it as strictly spiritual, mindfulness indeed is a purely divine practice. It leads you to your ... Views: 1183
We live in a material world whose main trait is inertia, which is also one of our main traits. Our physical bodies, as well as our personalities, are naturally submissive to the law of inertia; we’re lazy, more or less.
When there is nothing to push us forward, as pain does, we can sink deep ... Views: 1151
How can we help others? When we are asked for help – should we give them some money, food, or should we try to teach them to earn for themselves?
It is impossible to generalize all poor people or life situations. Nor it is possible to generalize people who are asked to help them. Therefore, ... Views: 1438
How come we are condensed into a single point of the Universe? Is there another way of existing in it? Is there a way of experiencing the reality without being so restrained into this point of space-time? Is there any other kind of existence at all?
These existential questions can lead us to ... Views: 1350
I had been trying for many years to anchor myself in the present by utilizing many methods originating from various spiritual traditions, but ultimately, to no avail. After a temporary success, there would always emerge a setback and I would find myself at the beginning of the road again. Or it ... Views: 1287
“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see.” ― Alexandra K. Trenfor
People who present themselves to others as spiritually evolved have enormous responsibility over many lives. They are usually in a position to be giving various practical advice ... Views: 999
Procrastination is one of the most stubborn issues in people’s life. Luckily, there are many ways to overcome it.
I will present here just several ways to deal with it, but they all are very effective. Here are the most recommended strategies:
1. Meditate regularly.
2. Apply mindfulness ... Views: 1481