The Greatest Teacher of them All – Life itself
Else Byskov, author
I am sure that many people are wondering, who is the greatest spiritual teacher of them all. Is it Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Brahman, Abraham, Martinus or somebody else? Yes, who indeed? Actually, it is none of ... Views: 792
The Long-neglected Miracle of Existence
Else Byskov
Don´t we know it: we are so caught up in our everyday lives that we simply forget to see the wonder of the world and our own existence. So, let us take a guided tour of some of the most awesome wonders that we can witness every ... Views: 1516
All living beings have an aura. The aura ´sits´ around our body as an oval electric ´field´, which reaches out 50 – 100 cm. from the body. The aura is in most cases invisible to the human eye, but many people are able to see auras as a shining field around the head. When pictures of Jesus often ... Views: 1857
The birth of a new world culture
A new world culture is being born. It is still in the throes of labour, and it is a painful and drawn out birth, but it is happening and the signs are everywhere.
This new world culture is in stark opposition to the old world culture, which is ... Views: 1198
What is the greatest challenge facing humankind?
The Law of Karma
When we look at the world, there are obviously many challenges, but according to Martinus, the Danish visionary and mystic, there is one challenge that is above them all. That challenge is to become knowledable about the ... Views: 1288
Many people have severe phobias that can prevent them from living a normal life. The origin of these phobias is not well understood, and their treatment has in general simply consisted of medication to dull the symptoms.
Our supraconsciousness is our ´store room´ for past experiences
... Views: 1067
The Survival of Consciousness.
By Else Byskov, M.A. & B.A., author.
It is now close to three decades since Raymond Moody’s groundbreaking book “Life After Life” was published, and during the years since its publication serious research into the phenomenon of the near-death experience ... Views: 2899
Detox your thoughts – now!
It is becoming more and more evident that our thoughts are an important factor in our health. This is no longer something that is only valid within the field of alternative health care – even at hospitals you are now told to think positively about your own healing ... Views: 1582
The One-life Theory Sucks
Else Byskov
Today many, many people believe we only live once. Those who adhere to the one-life theory are mainly supporters of a purely materialistic worldview, and they think that their predominantly atheist and godless way of seeing things is far superior and ... Views: 2145
The first shall be last, the last first.
Many hard core materialistic scientists are adamant in telling us that our consciousness is a product of chemical processes in the brain, that the near-death experience is just a figment of a contorted imagination, that death is the final outcome of ... Views: 1308
The Human Consciousness Project
By Else Byskov, author
According to our spiritual masters death holds the greatest possible surprise to man: there is no death. This, however, is exceedingly difficult to accept by the modern, intellectual individual, who wants scientific proof for the ... Views: 2578
Become acquainted with The Law of Attraction – the most important natural law in your life.
Else Byskov’s latest book ”The Art of Attraction” explains in clear and logical terms how this fantastic natural law works, and it presents lots of good advice about how to make the law work for you, ... Views: 6250
Our Thoughts Are More Important to Our Health than Our Genes
By Else Byskov, author of ”Death Is an Illusion” and ”The Art of Attraction”,
author website:
You very often hear people say that it is their genes that determine if they are well or ill. The notion ... Views: 7152
The Purpose of Life
By Else Byskov, author of “Death Is an Illusion”
Does life have a purpose? Are we here for a reason other than procreation and the continuation of the species? Could there be a higher meaning with our existence?
These questions have been answered in the most convincing and ... Views: 1619