Please read and be inspired in any way that you can. I hope the answers (which are true) in this article will inspire a lot of new and old bloggers. At the end of the article, you may decide to give advice on/make a remark about anything related to your own experience(s).
Question 1: what ... Views: 940
We may refer to nature as the unseen power that makes all forms of life and natural activities function on Earth. Nature has been handling enormous environmental changes on Earth for about 3.5 billion years; that’s why many environmental experts say that when the Earth faces problematic ... Views: 960
We live in an age that has a lot environmental challenges threatening the existence of living and non-living things. This Earth in which we breathe, eat and live, is not as healthy as it was in the distant past; so the major reason why you should study environmental science is because it will ... Views: 1240
As the years have been passing by, I’ve been acquiring most of the things I ever desired. By taking a look at the past, it’s obvious that positive thinking has been helpful in influencing my mind to attract the things I desired/desire; today, it still influences my mind to attract the things I ... Views: 1017
It is a bit shocking that in the midst of all the astonishing scientific and technological knowledge that has been discovered/invented over the ages, confusion and disbelief still abound regarding the existence of other invisible or inaccessible parts of creation; there is also uncertainty as to ... Views: 1288
The only thing that always makes things become new in life – is change: lawyers and their businesses aren’t free from it. Let’s take a look at the newly-evolving trends that are changing the way lawyers do business:
1. The prevalent use of modern internet technology
A lot of newly-invented ... Views: 1633
One good method we can use in comprehending the characteristics of viral headlines on the internet, is to observe the words that appear in the titles of contents at the top of search engines like google which is linked to blogs, websites or web pages that have very high volumes of traffic. The ... Views: 1153
It’s a sad fact that many people and nations once experienced a level of prosperity which is now almost forgotten because they are in a state of great adversity and misfortune. Evidence abounds everywhere that prosperity can become adversity within the twinkle of time’s eyes. In 1980, Zimbabwe ... Views: 1410
In order to buttress the title of the article, let’s take a brief look into the Christian Bible, at a scripture in Psalms 103: 7 which says: "He made his ways known to Moses, and his acts known to the children of Israel". Although Moses had a lot of access to the ways of GOD, the children of ... Views: 1695
In the Christian Bible, 2nd Corinthians 5:7 says: “For we walk by faith: not by sight”. The literal meaning of the above scripture is that we are meant to live our lives, have high hopes and carry out actions on the basis of faith, which can be referred to as ultimate and unseen reality. Having ... Views: 1493
There is actually nothing like getting “something for nothing”, in this world! Making a difference, involves the expenditure of time, energy and resources. Generally, Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India, made a difference in the world: specifically she made a difference by helping the poor and ... Views: 1106
The scripture in Proverbs 20: 5 of the Christian Bible, says: “Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out”. A deep look at that scripture will give you the impression that an immeasurable amount of treasures lies within each human beings heart; ... Views: 1395
On a daily basis, many people browse through a lot of web pages with the intention of making money online. Finally, they end up getting involved in ventures which are new — or quite new to them. This group of people can be referred to as “newbies”. And this article attempts to pin-point certain ... Views: 1104
Most times, people — including myself — probably don’t seem to don’t give any thought about God and his greatness. We are too engrossed in our own activities, good or bad, to a point that we hardly think about God, the trees, birds and other wonderfully created beings and objects created by God. ... Views: 1253
If you have a unique gift or an unparalleled talent for doing something, then you’ll definitely be recognized and distinguished from the rest of the flock. In fact that gift of yours could place you on top of other people and give you a great advantage that might last for a very very long time ... Views: 1112
If we take a look at life from God’s position and perspective, we might be pushed to ask ourselves this big question: why are we here on Earth? What was God’s reason for placing us on Earth? Did we get here accidentally? Or, were we intentionally designed with a specific purpose which is ... Views: 1373
Any human being who is genuinely connected with God (the creator of all things) would have ultimate peace and true prosperity. God is spirit and we can’t see him! In fact, his invisibility makes many people feel like he doesn’t exist. But he’s there! Right out there! He’s connected with men and ... Views: 1514
Similar to how women test men is the fact that men have the instinct of testing women as well. Most men test women so as to know beforehand how a particular lady might react in certain situations. The manner in which a lady responds to the tests a man throws at her reveals how matured or patient ... Views: 2793
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” That’s a verse from The Bible located in the book of “Proverbs 23 : 7”. Each person’s own output in life is a product of his or her own thoughts! What type of thoughts do you harbor about yourself? The level of intelligence you emit — is deeply ... Views: 2796
In the book of The Bible, “Hebrews 11 : 3” says: “Through faith we understand that the universe was framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were made from nothing.” Everything you see, handle and feel, came out of words. In fact, words are the most powerful tools in the ... Views: 1747
The dream of all affiliate marketers is to make an abundance of profit from their business empire(s). As an affiliate marketer it’s possible to earn a lot of profit by advertising and selling merchandise, and carrying out other related activities.
Due to the fact that our world is an ... Views: 1599
Despite the global prevalence of obesity, there is no universal agreement about the best dietary practice to sustain a moderate or favorable body weight. Diets containing low percentages of carbohydrate and high percentages of protein result in greater quantity of weight loss (on a short term ... Views: 1412
The story of “Laurre the Elliot” who bagged a master’s degree at the age of 90, says a lot about the fact that – where there is a will, there will always be a way – no matter the trials or pains! “Laurre the Elliot” is a proof to many that it's never too late to fulfil your dreams. She said it ... Views: 2090