Someone must risk returning injury with kindness,or hostility will never turn to goodwill.
Tao Te Ching
To live without resentments, you must change the way you hold onto them. Resentments survive and thrive because you are unwilling to let them go. At the heart of the matter is your ego’s ... Views: 1469
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text on the nature of existence. According to legend Lao-Tzu wrote this book of wisdom. It has been translated more than any other volume, except for the Bible.
The creative Source of the universe flows around you and through you. Be flexible and open ... Views: 1371
The Tao Te Ching is an ancient Chinese text on the nature of existence. According to legend Lao-tzu wrote this book of wisdom. It has been translated more than any other volume, except for the Bible.
The 15th verse of the Tao counsels us: “But the muddiest water clears as it is ... Views: 1671
You are a creator. You are here on Earth to create a joyful life experience. Desires arise in you every day. Do you honor them? Or do you find ways to repress them? When you follow your desires, you feel passion. You feel energized. You feel joyful. You choose ways to create a happier ... Views: 1431
According to legend Lao-tzu wrote the “Tao Te Ching,” an ancient Chinese classic on the nature of existence. This book of wisdom has been translated more than any volume, except the Bible. “Tao” is generally interpreted as “the Way.” Lao-Tzu taught that the Tao and water are synonymous. He ... Views: 1648
Through self-knowledge, you recognize your divine nature and the deeper purpose to life. You create a larger context in which to view your existence. You learn how to interpret and organize your experiences. You develop an inner connection with all creation. Self-knowledge helps you blend ... Views: 1571
Inner wisdom gives you direct guidance for inspired action. It shifts your view of daily situations. It reveals patterns and your place and purpose in them. Through self-reflection you know your true feelings. You get in touch with who you really are. You increase your understanding and ... Views: 1789
Communication involves inner and outer worlds through both speaking and listening. With self-expression you share what’s inside you. With good listening you learn what’s inside others. Creativity flows from within. You assimilate ideas from the world and give back something unique to you. ... Views: 1328
The world’s sacred traditions teach that love is the way of life. You are worthy of love. You have a basic right to love and be loved. With a balanced center you can express love for yourself and others. Love is your divine nature and love is your greatest lesson to learn.
Love is ... Views: 1312
The true purpose of power is to transform yourself and your world. A sense of empowerment renews your life purpose. Shame is the demon. It takes away your joy. The healing process involves letting go of shame that who you are and what you do is not good enough.
As a society, we have been ... Views: 1333
You incline naturally toward pleasure and away from pain. Pleasure invites you to delight in the experience of being alive. It frees life energy to move through your body and fuels your passion for life. Passion and pleasure are essential motivating forces for vitality, power and creativity. ... Views: 1523
Your body is the home of your Spirit. When you live disconnected from your body, you become spiritually homeless. You ignore your physical surroundings and damage Earth’s body in the process. You value mind over body and lose access to the body’s own intelligence. Just as a plant needs roots ... Views: 1698
You were an Infinite Being before you were born. You are an Infinite Being even now. You will remain an Infinite Being after you die.
When you recognize the beauty of your Infinite Self, you accept the grace for living and dying well. Much of your angst about death comes from the ... Views: 1520
You have enormous creative power. To embrace this inner power, you must first believe in it. Then you must accept responsibility to develop and protect it. As you affirm your inner power, it grows. You draw to yourself what you want, rather than pushing to achieve it.
Acting from your ... Views: 1605
You are a powerful creator. The Source Energy that creates worlds flows through you and all things. Believing is vital. Believe in yourself as a Divine Being in human form. Believe that you already have the creative power within for your sacred journey on Earth.
As you develop your ... Views: 1385
You are an energetic being living in an energetic Universe. You have the Source Energy that creates worlds flowing through you. It is your responsibility to be vigilant and guard your energy. It is especially important to use your sacred energy wisely. As you cleanse and raise your energy, you ... Views: 2196
If you desire life balance between your inner Self and the outer world, you must practice self-discipline. True power also comes from discipline. It requires that you control your mind and emotions. It requires that you find ways to honor the inner You. As you practice self-discipline, you ... Views: 1427
You have the freedom and power to create with your heart-based feelings and thoughts. New scientific discoveries reveal what timeless wisdom has told us. You are the architect of your own reality. You play a powerful role in the universe. The key to creating your dreams into reality is ... Views: 1415
Your life is a spiritual journey to know your true Self. To live fully, you must discover who-you-really-are. You must get back in touch with your inner power. First, ask yourself these two questions. How strong is your desire? How willing are you to take action? You have enormous power for ... Views: 3354
In the process of becoming fully human, we wonder about the reason for our existence. We search to find our role and live with purpose on Earth. These life questions may be considered unimportant in our modern world, compared to matters of business and finance. But how we respond to them is ... Views: 1357
You live in a fast-paced, noisy and high-tech world. This modern way of life has caused disastrous results for Planet Earth. It alienates you from your Divine Source and from the natural world. By reconnecting with Earth and your true Self, you can create a new way of being. You renew your ... Views: 1593
In today’s noisy and hi-tech world we have lost a sense of intimacy with the natural world and with ourselves. We have lost the ability to live in mutually enhancing ways with Earth. And the problem of addiction to technology is growing, especially among the young. By reconnecting with ... Views: 1536
Desires flow from deep within. They come from your True Self. The cost of ignoring them is high. The time may not be right. But you can nurture your desires. You can gradually move toward them. In doing so, you release your Inner Genius.
Pay attention to your strong emotions and ... Views: 1969
We live in the midst of constant change. We resist letting go of familiar ways. But change and disorder create new possibilities. They promote growth. They challenge us to adapt.
Planet Earth emerged as an integrated system from trillions of living and non-living parts. The living cell ... Views: 1624
The universe was once smaller than a grain of sand. It began with a massive explosion some call the "Big Bang." Others refer to a vast "œcosmic breath." Our universe has expanded and is still expanding. This discovery is one of the greatest in human history.
Another amazing discovery ... Views: 1629
Are you living in ways that reflect the person you want to be? Do you resolve to make changes and then slip back into old routines? We could call this a rut. But real change involves more than just actions. Repetitive thoughts and feelings also impact our life experiences. They create the ... Views: 1495
Take a deep breath. We offer this advice when someone is overly excited or anxious. We recognize breath as a way to calm mind and emotions. Breath is a powerful tool to promote well-being. It is literally right under our nose. Yet we don’t pay much attention to the breath.
Using ... Views: 1883
Life is a balancing act. How to juggle inner needs with responsibilities in the world? It is easy to lose your bearings in the midst of daily living. Your focus blurs. A balanced life requires wisdom. But you need quiet to hear your inner voice. How can you expect wisdom from within if you ... Views: 1942
Change is a constant in our lives. For the past 300 years ideas about the world of change have come from Isaac Newton's machine metaphor. For the past 150 years ideas of struggle and competition have come from Charles Darwin's theories about evolution.
The new sciences reveal a world ... Views: 2745
I am going to broadcast the seed and let the wind carry it where it will.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I’ve exchanged smiles with many people on my nature walks. I’ve noticed the thoughtful looks of those who sit quietly on garden benches. Different ages, different backgrounds. ... Views: 2258
The Buddha taught that awareness has universal effects. Be aware of the lifestyle you choose. What is good for you is also good for the animals and Earth itself. Be aware of yourself as both physical and spiritual beings. This relationship empowers you. Be aware of the Mind Body Spirit ... Views: 2534
The desire for life meaning resonates deep within each one of us. We want to believe that our lives have purpose. We yearn to make a small difference in the world. But life is messy and unpredictable. Often life seems to fall apart despite our best efforts. We experience a profound loss of ... Views: 3134
For 300 years we have imagined our world as a machine. Machines break down and wear out. They are replaced by newer models. Perhaps this image is the source for our negative thoughts about aging. We accept the view of a downhill world. We see ourselves as losing productivity and becoming ... Views: 2318
Life faces us with our vulnerability on a daily basis. We struggle to exert control. Often we resist change and prolong a crisis. Difficult times offer opportunity for growth and renewal, as well as depression and despair. These insights, drawn from science and nature, can help us meet ... Views: 3342
When we consider the great forces at play in the world, the flutter of a butterfly’s wings doesn’t seem to have much power. Yet a Chinese proverb states that the power of a butterfly’s wings can be felt around the world. Modern science reveals that this proverb may be literally true. The ... Views: 2921
In the overall span of time, we are a brief evolutionary experiment. Along the way we came to believe that we are different from other creatures. We came to see ourselves at the pinnacle of creation. But scientists have found otherwise. We are not so different after all. And it seems Nature ... Views: 2262
A basic principle of life is change and growth. Science tells us: Nothing stays the same. The flower bud changes and blooms into its own colorful expression. Like the bud, our own creative expression needs time for inner growth. We change and grow from the inside out. Inner growth leads us ... Views: 2039
We want to enjoy a meaningful life. We want to have a peaceful death. But do we know how? The year before he died, my brother Joe taught me three powerful lessons on living and dying well.
Joe was the picture of good health. He was an avid runner. About two weeks after 9/11 he received ... Views: 3016
We hold on to memories about ways that someone has hurt us or hurt someone we love. Or perhaps we are the one who did the hurting. We struggle to forgive others and ourselves. Forgiveness takes an act of the will that sometimes does not come easily. Nature wisdom can help us see forgiveness ... Views: 2540
News reports paint the picture of a world filled with violence and hatred. Science shows that we are connected to one another and all creation. Reality TV says: Look out for number one! Sacred traditions teach that love is the way of life. Wisdom from nature and the Law of Attraction can ... Views: 2065
News reports paint the picture of a world filled with violence and hatred. Science shows that we are connected to one another and all creation. Reality TV says: Look out for number one! Sacred traditions teach that love is the way of life. Wisdom from nature and the Law of Attraction can ... Views: 2065
Nature is an eloquent teacher. We learn from nature the power of living in the present. Time alone in nature helps us calm a jittery mind and pay attention to the moment. It restores our inner peace. We deepen our experience of the Divine. We feel a sense of expansion beyond the ordinary ... Views: 2376
Uncertainty is a predicament of life. The same questions continue to haunt us. How can we live in this uncertain world without fear? How can we approach times of uncertainty with trust? We leave nothing to chance. Chance is the enemy. But fear also eliminates opportunity for growth and ... Views: 4863
We seek many things in this world to bring us happiness and inner peace. We set goals and work hard to achieve them. But in doing so, we often neglect our inner needs--the desires of our spirit. We struggle with the push-pulls between inner and outer worlds. Quiet time alone renews us and ... Views: 3970
The natural world reminds us that relationships are wondrously varied and complex. Through nature's diversity, we observe some cooperation and some competition. But we cannot look for parallels in nature to resolve our life questions. The answers lie deep within us, waiting to be discovered. ... Views: 2730
During many nature walks I've brought my questions about life's purpose and my search for balance between world and Spirit. My journal contains my musings. I catch a glimpse of my Creator. I make connections between nature's images and life experience. Through them I want to entice you to ... Views: 1962