If I had known years ago that I was experiencing was what I now know as the dark night of the soul, maybe it would have been easier to accept the divine unfolding and omniscient wisdom of the process. All I knew back then was my life seemed to be falling apart no matter how hard I tried to fight ... Views: 1898
Do you ever wonder what happened to that happy, fun, carefree version of yourself you had a few years back? Before the hard times, before the loss, before the challenges, before you got knocked down? Who was that girl? Where is she now? Can you get her back??
I've certainly experienced these ... Views: 1253
What lies on the other side of your fear?
I invite you to consider the possibility that the life of your dreams lies there.
For so long, I stayed stuck within the limiting mental constructs of fear. My fear gave me every excuse to stay in a place that didn't make me truly happy. I was ... Views: 1110
Are you living the life your soul longs to live? Do you feel a sense of great fulfillment when you look back at your accomplishments? Do you feel excited about your future and what's in store for you?
Many people today live with a level of low-grade anxiety in the background of their lives. ... Views: 1149
Intense energies are upon us again as the Autumn Equinox is beginning tonight. The Equinox brings with it the start of another powerful eclipse season. Our planet Pluto is playing an usually big part of this intensity this round and we will be experiencing its influence, no doubt.
So, what ... Views: 1419
As more and more people are beginning to awaken and rub the crust out of their sleepy eyes, they are beginning to question the new ways in which they are experiencing life. Their lives may feel shockingly different as old habits, relationships, and even ways of relating to life shift ... Views: 1232
We are entering a new paradigm of living life here on Earth. The old ways of duality, judgment, and limiting belief systems are falling away rapidly. Many have already shifted into the new paradigm and have aligned themselves to their TRUE nature, allowing them to live a higher 5th dimensional, ... Views: 1117
It is time for people to open their eyes and step into reality instead of continuing to walk around in a cloudy fog. I think people tend to put their hands up and close their ears when a little bit of fear is triggered in them. It’s just like a kid who is angry with his little friend and holds ... Views: 1416
Here's the deal guys, our world is in a time of rapid change. Every single person here on Earth is affected by this change. Some may feel it or be more attuned to it than others. Some may easily go with the flow and others will be more resistant.
Stop for a moment and truthfully acknowledge ... Views: 1138
What are the things that hold you back in life? I bet you can name them immediately. Maybe it's one thing or person that is weighing your energy down, like a ball and chain locked tight around your ankle. Maybe it's your job or your boss, your relationship or your mother.
Whatever it is, ... Views: 1135
Imagine sitting down in an inspiring, sacred space and mindfully envisioning something you would like to bring into your life. You immerse every fiber of your sensing being into the experience of receiving this thing you wish to have. You see it happening right before your very eyes. You feel ... Views: 1300
Busy, busy we are, as a society today. The alarm goes off, we hit snooze and then finally arise, only to rush off to work, speedily groomed and maybe fed, fight traffic, attend meetings, check endless emails, meet clients, fight traffic again....
Meanwhile, our higher selves are patiently ... Views: 889