For many individuals, the past is not past but remains an ever-present influence in their present life. Even though the physical effects of past events often demand more attention, the psychological legacy may be much more difficult to move on from. If past events are processed as experiences to ... Views: 1211
Every day is full of decisions: what to wear, what to buy for dinner, which way to go, who to contact, when to take the dog for a walk … But while those ‘small’ choices might affect how your day goes, it is the big ones that have a significant effect on your life. To work out the choices you can ... Views: 905
Psychological abuse leaves no visible marks and often remains hidden within families, romantic relationships, toxic individuals and groups, cults and organisations of various religious and non-religious orientations. However, it is at least as damaging as the more explicitly violent forms of ... Views: 1352
A sense of self-worth, self-respect and confidence that you can handle what life presents to you are all features of self-esteem. But appreciating and liking yourself is not always easy, especially if your sense of self was seriously undermined in your youth, toxic relationships, negative ... Views: 1127
In a busy life, self-care is often pushed aside or given low priority. Perhaps a weekly yoga class or run around the block on weekends are all you can fit in. But for optimal functioning you need to invest in your mind and emotions as well as your physical health.
The basis of looking after ... Views: 1130
The fear response is triggered when facing danger. The ‘danger’ could be not measuring up to a desirable or imposed standard, not getting done what you set out to do, not fulfilling your own or other people’s expectations, being seen as less than perfect or failing at something. There is also ... Views: 1215
Most successful and beneficial relationships include an element of trust. Expecting loyalty, reliability and trustworthiness you assume that the other person will do what they say, that their word can be relied upon and that promises, commitments and agreements will be kept. When trust is ... Views: 1052
Detachment is not about being aloof or withdrawing from the world. We can be passionate, involved, enthusiastic and engaged with life in all its forms. Living in seclusion may help some people to go deep within, but for others that sort of separation from the world is not desired or possible. ... Views: 1023
Businesses perform audits of goods and services, management structures, staff performance and anything else relevant to the particular company. Often this results in internal adjustments and restructures.
On a personal level we can also benefit from stopping and reflecting on how we are ... Views: 941
When life is busy or challenging, most people get so caught up in what goes on in their head that they forget all about the rest of their body. But problems and difficulties are best addressed with the whole of you. If you focus on your issues with a strong sense of self - rather than only your ... Views: 981
Inner strength is created though effort and determination. At the core of it is the trust that one way or another you will be able to deal with whatever you may encounter in life - whether it be a crisis or simply the challenges of daily life.
If you do not let them crush you, hardship and ... Views: 932
Self-love - really? Isn’t it conceited, selfish, unpleasant, arrogant, narcissistic, vain and full of false pride? It is, if ego-based and full of self-importance. However, there is a different kind of self-love you really need.
The right kind of Self-Love.
Real self-love is a spiritually ... Views: 961
A finely tuned perception is one of the main characteristic of empaths and sensitives. They pick up on very subtle non-verbal clues, feeling the energy and emotions of others, even if they are not obviously displayed. Body language, facial expressions or simply the energy of a person are enough ... Views: 1283
Everybody knows about stress. Too much to do, too little time, problems, issues, irritations and whatever else makes life complicated and frantic. But serenity? Isn’t that a very old-fashioned idea with no relevance in the modern world? Quite the contrary, it is essential for well-being and ... Views: 1068
Unwanted changes, unexpected challenges, loss, disappointments, abuse or other forms of adversity often bring with them hurt or harm. Feelings of self-pity are quite normal and understandable. Life has changed in some way and often not for the better. It is only natural to feel sorry for ... Views: 1320
Are you living life or is life living you? Do external events or people push you into a negative state difficult to escape from? Or is it you who determines your experience of life? What happens in life cannot be controlled. Many things in life are imposed on you whether you like it or not. ... Views: 1634
Life is rarely a smooth ride where everything goes to plan. There are many uncertainties, unpredictabilities and hiccups along the way. But the more you are able to adapt to new conditions, the less painful the process becomes.
Psychological flexibility includes lateral thinking, the ability ... Views: 1530
Intuition - the ‘sixth sense’ - has had a rather chequered history. At various times it was considered a gift bestowed on only a few, a curse leading to persecution or a form of woo-woo imagination children were taught to suppress. Although some individuals seem naturally wired for strong ... Views: 1387
Why Memories hurt.
When an experience is recorded as a memory, it goes through the emotional and cognitive filters, assumptions and interpretations of the person. This is one of the reasons why different people can have quite different recollections of an event they all witnessed.
As ... Views: 1397
Why Memories hurt.
When an experience is recorded as a memory, it goes through the emotional and cognitive filters, assumptions and interpretations of the person. This is one of the reasons why different people can have quite different recollections of an event they all witnessed.
As ... Views: 1371
Each experience is telling us something about ourselves, other people, the society we live in, the country, the world. The messages we receive from our experience are filtered through our belief system, previous experience and cultural norms. For example, one person may see adversity as ... Views: 1774
Sometimes it is easier to forgive the actions of another person than your own transgression or mistake. Your life may have changed because of you doing something or not doing something: If only I had not been so …. It’s all my fault. They’ll never forgive me. I can never forgive myself. You may ... Views: 1361
A gift to yourself
The idea of forgiveness makes many people shout, Never!! Indeed, resentment, blame, recrimination and desire for revenge seem so much more natural than forgiveness.
Is there anything to be gained by forgiving an offender? Formerly associated only with spiritual ... Views: 1362
Know your Inner Critic.
Most people believe and feed an inner critic who points out faults and flaws, dwells on the negative, and is often downright abusive. This can lead to procrastination, inactivity or avoidance. It affects your emotions, your self-esteem, confidence, courage and joy of ... Views: 1155
Beliefs create Reality.
Why do some people have a succession of abusive partners? Why do many adults suffer with addiction problems despite having seen the devastation it caused in their family when growing up?
Acquired in the course of your life, your beliefs act like filters on a camera ... Views: 1146
Feelings come in waves, often appearing out of the blue, triggered by a memory, words overheard, pictures or experiences. The more we are trying to reign them in, suppress or ignore them, the stronger and more persistent they get - if not in the moment then sometime later, even after many ... Views: 1054
When individuals are trapped in or have left abusive situations, they often ask themselves: How did I get into this? Why did I fall for it? How could I be so naive? Why did I not respond to red flags earlier? They experience much self-recrimination and shattered confidence in their judgment of ... Views: 1109
The word depression is used in different contexts. Some people claim it for minor problems like being disappointed, hurt or discouraged. Others use it to describe feelings of such heaviness and dejection that they are barely able to function. Symptoms may be so severe that it becomes a life-long ... Views: 1129
Boundaries are important.
From a psychological perspective, boundaries are the mental, emotional, spiritual or relational limits on who and what kind of influences you accept into your life. How you expect to be treated depends on your personal history and self-evaluation. This is different ... Views: 1454
Empowerment! The 11 Qualities You Need To Be In The Driver’s Seat Of Your Life.
You are the authority in your life although it might not always seem that way. When external circumstances or events impose conditions that are not of your choosing you might feel powerless and loose hope of ever ... Views: 945
Who has not found themselves irritated or dismayed about things happening in their lives? Frustration is more common and socially acceptable than anger and rage but it fulfils a similar function and if chronic is also very damaging.
The ‘Benefits’ of Being Frustrated.
Whether directed at ... Views: 1484
Each person has their own ‘toolkit’ of psychological qualities. They guide how life is lived, the choices made, inclinations and preferences, connections with other people and performance at work. Among them are characteristics like calmness, independence, diligence, friendliness, creativity, ... Views: 956