Oftentimes we get to a point in life where we feel stuck. No matter what we do or think we are doing or have done, we can’t seem to move forward or things are not changing for us.

Now if you are really stuck, as a life and business coach, I can help you get unstuck by helping you create a plan – action steps you must take to achieve your goal. But today I want to talk with you about those times in your life when it feels like you are stuck but you are not stuck.

I recently heard a sermon by Joel Osteen in which he discussed our “anointing” and our “appointment.” Sometimes you are called or anointed by God to do something, be something or have something. You know you are supposed to be in a certain career field, you know that you are supposed to start a business, you know that you are supposed to be married to your soulmate. You have done everything in your power to bring it to pass but still you are stuck where you are.

Your manager at work is less experienced or knowledgeable than you but they got the promotion to management when you applied too.

You have started the business and done everything you can to get clients or customers but you are not profiting from the business.

You’ve stopped dating indiscriminately or even chosen celibacy and you’ve been waiting to meet the right person for years and you are still alone.

This time is your proving ground; your character is being tested or developed. What God has anointed you to have, do or be is coming but the way you behave during this period of time can delay what God has promised.

HOW you wait and perform while you are in this proving ground will either speed up or slow down the manifestation of what God has promised to do for you.

However, if you are believing God for something but YOU haven’t done your part and you can’t seem to move forward for some reason, then you are indeed stuck. I can help you get unstuck if you enroll in one of my life or business coaching programs.

Author's Bio: 

Carmin Wharton is a life and business coach to women who are stuck and can’t move forward to create the dream life, career or business they deserve. She helps women change their lives one goal at the time!