We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Intimacy". If you have expertise in Intimacy and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
One of the best gifts you could give to partner is the exhillarating experience of a full-body massage. In addition to immense therapeutic value, a professional massage is your one-way ticket to Pleasureville. Massage uses touch through rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid ... Views: 2104
Yoga is an excellent way to increase strength, agility and blood flow to all parts of the body. You can be any age, shape or size to enjoy the benefits of yoga. There are hundreds of styles and various levels to explore from gentle stretching and breathing exercises for the physically ... Views: 1944
A standard routine is often a good thing, as a familiar schedule regulates activities, tasks and responsibilities, as well as instills discipline and organization. However the same old routine in your relationships and especially with intimacy may become a bit boring after a while. It is ... Views: 3309
Even though it is always fun to enjoy a special date out on the town with your sweetie pie, most nice restaurants are extremely busy and outrageously expensive on Valentine’s Day. Rather than dealing with traffic, parking, long waits and overpriced menus; stay home for a romantic dinner you ... Views: 2035
"I LIKE HELPING! As long as I take care of myself in the process"
✦ Many ACoAs are trained from birth to be helpers, regardless of their native personality style & interests. There’s an ironic saying in recovery circles: “ACOAs are born with an MSW (Masters in Social Work) and get their Birth ... Views: 1239
Happy New Year conscious relationship seekers! I hope your festivities over Christmas and your transition to 2011 was happy and healthy.
Are you ready for this year? I am. An energy of “raring to go” has set in and I want what’s on offer! Blog titles have been flooding from mind to iPhone ... Views: 790
Powerful Tips for Nurturing Your Relationship
Is it Time to Rekindle the Romance?
MAKE ROOM FOR YOU: Remember the movie Jerry McGuire when last line was “You complete me” and everyone thought that was so romantic? This is precisely that we want to shift away ... Views: 2869
Once a year, a feast is celebrated where the lovers are the protagonist of the celebration. This day is better known as Valentine’s day which is celebrated all around the world on the 14th of February. This day entices lovers to be more caring towards their partners and spend some romantic time ... Views: 670
So how do you get her or him to fall in love with you? Is there a magical secret to win anyone's heart to your favor? Maybe there is one special thing that can make a person fall in love with you, and all you have to do is that one thing. Could it be a special scent you can buy from the ... Views: 1574
Understanding jealous feelings and addressing them at the moment they occur, is the only way to handle jealousy without letting it slowly kill a relationship. It is one of those emotions that will destroy a loving relationship by both keeping it hidden and expressing it openly. While it may be ... Views: 1469
If you want to fill your life with pure romance, then keep your eyes ears and heart open to any and every opportunity. If your partner is stretching a sore foot, then gently rub it for them without asking if they would like it. If you are at work and have a free moment, send them a text or give ... Views: 1569
Some people have trouble with the temptations that life puts in their path. At the same time, others can be completely oblivious to those same temptations. What separates those two types of people from each other? Why would one be easily lured into situations that are not conducive to their ... Views: 1114
Are you at a loss about what to give your wife for Valentines Day? What can you give your man that will make a big impact on him? The answers lie in understanding what your spouse really wants and needs from you. Let me give you some ideas.
We all have common human needs but our priorities ... Views: 1201
Couples often come to counseling in a last ditch effort to avoid divorce and save the marriage. They have many goals and objectives in mind, often involving helping the therapist fix the other spouse. The real underlying goal is often the desire to restore the positive feelings toward the ... Views: 6574
Matchmaking is as old as time. Novels, poems, songs and plays have been written about dating, love and marriage. Matchmaking is centuries old going back to the Hindu astrologer, Ashkenazi Jewish Shadchan. Matchmaking is a profession. Matchmakers were call upon to find right marriage ... Views: 1001
Q: I need some relationship help. While I love my husband with all my heart, sometimes it's just so frustrating being married to him. When I feel that he's ignoring me, I get so upset, and he's usually surprised by the intensity of my reaction. Why do I get so upset with him? ~Lynn, Carlsbad ... Views: 1922
It's been said the biggest cause of divorce is money troubles. I did some research last year and found that is not correct. The biggest cause of divorce is marriage!
Nonetheless, money problems rank close to the top, but the real problem is couples' inability to effectively communicate.
When ... Views: 964
Door can be used for the purpose of confinement as well as the gate way to freedom too. It all depends upon you how you use it. Same is true for all relationships too, whether it be with your spouse or friends. If you have true love, you will give freedom to everyone whomsoever you are related ... Views: 1475
Oh how you dread all the publicity around Valentine’s Day because even though you love your partner dearly, the intimacy and romance has seemed to have gone many years ago. Maybe it is because you sleep in separate rooms you think, but then you rationalize this by saying, it has to be this way ... Views: 1483
A woman wrote to me explaining that she’d been on a few dates and thought it was going great. Fun conversations, good time, kissing and a bit of petting, but no sex yet. She definitely felt strong chemistry. Then, wham, he wrote and said he wasn’t that attracted to her.
My advice:
I know it ... Views: 1365
For many women, the perennial eternal triangle between men, women and football is coming to a close – for this year anyway. Depending upon when you're reading this, Super Bowl is now history (or almost history). You’ve got your husband back. Though if you’re not rejoicing, it may mean that your ... Views: 1302
By Burrow Hill
The concept of communication is, of course, as old as mankind. To communicate, the dictionary tells us, is “to express thoughts, feelings, or information, easily or effectively.”
Easily or effectively? Judging by that definition, none of us can communicate: An Internet ... Views: 616
There are many people who think that a relationship is one sided. For most women, they feel that their boyfriends must have the best effort to always pamper them and to make them really special, thus forgetting the needs of their significant others. It is important for boyfriends to be taken ... Views: 5517
From Loneliness to Solitude
By Payam Ghassemlou MFT, Ph.D.
The experience of being by yourself can feel like either painful loneliness or nourishing meaningful solitude. In loneliness, you can feel alone, without a deep connection to God, who is a particular god of your understanding, the ... Views: 3039
Too often people in relationships feel disconnected and alone. Perhaps they have been hurt in the past and want to avoid being hurt in the future. The problem is that cutting themselves off from intimacy not only strains their relationships, but strains their health as well. They may have built ... Views: 1845
February is the month of Valentine’s Day and media focus tends to be on love. Often my clients tell me that they have met their “soul mate” or “have fallen deeply in love”. Have they? Like cupids arrow, “falling in love” can be deep and swift but is this really love? Having witnessed successful ... Views: 1828
Relationships are a commitment. Whether we commit ourselves at the beginning or rush in recklessly, there is always some point when you realise how committed you are. This is the point where many run away and hide, and some stay and fight.
It is in this place that we have to be strong enough ... Views: 558
LOVE. We all want it, work hard to find it, and somehow, struggle with it once we do. I attribute this to the societal “happily ever after” rather than the “happy right now” mindset. When we build expectations into our relationships with family members, partners, or friends, we define ... Views: 1991
Nitric Oxide (not to be confused with nitrous oxide) is a very simple but important molecule that can actually determine how long you live and the quality of your life. Nitric Oxide is made by the blood vessels’ lining, or endothelium. The endothelium is extremely sensitive to the physical and ... Views: 8395
Not everyone realizes they have relationship needs (emotional and physical needs that you expect your spouse/partner to meet). This is especially the case for older couples I work with who were raised in a generation where the phrases, "emotional needs" "emotional intimacy" and "need for ... Views: 1315
The raising number of prostate cancer has encouraged amount of scientific tests from numerous nations around the world. Each country would like to understand what is the root of this scary pattern. Shortcomings in a several nutrient or excessive intake of a mineral has been seen as to have an ... Views: 1753
It's a funny thing....for me, at least. Whenever I feel a bit turned around or completely lost in the dark invariably a powerful piece of wisdom comes to me in the form of a rock and roll lyric. I believe poetry, lyrics in its musical form, is the highest expression of the divine human spirit. ... Views: 1305
Give Me Intimacy
Our marriages today are crying out for intimacy. Why? Because so many of us are intimacy starved. This is a huge problem because we all have a driving desire to be intimate with someone. This is ironic because while we all say we want to be intimate with our spouses; few ... Views: 1907
At the physical level, light;
At the mental level, consciousness
At the emotional level, love;
At the spiritual level God.
What is love? Hard to say. Plato believed that Love is the pursuit of the whole. In Our Culture on the Couch,I stated: “Although ‘love’ is an excruciatingly overused ... Views: 1279
For many of us there is a rising passion and very sincere craving for true soul connection. This basic yearning propels us toward deeper connections that go far beyond sex, family obligations or external success. The sincere yearning to unite with ... Views: 2071
Love is ALL Around: Are YOU Open to Receiving It?
We all have a yearning to connect! So many of my readers, radio show listeners, and clients are wondering “How can I find my soul mate? When will I experience true love? Why does my relationship feel so empty? Is there something wrong with ... Views: 1582
We are all embedded in a continuous stream of experience—an endless current that is too expansive to for us to take in all the information at once. One function of the mind is to help you deal with this vastness: To select, order and ultimately, create meaning out of all the life that surrounds ... Views: 1511
Whether you and your partner love each other unconditionally and get along famously or whether the two of you fight like cats and dogs, overtime what often happens is that the routine of everyday life and activities can make the spark in your relationship to go out.
There are a lot of ... Views: 1911
Advice for men about relationships.
My first question to you is ,Do you know what makes a women happy? Let me give you a few points.
1. Just be yourself , I know that this sounds really dumb but there are those of us that think we have to put on a show. Not it is not all our fault it comes ... Views: 947
"The Joy of Anger?"
You might think: The man has gone utterly nuts... Who wants to be angry? Who's ever enjoyed being angry?
No one, I guess. Being angry is like riding a fiery dragon on steroids, through the flames of hell.
Being in the midst of a rage is, how shall I put it...
It's ... Views: 1450
Beginnings and endings...and your relationship
Life is a never-ending series of beginnings and endings—with each ending signaling a new beginning. And it is these beginnings that give us hope that new possibilities are available, that we can shed what hasn't worked and start anew. Each ... Views: 1266
If you attract a lover right now, they will be just as screwed up
as you are right now!
People all seem to have a common question about relationships:
“I want a lover who loves me completely, who supports me in
my dreams and goals, who gives me moral support and boosts
me up when I'm ... Views: 1078
I remember, during those long years when my marriage was unraveling, thinking that my then-husband had an “issue” with emotional intimacy. At the time, it was much easier to point the finger of blame in his direction. Now, ten years and a lot of therapy later, I can see a bit more clearly that ... Views: 1109
Good communication is the foundation of every great relationship. Listening and being listened to are signs of care and respect for your partner. When you feel cared for, you have more energy flowing through you, and sex is better.
Real, powerful Intimacy comes from such caring and respect ... Views: 2274
One daughter is so much fun... God blessed us with an extra one!
So you want to have a multiple pregnancy? We are hoping for the same – due to the fact that we may only get one shot at it as our health is a determining factor. (I hope that this decision for you is due to the same reason) The ... Views: 4758
Is your relationship or marriage just, well, so-so? Maybe you’re not sure if you still love or ever loved your partner? Maybe he or she has many good traits – is kind, or generous, funny, or the sex is great. She’s gorgeous, or he showers you with kindness – but something is missing. Maybe your ... Views: 1200
Who needs couples massage?
Are you stressed?
Does your back hurt?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Are you married, in a relationship or have a good friend that you can buy a few beers and have them agree to touch you?
The truth is everyone benefits from couples massage. It's one of ... Views: 1198
Human beings have an inherent need to develop meaningful relationships. We all want to share our goals, ideas, joys, sorrows, desires, affection and experiences with someone else. However, we all fall short at times in handling the mechanics of them. There are times when we need to “doctor” up ... Views: 1236
Romantic relationship has been both a blessing and nightmare for many people in this new millennium. In the past, the rules of relationship were relatively structured and well enforced by families and cultures. Many relationships were based on the need for security and financial well-being in an ... Views: 1360
in a previous article I explained, carefully, how women are actually easy to understand, using the Age/Fertility/Role model with it's 3 interlocking cycles.
Today I thought I'd expound on the first cycle
The Age Cycle, consists of the phases;
Practicing Mating
Raising ... Views: 1366