One of my deepest desires is to be a Blessing to others. It is no wonder that the Peace Prayer by Francis of Assisi is the blueprint for my life.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
... Views: 1941
March tip 2013
Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship or situation and want to get out? Are you tired of wasting your time, money and energy on activities or people? Are you ready to remove this bad habit in order to be happier? Read this article and learn strategies that will help you to ... Views: 1271
During the four weeks before Christmas, I try to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the Sacred Holiday. As is my custom, I practice new constructive behavior with the hope of incorporating them permanently into my life. This year, my goal was to immerse myself more fully in the present ... Views: 1147
December is upon us and for those of you who live in the United States and Europe; it is a season of darkness. To compound the bleakness, if you live on the East Coast, you have recently experienced Storm Sandy and might have been without power. There are also other forms of darkness; you might ... Views: 1034
It was a breezy October morning and I decided to squeeze in a bike ride before I saw my clients. There was a small window of time; before I arrived at the office I also had phone calls to return and a few tasks to complete. As is often the case, ever efficient, I decided to ride to the farm ... Views: 1293
Have you ever been judged? Have you ever been made to feel “odd” or “different”? We all have unique personality traits which go against the norm. Because of these differences, we are sometimes judged and made to feel odd or that there is something wrong with us. Because we live by set of rules ... Views: 1321
In the June tip, I wrote that I felt an invitation to “Get Out of the Box and Dream” this summer. As is my habit, I curtailed every responsibility, except my therapy practice, and took a modified sabbatical. Unlike the four previous summers, I had endless time. I was not moving, planning a ... Views: 1145
Years ago I was locked in a worry habit. Each morning I would wake up and my mind would begin to scan the landscape of my life, the way a hawk scans land for food. I was not looking for food; I was looking for something to worry about. The enormity of this habit became apparent one day when I ... Views: 2131
Nature abhors a vacuum and I do too. In the spirit of generosity and kindness, as soon as I have some free time, I volunteer to do a deed. As these commitments accumulate, I find myself out of balance. There is little time for me to do what I really want to do and I begin to feel angry and ... Views: 1095
Does this sound confusing? How can you love someone and not care about what they do? What does this mean? In AA circles it is called “Detachment with Love”. In Christian circles: “Holy Indifference”, while Buddhism calls it “Non-attachment or Equanimity”. Whatever its name, it is an aloofness ... Views: 1623
Are you continuously disappointed in your relationships? Do people seem to leave you or let you down? Do you get taken for granted or used? This month, I invite you take a candid look at your behavior to see why love might be missing for you. If you seem to stay in patterns where love is ... Views: 1460
The “New” Year is a great time to reflect on your life and decide what changes you would like to make in order to live it more fully. Take a moment and consider these questions: What activities have you done in the past that brought you joy? What fills you with more passion and energy? What ... Views: 989
Thanksgiving is over and the next holiday season is upon you. Are you orchestrating this upcoming performance in a harmonious way? Are you feeling serene and at peace or inundated by a continual list of things to do? While giving a recent presentation, I became aware that I do not always conduct ... Views: 1203
ARE YOU AN ENABLER? Are you the “go to person” that everyone depends upon? Do people tell you they “don’t know what they would do without you?” Do you usually lend a helping hand, a shoulder, an ear to others? Do you tend to put others’ needs and desires ahead of your own?
In the May 2011 ... Views: 1101
This summer, the Universe invited me to “shed my old skin” and move gracefully into the next chapter of my life. After 25 years, my husband and I decided to sell our home and move into a condo. This necessitated letting go of the familiar and embracing the new. During this summer’s journey, ... Views: 1104
Is your glass half empty or half full? Both perspectives are true; it just depends on how you choose to look at it. Whether you are an optimist or a pessimist depends on your thought patterns and has a huge impact on your outlook and success in life. An optimist has hopefulness and confidence ... Views: 1897
Since I was a child I have worn a red cape and enjoyed the experience. It was not until recently that I realized in order to wear the cape; I had to be an “enabler” and put the needs of others before my own. It all started innocently enough. According to the Myers Briggs Personality Test, I am ... Views: 1124
Contrary to popular belief, a certain amount of stress is necessary and even beneficial in life. When you experience stress, your brain gets a surge of adrenaline which can lead to quick thinking and creative solutions. The glitch occurs when a situation creates anxiety because the demands of ... Views: 5262
February is the month of Valentine’s Day and media focus tends to be on love. Often my clients tell me that they have met their “soul mate” or “have fallen deeply in love”. Have they? Like cupids arrow, “falling in love” can be deep and swift but is this really love? Having witnessed successful ... Views: 1826
New Year’s Day is a day of hope. When we open our new calendars and planners, we look at the blank pages and see endless possibilities. What if you did that with your attitude and life too? What if each week, each month in 2011, you planned one slight change in your perspective? This month, I ... Views: 898
The holiday rush is in full swing, does that mean you have to feel rushed too? Did you join in the “Black Friday frenzy? If so, what did that do to your stress level? This month, I am going to offer five tips to decrease your stress and help you have a more relaxed holiday season.
Do you ... Views: 1566
In a few weeks, we in the United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Are you thankful? Or do you find yourself constantly disappointed with life? Could it possibly be that the problem is not your life but rather your perspective? This month, I invite you to take some time and reflect on ... Views: 1282
Fall is officially here, and if you are like most of us your life seems to have wound up again. Vacation is over and the lazy days of summer are long past. As momentum builds with things to do, so does the stress. While small amounts of stress can help you to be productive, when it grows ... Views: 1034
I took July off to rejuvenate. I did this because I had become a well oiled machine. I was no longer taping the Creative source within and my inspiration for the tips was dying. During my “sabbatical”, I discovered that while I “talk a good talk” about being present to the moment, I forgot how ... Views: 1251
During the summer months, Nature provides you with a wonderful invitation to BE in the present moment and become mindful. Will you accept her invitation to enjoy what she offers you? Or will you be too busy “doing” and be unaware of the beauty of nature? In her book, Waking up to this Day, ... Views: 1622
ARE YOU CO-DEPENDENT AND DO YOU ENABLE OTHERS? Discover why, learn to stop and gain life balance.
“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know”. W.H. Auden
Do you sometimes feel as if you were put on earth to serve others? Are you ... Views: 3338
How to Reduce Stress
Due to the financial turmoil of the last two years many people are feeling additional stress and anxiety. I have seen increased anxiety in my clients and associates and I am not alone in this observations. The American Psychological Association discovered that 50% of ... Views: 1011
Anger: Friend or Foe? Anger management or Decreasing anger
Is anger an uncomfortable emotion for you? Do you tend to deny and repress it because you have been socialized to believe it is not good to be angry? Emotions are neither good nor bad they just exist and you do not have control ... Views: 1382
What is Multitasking?
Multitasking is when you handle more than one task at the same time or perform multiple projects on parallel tracks. Society now functions at a very fast pace and continues to move exponentially using many gadgets and internet sites. We are now connected to the world 24/7 ... Views: 1821