Have you ever suffered the emotional knifing of a relationship breakup? Why does it hurt so damn much? Why don’t we say “NEXT!” and smile joyfully as we trip down the road to the Plenty More Fish shop?
The sudden and aching void that forms when your honey, who you thought was your only soul ... Views: 1286
Inspired by having coffee at the beach with my beloved’s sister today I felt urged to share my thoughts on where I feel “we are at” in life, the Universe, the here and now, or whatever you choose to call it, in terms of our relationships. This mini blog is an instigator and prodder of inner and ... Views: 1065
Does your relationship slip occasionally or frequently into the tit for tat spat? Don’t you just loathe it!
You say something, which granted may not be languaged that well, and your honey beautifully deflects the perceived criticism that’s about to land like a fly, by pointing out that, in ... Views: 6152
Oh so frequently I hear the cry in girlie gatherings “I feel like I don’t know him, he just won’t talk about his feelings!” Ladies, is this your mantra now or maybe in days gone by? I know I have been there and put myself through painful coercion techniques often born out of desperation because ... Views: 1314
Staying together for the sake of the kids. A very emotive subject but one I feel compelled to write about.
Firstly, I’m not a parent so don’t shoot me down with the “well what would she really know, she doesn’t have kids.” I hear you but I was a child with parents who existed in unhappiness ... Views: 1046
Art is something personal don’t you think? We are all born with the ability to create and become an artist in whatever discipline we choose.
None greater than being your own artist discovering the lifelong shape of who you are. That means always being willing to know and learn about you. It ... Views: 933
If you were to paint a picture of who you are on the inside, what would you look like?
Most of us spend too much time making the best of our outer facade which is just “dressed” skin, muscle and bone structure at the end of the day. We are perceived blessed by media hype if we are stunning, ... Views: 1450
Most of my lovely couples come to me in relational angst when their bag of long standing coping “tools” has run aground and they have nothing left with which to communicate their feelings and needs in a healthy way.
Many couples just cope, rather than experience deeply fulfilling and ... Views: 2829
I love the feeling of writing this because I know I have been a keen watcher of people who have “the eye” over the years. I was indeed many a time on the receiving end of boyfriends past, who had the eye.
I have heard a gazillion times “oh he /she definitely has the eye.” It seemed a common ... Views: 1188
The purpose of my blog on love and relationships? Well, my life as a spectator is constantly throwing me a vast array of love topics which propel me, often with great speed to my laptop. I love to write, offering up my perspective in a “me, you” discussion and then I like to offer advice as an ... Views: 1080
We are in a constant state of change and flux. Are you feeling it? Evolutionary progression is happening every minute and certainly during the last 4 years it feels like the Universe has put her foot on the growth accelerator and we are doing our best to hang on as the changes come thick and ... Views: 1350
This year, as every year, we choose days on which to celebrate the essence of life in its many forms. Valentine’s Day is no exception. But why stick to one day when love is the breath of life and can be celebrated every day?
What will you be doing this year to celebrate V Day? I want to ... Views: 1172
Happy New Year conscious relationship seekers! I hope your festivities over Christmas and your transition to 2011 was happy and healthy.
Are you ready for this year? I am. An energy of “raring to go” has set in and I want what’s on offer! Blog titles have been flooding from mind to iPhone ... Views: 797
If you are in a relationship, are you in love or are you with someone who is safe because you can’t bear the thought of being hurt again?
Have you ever had one of those partnerships that bounces your heart about like a beach ball? One that takes you high up on a thrill ride, then plummets you ... Views: 811
I was inspired today after my hot yoga class, to write about how people really get stuck in to the drama of their emotions. I watched people as they literally fought with their bodies throughout the class, one to deal with the extreme temperatures which were well over 80 degrees and two, to ... Views: 831
It struck me recently that there is a distinct difference between knowing when to throw the towel in and call it a day with your dear heart and when it's just your "stuff" surfacing again.
But how do you really know ?
I don't profess to nailing scientific proof to either side, even ... Views: 893
Dear readers...I have created my ferris wheel analogy in response to years of observations in friends and my own love relationships.
This is the scene....you are in a relationship that is beyond the honeymoon period, where the rose coloured spectacles, viewing your once perfect partner, are ... Views: 1823
When you wake up in the morning. What do you expect to happen ? I expect my alarm to go off in the morning. I expect daylight to have arrived. I expect that I can move my body and get out of bed. I expect my breakfast Radio 2 programme to be on and I expect the kettle to boil when I switch it ... Views: 799
I sat down to write today and have changed the title so many times ! There is just so much to discuss in the fascinating world of love and relationships, but I couldn't let Christmas go by without writing something apt. My word bag is slowly starting to open so who knows where this will end ... Views: 1696
Inspired by countless stories of friends and acquaintances jumping into relationships without "assessing" the scene, I have come to the conclusion, that to save us from self induced heartache we must indeed look before we fall in love. If possible.
Easy to say when the emotions stirred by ... Views: 975
A battle field for the heart and emotions...insecurity. It plagued my life and the men I dated, so many times in the last 25 years and was the source of great angst too many times, often with disastrous consequences.
Insecurity is a feeling that can't always be intellectualised and virtually ... Views: 2615
Those first glorious moments of spiritual or religious awakening can be huge. As we begin to open and seek our true ”selves” we start to ask questions such as “who am I?” or “why am I here?”. The first experience that connects you to your inner self is one of the most, or maybe best of your ... Views: 942
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a princess. A princess so beautiful, her Light shone, mesmerizing the people of the land. They talked only of her purity and kindness and regularly left gifts at the steps to her castle to show their appreciation for her being in their lives. ... Views: 928
Leading nicely on from my last piece about how to "tool up" to communicate properly in your relationship, I find myself compelled to mention the wonderful world of non-verbal communication, in particular, texting. Daily life seems to cocoon us more and more within the world of laptops and ... Views: 785
I get an overriding sense these days, upon observation of the many trials and tribulations in 21st Century relationships, that the ultimate goal is about getting love from a partner like it is something to be owned....a possession or a thing; but how that method is working less and less and ... Views: 758
In the past year I have endlessly blogged and chatted to radio hosts about the intricacies of intimate relationships from communication styles to self observation, with unending awe as I explore the certain mysteries of love and how it affects us all. There are heaps of experts and books out ... Views: 846