Give Me Intimacy
Our marriages today are crying out for intimacy. Why? Because so many of us are intimacy starved. This is a huge problem because we all have a driving desire to be intimate with someone. This is ironic because while we all say we want to be intimate with our spouses; few ... Views: 1907
I Don’t Want To Be Lonely Anymore
We all have the desire to find someone special that we can share our life with. We want someone to be able to talk to when we are excited and to brag to when something great happens to us. We really want to do those things with someone that we know cares about ... Views: 7333
Who Can I Trust?
I am fairly certain that we all want someone who we can place our trust in. The only question is “Who is that someone going to be?” Who are you going to place your trust in? If the answer is yourself then you are going to be frequently disappointed. If you answer is your ... Views: 1722
Marriage Fails
Marriages are failing! As I reflect on the state of marriage I see almost complete and utter failure. Here is the latest statistic I found:
• 50–60 percent of marriages end in divorce, according to multiple online sources.
That is failure. What this statistic leaves out ... Views: 1726