Whether you are interested in Tantra or devoutly practicing the principles, the following tips on how to bring more intimacy into your relationship are good reminders:
1. Appreciate each other!
We all love to be appreciated. But how we appreciate each other can make all the difference. ... Views: 3642
Summer is for weddings, not divorces. But since approximately 10% of marriages fail during the first five years, and 25% don't make it to their 10th anniversary, (according to the U.S. Census Bureau), couples should be proactive and do some financial planning in advance just in case married ... Views: 1171
Most divorce agreements require that one divorced spouse, usually the one paying child support or alimony, maintain a certain amount of life insurance on themselves to protect the financial future of their ex should they die before their financial obligations terminate. But like many ... Views: 1498
A major shift is happening; I can feel it within and see it throughout my reality. Seems everyone is fighting with all they have to hold on to stuff that just doesn’t fit anymore. I notice the turmoil as they fight their negative ego’s voice, telling them fight harder or you will lose ... Views: 1306
A dream of relationships imaging co-creating from the pure “seed” of love. Surrounded and supported through hopes and dreams working through the imagination to allow the Space of love, from the pure intent of all that Love is and what Love is to teach you. You see you create to see, feel and ... Views: 1436
What is she talking about now? I can hear you all saying it out loud. Well, let me explain what I mean by having the courage to die. I have talked before about the many parts of self- there is so much that makes us who and what we think we are. There is our negative ego, our younger self, ... Views: 1373
Do you know someone who is frequently late or forgetful? Corners the market on forgotten birthday apologies, or struggles chaotically with the demanding needs of their overly busy world?
This week, I lovingly tell a real-life adult-with-ADHD story, so that perhaps others can understand and ... Views: 1570
Two significant things have happened to me in this last year. I turned 50 and I began working with my own business/life coach. Both have me thinking more about where I am in my life and my work. What I want to change…what I am satisfied with. Up until about six months ago I had been fairly ... Views: 1689
“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” ~Josh Billings
Sometimes I feel immense pressure to do things I don’t want to do. Other people’s priorities end up being my priorities and then I wonder why I struggle with overwhelm. ... Views: 1315
For some reason I’ve been thinking about the notion of “embodiment” lately. Some of this is from the walks in the woods…which propelled me to blog to begin with. The moment I enter the woods, at Steer Swamp in Marblehead…the trees enfold me. The leaves below cushion me. The branches beside me ... Views: 3007
Friends, wonderful friends! They uplift, console, and understand you. They add joy to your life and give you confidence to take the risk of making your dreams come true. They offer a softer place to land when life throws you unexpected curve balls. When you leave the company of such friends ... Views: 1077
Do you dread your work shift? View work as a chore? Or feel overwhelmed and unable to meet your work demands? If so, you may be heading straight for burnout.
Burnout vs. Stress
Burnout happens over time and it can be devastating. The job you once loved is now a chore and you’ve ... Views: 1164
At the recent event, “A Woman’s Day of Inspiration and Joy”, my topic was “Creating Your Best Life”, and in preparation for that day, I spent time thinking about how that might happen. Then I realized there were only two simple steps to acquiring the life of your wildest dreams…a life filled ... Views: 1069
How wonderful the feeling of a woman who is full, who is content, who feels worthy and who makes the right choices
How wonderful the feeling of a woman who makes the right decisions, who believes in her strengths, her capabilities and doesn’t spend much time trying to correct her ... Views: 1122
On the way to my healing room from the teaching space there is a stylized plaque I purchased at Kripalu that says “Love Heals.” I hung it at the entryway to affirm to all who enter my healing room who the true source of healing is.
Something happens in the presence of love. There is an ... Views: 1539
Here are some questions that often arise about healing energy work….
Q. What is the difference between Reiki and RYSE?
A. Reiki is very PEACEFUL, RYSE is very TRANSFORMING! (which is NOT to say RYSE isn't peaceful or Reiki isn't transforming!). Reiki is hands-on healing; RYSE is done with ... Views: 1373
We’ve all experienced the dance of a relationship – whether it’s an intimate partnership, a friendship, or a work relationship – together choreographing those steps that over time develop into an established routine. Sometimes the steps are smooth and coordinated with the other partner, and the ... Views: 1099
Q. Why do people come to you for healing?
A. For any reason....to release emotional heaviness, get clearer on life purpose or goals, release past trauma, minimize physical pain or discomfort, heal through forgiveness, maintain balance, bring in joy, or be in a steady place of openness, self ... Views: 1031
Those of you who came to the sound healing and 8th chakra event last month in Salem experienced a way of healing in a category all it's own...sound healing. With us that night was cellist Clarence Dow and Didgeridoo player Dave Estes. Following an opening song by Martha Lovely, Judy, Clarence ... Views: 1140
If you drew a big circle on a piece of paper and I asked you to divide it up like a pie, each slice representing how you spend your time, would there be nice big chunks of pie devoted to REST, RELAXATION, REFLECTION, RECREATION???? When I do this exercise with people, the majority of them have ... Views: 1040
As a kid I grew up on a dead end street with acres of woods behind me. I used to go out into the woods and explore. I admired the lady slippers growing wild, the scent of the land and leaves. Often I would roll over a rock to see if there were bugs underneath. When there were bugs, I loved to ... Views: 1200
We can't talk about dating without mentioning the ‘R’ word: Rejection. It’s a basic fear that prevents many people from putting themselves out there. No one wants to feel rejected, unloved, or worse, unlovable.
It’s easy to feel stung, or rejected, when we reach out to someone to invite a ... Views: 1036
Flirting is an activity that sometimes ripples with powerful emotional electricity. It usually starts with a visual- we see someone who looks attractive and piques our interest. Then hopefully, we are inspired to approach that person and ask or share unusual things about ourselves. It can seem ... Views: 1205
In this new age of psychobabble, open sexual expression, and deeply rooted need for healing the Earth and ourselves, Tantra is a perfect practice for finding love. Unfortunately, it is so misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, Tantra is not sex and sex is not necessarily Tantric- yet sex is ... Views: 1846
In American culture, assuming your new husband’s family name when you get married is an exciting rite of passage. It’s something many women longed for as young girls- creatively covering notebooks with signatures, adding the surname of the latest crush. When you sign your new legal name for ... Views: 1262
1. Income
2. Physical Health
3. Joy in Living
Research has shown the above 3 are some of the best predictors of successful aging. Where do you fit in on this list?
Having your finances in order breathes a huge sigh of relief in our lives. Stress from debt can cause one to age ... Views: 1471
You have to be willing to let go of the life you’ve planned in order to have the life you were meant to have.
~ Joseph Campbell
This week, while my boys are with their dad on a fancy Caribbean cruise, I will be home, cleaning my house from top to bottom, inside and out, in that yearly ... Views: 1303
"Any idiot can face a crisis- it's this day-to-day living that wears you out," said the Russian Playwright, Anton Chekhov. Day to day living can wear you out, for many it is filled with the same old routine- the bills, the kids and their homework, the laundry, and the list goes on and on. How ... Views: 1238
As she stood at the mailbox, Suzanne's face went pale when she saw the return address: Department of the United States Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Official Business. A chill traveled down her spine, a feeling that reminded her of the day she stood in front of the judge as he finalized ... Views: 2298
~I feel good being with you.
~I like how I feel in your presence.
~Just sitting beside you nourishes me.
~Knowing you are in the next room provides me comfort and security.
~Even when you are not physically with me, I feel your presence around me and I smile.
~When I close my ... Views: 1156
Opportunity knocks at your door. You are seeking excitement and pleasure. Which do you choose: a vacation or a shopping spree? If you have the opportunity for an experience rather than stuff, I might re consider your need for more stuff.
On the Oprah show a few weeks ago, she spent the ... Views: 1104
It is an unfortunate American reality that half of all first marriages and nearly 60% of second marriages end in divorce. When business partners divorce‚ the financial and emotional challenges become more complex.
In addition to negotiating the separation agreement‚ dividing marital assets‚ ... Views: 1387
64 years old, unemployed and closing the book on a 26 year marriage, Beverly needed to make sure that she had explored all of her financial options. She was coming in out of the dark, because during the entire time she had been married, she had never closely managed her finances.
As her ... Views: 1254
While it may seem counter-intuitive, the more common divorce becomes, the more complicated it gets. One might expect that because about half of today’s first marriages end in divorce (and around 60 percent of second marriages) the law, the process, even the outcome would become standardized, ... Views: 1274
I remember, during those long years when my marriage was unraveling, thinking that my then-husband had an “issue” with emotional intimacy. At the time, it was much easier to point the finger of blame in his direction. Now, ten years and a lot of therapy later, I can see a bit more clearly that ... Views: 1119
When you are desperate for time to yourself and you feel way out of balance in your life, it is time to start saying no!
No, I can't do it.
No, I'm sorry, but I can't help you.
No, I can't stay late tonight and work.
No, I can't come in on my day off.
Say no. Say it frequently. Say it ... Views: 1644
“I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments” as stated by Oriah in her book “The Invitation”.
Have the courage to sit alone and look deep within yourself. Sit with your own company and be still? Await the words of the ... Views: 1223
Every Sunday morning I feel such joy as I hold hands with my son on his way to Sunday school. We walk together smiling; he is excited to be there and I am peacefully happy giving this gift to my son. Faith. Not important to me what faith community you are connected to nor how you worship. ... Views: 1294
‘Flirting with heart’ is an expression to describe the conscious way of meeting others, expressing attraction and begin dating! There are no rules to follow and no specific expectations to meet....except one: be in your heart and your light will shine. This light - self-confidence - is what ... Views: 1572
Twitter has become one of the most popular social networking sites, mostly due to its ease of maintenance and simple, direct approach. All it entails is the submission of less than 140 characters, push of the enter key and your news, website, press release, etc. is tweeted to all of your ... Views: 1323
Getting 'friended'. Sending Tweets. Linking up. There is no doubt that the world of social networking sites is a great way to make connections. In no time at all, you can build a list of hundreds, even thousands, of potential new clients that are not limited by geography (which is essential if ... Views: 1216
Over the past two years, I’ve used various activities to cope with my divorce: yoga, meditation, coffee dates with friends, workshops and the OJC retreat, etc. One simple, yet effective coping mechanism has been inspirational quotes taped to my bathroom mirror. They change periodically depending ... Views: 1358
What makes an excellent flirt? What do you think of when you imagine yourself in a situation where you are getting ready to flirt with someone? What do you notice inside yourself in those moments? What do you feel self-confident about and where do you feel you need help?
Here are some things ... Views: 2689
I love spring. Who doesn’t? One of the things I love about spring is that I get to clean out my closets and dressers, deep clean my bathrooms and kitchen… throwing myself into that yearly ritual of getting rid of what doesn’t fit me or my life any longer in order to make room for the possibility ... Views: 1463
Valentine’s Day. Here it comes again. Last year we ran a list of things you can do if you’re single in February, and got a great response. So this year, we’re updating the list with some new ideas for how to spend this highly commercialized ‘holiday’.
Because even though you may not want to ... Views: 2077
Lately I’ve been reading a lot about the holidays: what to cook, how to decorate, what to buy (and what to ask for…). And gradually it dawned on me -- these articles are all about what to do for others, or what to ask others to do for you!
Don’t get me wrong – I think “doing for others” is ... Views: 1412
For those going through or recently divorced, the holidays add another layer of stress and anxiety: Will I need to interact with my ex? How do I handle the questions and advice from my family? How will I cope with being alone? How do I help my children through this time?
This holiday season ... Views: 1934
ANYONE can be successful at flirting and dating, however there are certain misconceptions that you must overcome in order to flirt effectively and naturally. After all, isn’t the goal of flirting to improve not only the number of dates you have ahead of you…but also the quality, strength and ... Views: 2023
After a divorce or break-up of a significant relationship, you may wonder when the time is right to “get back in the game” of dating. Begin too soon and you will destine yourself to repeat the mistakes of your past. Wait too long and you may find yourself settling for the familiar (but ... Views: 4134
When Theresa’s husband of 15 years announced he wanted a divorce, she was devastated. She says, “I couldn’t believe Alex threw our life away. But I’m strong- I got through it. I’ve moved on and put it behind me.” But has she?
Six years later, Theresa and Alex “parallel-parent”, each doing as ... Views: 1593