If your relationship is on life support, it’s time for serious remediation. Here are two “must-do” assignments for you.
1. Stop the Zero Sum Game. Start a Team Effort
A zero sum game is a game where there’s a winner and a loser. It’s a great model for competitive sports but a miserable ... Views: 1987
A recent article in the Wall St. Journal, “For a Nation of Whiners, Therapists Try Tough Love”, has created quite a stir in the psychological community. The author advocates that therapists should provide ‘tough love’ for their clients, firing those who can’t stop complaining. “Crybabies be ... Views: 1634
Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes it’s the hushed voice at the end of an exhausting day that says, “I’m still here. You can count on me.”
Heroism doesn’t always bellow. Sometimes it’s the quiet stillness at the end of a tough road that says, “I get it. I accept it, even though it's hard ... Views: 2094
“I don’t believe in psychotherapy.”
“Therapy is for crazy people; you’re not crazy.”
“Therapy is for narcissists who just like to hear themselves talk.”
“Therapy is for weak wimps who can’t solve their own problems.”
“Therapy is for whiners who complain about ... Views: 1539
Does the way you dress affect how you feel about yourself? There are two schools of thought.
One says: “It’s not the wrapping that matters; it’s the person underneath that radiates confidence or beams out insecurity. I dress for comfort and couldn’t care less about the “in” style of the ... Views: 1290
You’re in a groove. You’re on track. You’re inspired. You’re filled with confidence. And then you’re not.
It’s over – at least for now. You’re in a rut. You’re off track. You’re discouraged. Your commitment wavers. What do you do?
It’s the norm, not the exception, to lapse into a rut. These ... Views: 1366
A New Normal - for kids and for adults.
Constantly busy. Always on the go. Rush, rush, rush. So much to do.
We don’t “go” to the store anymore; we “run” to the store.
We’re not just “busy” anymore; we’re “crazy busy.”
We don’t rest and relax anymore; we have stuff to do 24/7.
We ... Views: 2070
Women’s minds are often on overdrive. We notice details. We have high expectations. We expect fairness. We become frustrated when things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be. What does this all add up to? Frustrated women! Upset women! Mad women!
Gone are the days when women would simply ... Views: 2162
The Seeds of Marital Conflict
Her Version:
“They married and lived happily ever after.” Though no modern woman would ever admit to believing in such a fairy tale ending, conflicts often originate and are perpetuated because she believes the relationship “is not romantic enough” or “not the ... Views: 1307
By now, we’ve all gotten it through our heads that physical exercise is important. Even champion couch potatoes can no longer deny the evidence that vigorous activity improves agility, stamina, fitness and overall well-being, from youth well into old age. If however, despite all the evidence, ... Views: 1081
Seventeen million Americans today are taking antidepressants, spending 11.3 billion dollars for the privilege of doing so. Kind of depressing, wouldn’t you say? Rather than get depressed, however, I get angry.
Why? Because we have been fed so many phony “facts” about depression, we ... Views: 1346
The American Psychiatric Association is now working on the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, otherwise known as the DSM. There will be some new categories as well as some possible exclusions of what is considered a “mental illness.”
Next time ... Views: 1440
Since the beginning of time, people have been prone to procrastinate. Some of them are embarrassed by it (“Sorry, I’m late.”), some brag about it (“I put the “pro” in procrastination”) and still others have created a holiday for it.
Yes, the second week in March is officially ... Views: 1706
Goodbye trophy wife. Hello, trophy kids.
Young, gorgeous women hanging on the arms of an older, affluent guy is so yesterday. Alpha kids with high status achievements are the trophies of today.
Yes, raising kids with every imaginable benefit can pay off. Many of them are remarkably ... Views: 1454
For many women, the perennial eternal triangle between men, women and football is coming to a close – for this year anyway. Depending upon when you're reading this, Super Bowl is now history (or almost history). You’ve got your husband back. Though if you’re not rejoicing, it may mean that your ... Views: 1315
Sure, you've thought about curtailing your procrastination habit instead of trying to justify it. But it's hard to do. You have your ingrained patterns. You're always busy with something. There are never enough hours in the day. If you've been unsuccessful so far, it could be that you haven't ... Views: 1622
Some narcissists are obviously obnoxious, offensive and obstinate. Others, however, present as attractive, appealing, easy-going people. It’s not until a direct confrontation occurs that their narcissism becomes obvious.
Summon up the courage to tell him (or her) that he’s being self-centered ... Views: 5463
“Help! My sweet, nice, lovely 3-year-old has begun lying to me. What should I do?”
First thing you should do is feel pleased, maybe even proud that your child is learning how to lie.
“Whaaat? You’ve got to be kidding”
No, I’m serious. Lying is a milestone in cognitive development. It ... Views: 1045
Your feelings are significant. Your opinion counts. Your ideas are valuable. Yet, all too often, if you give voice to these matters in the middle of a heated exchange, your input will be distorted or discarded.
Indeed, striking while the iron is hot may get you scalded. Though you may be ... Views: 1448
Guidelines for a Good Wife
"1. A good wife always knows her place.
2. Don’t ask your husband questions about his actions or question his judgment or integrity. He is the master of the house and as such will always exercise his will with fairness and truthfulness. You have no right to question ... Views: 4951
A Secret You Don’t Want to Know
By Linda Sapadin, Ph.D.
Psst, want to hear a secret? A secret that will bring you wealth, health and a svelte body with little if any effort?
Looks like a lot of people want to hear just such a secret. So many that the very attractive looking book “The Secret” ... Views: 1346
Can Men and Women Be Friends?
By Dr. Linda Sapadin - Psychologist
It’s been 20 years since the witty romantic comedy - When Harry Met Sally - explored the still debatable question- “Can Women and Men be Friends?”
There are those who say ‘No’. Heterosexual men and ... Views: 2908
Delivering bad news is never easy. Whether it’s “I’m breaking up with you”, “You’re fired” or “You’ve got cancer”, there’s no pleasant way to deliver these messages. There are, on the other hand, quite a number of ways to make ... Views: 1511
Role Reversal – the Good, the Bad and the Unexpected
Have you sometimes wished that your spouse (or someone else close to you) could walk in your shoes for just one day? And did you hope that this role reversal would enable your spouse to have a better perspective on what your day is really ... Views: 3456
Gradually, unwittingly, we often overload our electrical systems at home until a circuit breaker pops.
It may begin with the purchase of a newer, more powerful computer. That computer necessitates having a state-of-the art printer. Then, before you know it, you are the proud owner of a scanner, ... Views: 3384
Many of today’s kids have been brought up hearing about how “special” and “smart” they are. The unintended consequence of this type of upbringing, (which, on the surface, seems like a wonderful way to build self-confidence and self-esteem), is that kids actually believe that they are special ... Views: 2530