Oh how you dread all the publicity around Valentine’s Day because even though you love your partner dearly, the intimacy and romance has seemed to have gone many years ago. Maybe it is because you sleep in separate rooms you think, but then you rationalize this by saying, it has to be this way ... Views: 1482
It is estimated that the US has over 90 million snorers but it is the UK which formally recognizes for a whole week each year, the problem suffered by 4 out of 10 British males and 3 out of ten British females. (and not to forget the millions of partners, family members and neighbours who suffer ... Views: 1435
Why Snoring Is The Silent Relationship Killer
Snoring isn’t called 'the silent relationship killer' because it doesn’t make any sound. On the contrary, the sometimes raucous sounds that are called snoring could often rival a freight train going through the bedroom! Snoring has earned the ... Views: 10226
With over 90 million snorers in America, and studies showing up to 80% of couples sleeping in separate rooms when one partner snores, it is no wonder that builders and architects alike are reporting that more and more Americans are building homes with two master suites or are remodeling homes to ... Views: 2928