When severe weather is upon us, we experience weather stress. Our bodies go into crisis mode. Adrenaline starts to flow in reaction to the emergency situation. This helps us take action. We seek safety and protect ourselves and our family from the impact of the weather.
It’s after ... Views: 843
After a rather difficult day during a hectic week, I decided to have a "comfort" evening. For me, this means crawling into my oldest most comfortable pajamas, fixing a favorite meal, and watching a well-loved movie. My choice this time was Bridget Jones's Diary as it always makes me laugh and ... Views: 801
I admit it. I am a worrier. I've decided that my worrying is due to an annoying little monster appropriately named, the Worry Monster. I have bought countless books and CDs, all of which promised to dispose of this devilish little thing. But it still pops up now and then.
Finally, I realized ... Views: 1263
The other day my daughter's boyfriend sent me a funny video clip, something he loves to do. Because I was frazzled due to a deadline, I almost didn't open it. But I did and it changed my day. The clip made me laugh out loud. Laughing changed my attitude. My day didn't seem so difficult ... Views: 1056
Oh no! It's coming. Right after the Super Bowl, the advertising will start for a day that many singles DREAD. Since New Year's Eve has come and gone, what else could this dreaded day be but Valentine's Day?
It starts with the marketing campaign. Everywhere you look, there's Valentine's Day ... Views: 956
While cleaning my bookshelf the other day, I found a book, 14,000 things to be happy about. It looked brand new, but the date inside was from years ago. This book sat beside my collection of self-help books, which in contrast were dog-eared, highlighted and clearly used. Holding the happiness ... Views: 1052
There are some decisions we make in which the disadvantages may seem to outweigh the advantages. And yet, we still make the decision. Why do we do this?
Let me tell about a friend of mine. A lawyer with a very successful and lucrative practice, she dreamed of helping people solve problems in a ... Views: 1858
Crisis management took on a whole new meaning with the television program "I Survived." It was about people who made it through a life or death crisis like falling off a mountain, getting lost in the desert, or being caught in an avalanche. My favorite part of the program was when they ... Views: 4229