We all know exactly what it is like to be certain we have let go of something sorrowful or worrisome, only to find ourselves in a similar sad situation moments later.
Dropping this person and picking up that person doesn't end the loneliness that drives us into dead-end relationships. This ... Views: 602
Here is an amazing higher instruction that can help you step beyond yourself: "Walk away from the mental 'how' into the spiritual Now."
This secret instruction deserves our close attention. Its real value, like that of a priceless jewel, is best appreciated when seen from every angle. Just as ... Views: 731
Just as a storm in the atmosphere of the earth is born of conflicting fronts of different temperatures colliding with one another, so too must there be conflicting forces within us in order to form a mental or emotional storm. Our task is to become conscious of these unseen forces that dwell in ... Views: 768
We can never hope to be free as long as any part of us struggles with, or suffers over what others are doing, have done, or won't do with their lives. If we could remain aware of the often-compromised state of our own character, that is, how we still do those things to others that we don't want ... Views: 760
Within each of us lives something Light, Bright, and Timeless that wants to grant us our true wish. And what is this wish? In a word, it is to have a life that is free, uncluttered by self-compromising acts, and full of love. But the secret heart of this wish, upon which all of our other hopes ... Views: 840
The greatest, most abundant resource on planet Earth is also its least understood and utilized. Its unlimited supply is found virtually everywhere, anytime, and under all circumstances, even though few recognize its real value. What is this most precious collective resource? It is our ... Views: 930
Have you ever noticed just how unhappy you can get over the fact you are not happy? Unexamined, this behavior seems to make sense. But a closer look at it will reveal that being unhappy over being unhappy is like throwing gasoline on a fire to put it out. You get lots of fire and smoke -- even a ... Views: 730
The secret of letting go not only hold the keys for ending what is unwanted, but locked within this same supreme secret is the beginning of a new life-the birth of a new nature that never has to hold on to anything because it already is everything. Let the following special insights speed you on ... Views: 759
The less we learn to long for -- or depend upon --
Special understanding from others,
The less we will suffer for not receiving this.
The less we suffer over what others
Seem incapable of giving to us,
The less unhappy will we find ourselves
In these unanswered moments of our ... Views: 794
“In the long run, our attitude towards life’s lessons – and the direction our life takes in life – are one and the same; show me someone who resists the Light of Life’s correction in the course of his or her soul, and I will show you someone whose destiny is the darkness of total ... Views: 743
If we were to see someone trying to warm himself on a winter's night by snuggling up to a color photo of a fireplace, we would easily recognize this person as being deluded. We know that the glossy paper image which he clings to for life-sustaining heat is powerless to do anything but mock his ... Views: 690
We all have within us a vantage point -- a very special part of ourselves within which we may be at peace regardless of what goes on around us. This yet-to-be realized state of ourselves may be called conscious self-awareness. Through its power, instead of being pulled down into painful ... Views: 874
(Excerpted from "Let Go and Live in the Now" -- Red Wheel/Weiser, 2004: 850 words)
We human beings are born with an indefinable longing to grow beyond ourselves, to penetrate and illuminate the mysterious depths of our own heart. The ideal and pursuit of perfection is literally seeded into our ... Views: 824