This is a very simple question – with a very complex answer.
If you want to learn more about this topic, the following article is just for you.
For many years I have been reading self-help books and articles and I admit that I am “addicted” to the subject. So far, I have written many ... Views: 820
I can hear you screaming: “What are you talking about? Are you insane?”
My answer is simple: “Thank you for asking; I am fine.”
If you really want to know where the second human brain is located, just keep reading this article.
I have no intention of writing a scientific paper, but I will ... Views: 893
A couple of days ago, I got a phone call from my cousin asking me an interesting question: “What to do when you feel down?”
“I’ve been feeling blue for many days,” he said, with no particular reason to feel that way. “Do you believe I am getting depressed?” was his question.
“Nobody can tell ... Views: 1966
I knew him as an angry person for a long time. He used to be angry for weeks or even longer, for the sake of somebody’s behavior, or for the sake of every situation you can imagine. But, he wasn’t a bad guy. When he was angry, he wasn’t furious, aggressive, or rude, just sad and quiet, suffering ... Views: 1527
She was a very quiet, modest, middle-aged lady. He was a young clergyman, probably in his early thirties, who was sitting beside her in the midtown doctor’s office. I was there in the same room, reading my book, hoping to kill time while waiting to see my practitioner.
I’ll admit my crime: I ... Views: 1022
Recently, I had a chance to speak about the mind- body connection before a group of people who came from non- medical professions.
At the beginning of my presentation, I asked my audience a couple of questions.
The very first question was:
Do you believe in the mind/ body connection?
“I do ... Views: 910
Are you on the right track? You don’t know? I’ll help you if you feel you are working harder and harder, but gaining less and less out of life, you definitely need to read this article, just as starting point.
I’ve spent a lot of ... Views: 1593
Let me tell you my story. The other day a friend of mine came
over to my place for just one reason; to complain about a recent
event, a disturbing event as he explained it to me. When he
finished his "monologue" (I am sorry, but I have no other word) I just said ... Views: 1027
As a medical biochemist I have been working for many years side
by side with medical doctors toward the same goal - to protect
and heal patients from diseases. During my professional training
program I got very basic knowledge of medicine, but I never
understood why highly ... Views: 994
Media related stress
For many years I have been thinking of the connection between stress and the headlines in the media. As a person who wants to be stress free, anxiety free and positive, I have written this article for people who feel the same way.
I have done some research and here's what ... Views: 5605