We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Gratitude". If you have expertise in Gratitude and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Don’t speak “about” your matters – speak “to” them!
Are you one of the many people who have felt the need to pair down their social media contacts lately? Or have you noticed that you just don’t enjoy being around certain people or groups any longer? I was recently called to eliminate some ... Views: 1324
Wipe that grimace off your face and don't whinge! I know that patience is probably just about the last thing you want to read about today (ranking just above your Aunt Mabel's hemorrhoids).
I'm sitting here watching a cardinal in the tree outside my window. He's a frenetic fellow, hopping ... Views: 1244
“I ain’t got nothin’. Just look at me. Sittin’ here at a homeless shelter, but I have the whole world, baby. I ain’t goin’ hungry tonight. I’m happy.” – A homeless man at Presbyterian Night Shelter in Fort Worth, Texas.
Some people are happy with everything, yet others are never happy. ... Views: 1270
Become a positive thinker... and that means putting an end to negative thinking. Positive thinkers have all the fun... they enjoy success, the enjoy life, and even when things don't quite workout they find a way and to push forward.
Because they have conditioned their mind to not ... Views: 1844
As already mentioned, we're right there at the time of change, a time of expansion of consciousness. This is the time of love. We must learn to live in communities again. This also means that we must open ourselves to the people to whom we give our unconditional love. Say goodbye, to speak about ... Views: 1319
When was the last time you gave a compliment to a total stranger? How did you feel? Did you feel uplifted, happy, full of abundance? Truth is, by giving a compliment, you are gifting away good energy while receiving a good feeling while doing it. Living in a city of 17 million people, we may ... Views: 1199
Do you love making resolutions for change at the beginning of a new season, a new calendar year or at the turn of a birthday? These energetic passages often feel like great opportunities to draw a line of demarcation, to mark a sense of moving forward, of change and renewal.
But often these ... Views: 986
When my brother died years ago, my husband and I packed our two children into the car and started from the center of Kansas go to Biloxi, Mississippi to attend his funeral.
We got as far as Jackson, Mississippi when our car broke down. Having had it towed to a service station, we waited to ... Views: 1200
J Is For Joy
I don't know about you, but most of the time, joy seems to be the furtherest thing from my mind. I get so caught up in the stress, distress, and sadness of life that I have to ask myself, “Is that all there is?”
It could be said that I am so en-tranced by the darker aspects ... Views: 1151
I must share a story about a wonderful woman that I met on my healing retreat with Joao de Texeira de Faria (John of God) in October of 2009.
I was having breakfast with my 12 year old daughter, in the dining hall at Omega (Holistic Healing Center in upstate NY) when I saw a woman walking in ... Views: 1706
I must share a story about a wonderful woman that I met on my healing retreat with Joao de Texeira de Faria (John of God) in October of 2009.
I was having breakfast with my 12 year old daughter, in the dining hall at Omega (Holistic Healing Center in upstate NY) when I saw a woman walking in ... Views: 1392
There are many things that may be considered as lacking in the world today, and there are many lightworkers, dreamers and activists who make every effort to remind us of these missing elements. But one aspect that is too seldom addressed is our lack of true appreciation and ... Views: 1208
Gratitude or thankfulness has long been touted by humanists and philosophers.
Recently, even scientists involved in a field called positive psychology, which aims to help high-functioning individuals to function better, have recognized the power of gratitude and the immense benefits of ... Views: 1031
Complain, complain, complain…
My, but we’ve become a grouchy lot, haven’t we? Maybe it’s climate change, or the economy; who knows? It could be the alignment of the stars for all I know, but we’ve got our cranky pants hitched on and we’re wearing ‘em a little too snug around our sensitive ... Views: 1091
As you may have guessed by now, this is not one of those charming little abecedaries to teach children the alphabet. This list of alphabetized words is for adults with serious problems. That's why I've discussed avoidance, becoming, conscious, define, elephants (It'll make more sense if you ... Views: 1130
I coincidentally read the spine of the Reader’s Digest (large print mind you) for the first time at the same time I was recalling how fantastic my life is and noticed the tagline for the magazine “Life Well Shared.” What an awesome way to mark our purpose in life – to share and share well. My ... Views: 1390
A healthy mind begins with a healthy body and a healthy body begins with a healthy mind. As a raw vegan chef and nutrition enthusiast, I believe both physical and mental health and wellbeing have a lot to do with what you put into your body; but I’m not only talking about the food. The gratitude ... Views: 1432
The quick definition of thriving is to flourish and prosper. My teaching interests have shifted considerably over the years, until my full attention is on uncovering and discovering what it takes to amass enough personal power so that thriving is the outcome, no matter what curve life decides to ... Views: 1997
I need to get out more often. I’m a social animal, but it seems like I spend more time with my computer than among the living. That is why it was a treat to come to Red Bluff, California over the recent Memorial Day holiday.
I launched my Northern California book tour and Red Bluff was my ... Views: 1756
Remembering Aunt Jenny
Aunt Jenny passed away at the age of 95 . Jenny is the older sister of Josephine (The main character in the book "Josephine In Her Words") Josephine passed away a year later @ 92, In 2010 her other sister passed away @102
Aunt Jenny was mom’s friend, counselor, ... Views: 1872
Is your glass half empty or half full? Both perspectives are true; it just depends on how you choose to look at it. Whether you are an optimist or a pessimist depends on your thought patterns and has a huge impact on your outlook and success in life. An optimist has hopefulness and confidence ... Views: 1899
I used to say that I was numerically-challenged but I no longer say that because, although it is true, it is also negative. You see, I’m trying to eliminate the negative self-talk that limits me.
Now, when I look at numbers or hear someone talk about numbers and feel my cranial cavity filling ... Views: 2183
Dear Lord how cute were those toddlers on IDOL in their prom outfits last night. BUT how much cuter is Tim McGraw…and what about that Steven Tyler gettin’ all up in it? But, by far, the most fun I’ve had with ANY show this season (yes harpy housewives….MORE fun than watching you!) was when the ... Views: 1449
Many lovers wish to get girlfriend back with whom they had a breakup either recently or sometimes ago. However, in their anxiety to get back the ex fast, they commit some common mistakes. An aspirant would benefit immensely by learning the common mistakes that are committed and should be avoided ... Views: 855
Article Title: Living in Faith and Gratitude (from Charles Price)
Shared by: Craig Lock
Category (key words/tags): Spiritual Growth, Faith, Key words: Jesus Christ, Jesus, Faith, Gratitude, Charles Price Christianity, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Charles Price, Living Truth, Thoughts on Jesus, ... Views: 1870
Call centers long have been in the country with a great reputation. These services process usually involves the collection of questions and provide information to consumers and readable, it has become an important industry. Over the years, chances are faster because of the companies that have ... Views: 989
We can all agree that a good attitude means everything. A good attitude makes positive things happen. But what do you do on those days when everything just seems to go wrong? You can shift that energy from bad to good. Here are some useful tips to help you.
1) Quick ... Views: 1656
Manifesting Your Dream Life
Frequently I hear people say what they want, and then they give me reasons why it is not possible. So I would like to share with you how I manifest things in my life:
•Everything is possible. Start from that premise.
•Make a wish list. Be specific: where, ... Views: 1421
Special thanks to the RED CROSS...
This past week I had the pleasure and the HONOR to attend the 12th annual Real heroes Breakfast, put on by the Syracuse American Red Cross.
It is an annual tribute to some of the community’s local heroes.
Their tagline ‘Ordinary people…Extraordinary ... Views: 1298
Gratitude is the heart's memory
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what
we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into
acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can
turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger
into a friend. Gratitude makes ... Views: 3828
Around our physical body we have an emotional, mental and spiritual body. Together they make up the wholeness of who we are. Energetic healers, such as Barbara Ann Brennan, have taught for years this healing principle: the physical body is the last body to experience dis-ease. If something is ... Views: 1774
Take Stock:
Now is an ideal time to pause and take stock of you. What is it that you are truly grateful for? Often, we take for granted what we have without ever noting its importance.
A female client once came to me, depressed and feeling that her life was void of true meaning. She was ... Views: 1911
The art of giving
Do you know what the power of giving is? Do you realize that you have to learn how to give to be able to get? How the art of giving can benefit you?
One of the wealthiest people in Canada John had almost everything a person could ask for, however, he was not happy. ... Views: 1161
Henry Schein Inc. is a well known name when it comes to medical supplies and health care products. The company has a wide variety of products that range from dental products, veterinary products, vaccines, pharmaceuticals and medical equipments. The company serves hundred thousands of physicians ... Views: 1334
What is abundance or richness?
By Manfred Johannsen
Most people think of things when you ask people about abundance or richness. However, at the most fundamental level it is not a thing. It is a feeling you have. It is a feeling of overflowing of happiness.
Without the sense of abundance in ... Views: 1847
When the chemo and radiation treatment I received for recurrent uterine cancer failed to completely eliminate my tumor nearly 6 months ago, the doctors said there was nothing else they could do and I thought I was a goner. I have since been doing various alternative treatments and I'm feeling ... Views: 1369
Connecting to Nature: Sacred Lessons Learned
“Mom, can you come today? I want to show you the little river Wes and I found yesterday. It’s full of minnows. It’s in that marshy place where they cut down those old trees.”
There were indeed minnows in his new found stream. I returned, on ... Views: 1593
I was constantly complaining something feels “off”? I found myself over spending, over eating, over everythinging just to hide from the pain of my life.. my broken out of control life.
I believe we create the “mess” that is our life by burying our heads and ignoring the warning signs that ... Views: 1359
Three (3) Strategies to Attract Wealth
1. Bagha 2. Positioning 3. Rhythm For Money-Magnet
You and I are skeptics, and that means we disbelieve most of what we hear and read, unless we are presented with proof. We consider ourselves followers of Cause-And-Effect, not superstition, right? ... Views: 2039
I had to follow my own advice the other day. A hacker figured out my password and sent emails to dozens of my contacts asking for money. Apparently the email described that I was off in Spain, lost my wallet and needed $3,000. I contacted yahoo, changed my password and have been responding to ... Views: 1510
“I want to be forever young” was a quote that I read on someone’s Facebook page recently. Forever young: what exactly does this mean? Stay at the same age forever? Look youthful all the time? Keep the same energy level? Remain young at heart? Continue to live like you are a teenager?
... Views: 2248
It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment. . . Naomi Williams
How was your child’s day?
Worrywart Wallace noticed that by 5:30 pm, it was already dark. He was sure his parents would make him go to bed early.
Picked-on Pamela noticed that Mrs. Clark gave her the ... Views: 1062
Find your massage requirements fulfilled in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney (Woollhara) and the Sydney CBD. Why do you want to add stressful travel time to your quest for relaxation when you can find your perfect massage solution and details about services at Eastern Suburbs Massage ... Views: 739
Have you ever felt like you deserved more love than what you are receiving right now?
If your answer is yes, you need to know that there is a very simple and efficient way to deal with that sort of situation.
The secret is in the verb give. If you feel that you are not receiving enough ... Views: 1281
During this Thanksgiving season, I want to challenge you to make gratitude your new daily ritual.
It's easy to continue cultivating bad habits, right? So, how about replacing one of them with this great habit? Here's my recommendation:
Start a gratitude ... Views: 1311
What burden is placed on those forced to be brothers in arms to survive wars and suffering, meant not for the innocent but for those guilty of making angels out of their own children.
How much does it cost to let sons turn into murders and daughters into whores. How can any human live with ... Views: 1159
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Morning after - by Suzanne Montpetit The Thought Factor and author of Frog Dreams
The morning after we always want to assess what we did or did not do the day before.
We wonder, we wander, we go forward with change and we regress from those changes that we find are to hard to digest. its too bad we cannot develop a pill that mentally helps us stimulate the process of change ... Views: 1304
What does it mean to be grateful? What does gratitude feel like? How do you connect the word grateful to a feeling and even a state of being? There is a lot of talk today in the media, around the water cooler, etc. about gratitude. We’re told to be grateful for small things, for the love we ... Views: 1428
Gratitude is a state of mind that comes from really appreciating what you have already and being thankful for it. If you can truly look at your life and everything in it and be grateful, you are much more likely to be content, and to attract more of the same to yourself in the future.
If you ... Views: 2452