Don’t speak “about” your matters – speak “to” them!
Are you one of the many people who have felt the need to pair down their social media contacts lately? Or have you noticed that you just don’t enjoy being around certain people or groups any longer? I was recently called to eliminate some ... Views: 1325
You may have heard talk lately of Vitamin D deficiency and how common it has become. There are various factors that are contributing to this including environment, the food we eat and our lifestyles. Most Americans are inside all day under artificial lighting – could this be the primary reason ... Views: 910
Thanks to people like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, and Oprah, hiring a coach isn’t just for the elite and very wealthy anymore. In the past decade or so, the coaching field has really come to life. I myself hired a life coach about eight years ago because I was felt trapped in my career and I ... Views: 1033