Special thanks to the RED CROSS...
This past week I had the pleasure and the HONOR to attend the 12th annual Real heroes Breakfast, put on by the Syracuse American Red Cross.
It is an annual tribute to some of the community’s local heroes.
Their tagline ‘Ordinary people…Extraordinary ... Views: 1316
Here’s something we all can use more of--- APPRECIATION.
Is there anyone out there who would OBJECT to some appreciation? How about a nice ‘Thank you’ for all you do? Would that feel nice? Would it be welcomed? I’m betting YES.
“The way to develop the best that’s in a man is by ... Views: 1367
There is a strange phenomenon that occurs every day in the business world. In fact it’s so ‘out there,’ that I bet people don’t even realize that they are doing it. Did you ever CAREFULLY listen to people’s voicemails. How CREDIBLE are they? Do people know that they are not following through on ... Views: 2154
We’ve all seen it.
Most of us have walked around it, next to it and over it.
We pretend it’s not there!
Perhaps we’ve become oblivious to it, or we just don't care?
This past weekend, our local Camillus, NY Chamber of Commerce organized a small clean up on one main street, in a ... Views: 1373
Some Thoughts and Quotes on the word IMPOSSIBLE
The next time someone tells you something is impossible, just Smile, nod your head and move on. In your mind you can thank them for the motivation to prove their statement wrong. After al who mare they and HOW do they know for certain that ... Views: 1816
Is going away/traveling GOOD for a relationship?
We’ve all been there. Some more than others. Traveling. Without your spouse/significant other/ children and loved ones.
The question is: is there some positives and, does it actually strengthen your relationship at home?
I’ll share some ... Views: 1618
Recently, I had the pleasure of going DEEP SEA FISHING.
Mind you, I’m not a big fan of fishing for several reasons.
It’s a bit slow for ME.
2. I don t like to eat seafood.
3. I don't like to hurt or kill animals of any kind.
4. I don't care to hook bait, stab ... Views: 1402
The site was Highland Park golf course in little Auburn, NY. The event was the 5th annual, growing in popularity CaddyMaster's Golf Tournament.
On the line: PRIDE. Also a golf championship as well.
Here's the make- up of the CaddyMaster.
On day one 24 players made up 12 separate 1 on 1 ... Views: 1425
In less than two months, Americans will go to the polls to elect the next President of the USA. Given the war on terror, economic issues, elevated gas prices, slumping stock markets and a host of other challenges, this election turns out to be of historic importance. Sure, all elections are ... Views: 1433
This past weekend my family and I had the PLEASURE and HONOR to attend a Farewell Ceremony to 70 Soldiers who are being deployed to The Iraqi Freedom mission. Courtesy of the family and friends of the 403rd Civil Affairs Battalion, US ARMY, Mattydale N.Y.
To witness this LIVE, was an ... Views: 1299
(Ideas to increase your wealth when the stock market is down)
Every optimist will tell you that there is always the opposite side of bad news… good news. There is always a silver lining. The needle is somewhere in the haystack , if you look hard ... Views: 1081
The other day I was at a business function and two young males were in attendance. They were dressed crisp and clean. They listened well. They were polite. They waited their turn to interject into the conversation.
My overall impression was that it was refreshing to see such professionalism ... Views: 1144
I read something the other day that was extremely disturbing. Apple founder Steve Jobs was quoted as saying…
“It doesn’t matter how good or bad the product is, people don t read anymore. Forty percent of people in the U.S read one book(1) or less last year.”
To me, this is a VERY SAD ... Views: 2404
Raffle Tickets.
We all get approached to buy them. From anyone and from everyone. Some people we know and some people we don ‘t know. It’s usually a small ticket item, $1 or $2 maximum.
It’s the old “what goes around, comes around” theory. Someday, sooner or later, you will be selling them or ... Views: 1874
Prior to that… let me share my thoughts. It starts out ROUGH but has a GOOD FINALE.
What is it with the car business? We all know the stereotypes. Slick, sly, sometimes scamish.
With all the competition for business and the trend of everyone touting the “best customer service”, one would think ... Views: 1307
The question on the table today is.. How good is Y O U R word?
Do you follow through with what you tell people you will do?
When you say “ I’ll call you next week”, do you?
When you say “Let’s get together soon”, do you mean it or are you just saying it to be CORDIAL?
In business, when you ... Views: 2501
Yesterday we talked about the Stock Market jitters and, if they were justified?
Today we will look at some important factors in finding a GOOD, QUALITY STOCK.
(Note: for those curious, I have been an active investor in the Stock Market for over 20 years and have subscribed to the famous ... Views: 1292
Are todays worries and jitters of the Stock Market JUSTIFIED ????
( this is part 1 of a 2 part article)
Let’s talk about the Stock Market and the fears that we all have. After all,it’s about money, which is a somewhat of a concern to most of us.
What bothers me most is how the media is ... Views: 1031
( Author note: this was written around Super Bowl time, but still applicable)
As I watch different sports, I try to find the ones who are having FUN.
I try to see who is acting PROFESSIONAL, win or lose.
I look for the guy or gal who is showing some CLASS/ GRACE/ SPORTSMANSHIP.
Well, you ... Views: 1930