In this article I am speaking to Westerners specifically – not because the information doesn’t apply to anyone else (it most likely does) but because I see how thirsty we Westerners are for something that has been within us all the time.
Humans are a richly diverse package of expressions. We ... Views: 1666
Have you ever had a question of great importance to you, yet when you searched for the answer you never found one that was satisfying? Have you received an answer to something that never really felt complete – or it only got you so far?
The trouble is two-fold. First, we live in a culture ... Views: 1358
I am often asked by clients to help them find their purpose or to get clarity on a particular question that is important in their life. I am delighted to help and I also try to give them help in learning to read the signs themselves. We all need perspective from an outside source at certain ... Views: 3327
Coleen Renee is a psychic and intuitive Healer working with clients across the country via phone or in person. She has worked intimately with the angels for over 5 years. Angels are joyful light beings with a desire to help us in our lives. We all have at least one angel that is with us ... Views: 1059
When doing Angel Readings for clients, the most common question I am asked is - do I have angels? The answer is always, yes. Then, clients often ask me, why can’t I feel/hear/see them? The simple answer is, because you do not allow it.
If this is true for you, please do not judge yourself. ... Views: 1415
Around our physical body we have an emotional, mental and spiritual body. Together they make up the wholeness of who we are. Energetic healers, such as Barbara Ann Brennan, have taught for years this healing principle: the physical body is the last body to experience dis-ease. If something is ... Views: 1787