I’ve been hearing a lot of doom and gloom about the economy and the job market lately. I live in the Detroit area, so that tends to dominate the news and local conversation. But it’s not just a local issue. I talk to people from all over the country and everyone’s got the ... Views: 609
This is one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from clients and participants in my workshops. Everyone seems to be overloaded and drained.
My “prescription” is twofold. First, handle what drains you. Second, focus on what drives you.
Three things that will kill your ... Views: 1091
“With your spirit open and unconstricted, look at things from a high point of view.”—Miyamato Musashi
December is a time of endings. We wrap up another full year of our lives and start to lift our gaze to the next one. One of the traditions I really enjoy this time of year are ... Views: 736
I live in the part of the country where fall is a breathtaking display of change. The view out my window looks different every day as the trees change colors so boldly. I wonder if the trees resist the change or if resistance is a uniquely human condition. I imagine the trees willingly ... Views: 689
Today we’re talking about Money--a BIG topic that I’d like to keep simple. I believe it is critical to get a “handle” on our money issues if we are to truly live the life we imagine (in every area). Money is a powerful resource available to us. Happiness and well being ... Views: 773
This has been a challenging month for me on the home-front and so I’ve been thinking about energy—how to have more of it to get through my (sometimes long) days. Have you ever known someone who’s always a bundle of energy and you end up feeling more energetic after being with ... Views: 1917
As we approach the holidays, it’s a good time to get a handle on your money matters before all the retailers gets their hands on your money!
According to a study by the APA (American Psychological Association) 61% of Americans listed money issues as the top cause of holiday stress.
Taking ... Views: 730
My Grandfather was a natural born salesman and successful small business owner. For more than 40 years he owned a grocery store and meat market (that he started by borrowing 50 cents from his mother) and whistled while he worked. (Really!) He clearly had a success-minded approach to business ... Views: 821
If I asked you to describe your ideal car...assuming no limits...how would you describe it? Most people can describe their ideal car in great detail--from the make,model, features, and color, to any accessories to how it would feel to be behind the wheel. When I ask people to describe their ... Views: 1058
If you find yourself dragging at the end of the day, or have difficulty getting motivated to tackle what you once did with ease, you may be running low on energy. We often complain of not having enough time to fit everything in. But, when we look to the truth in the situation, 9 times out of 10 ... Views: 1034
Think Job Security is a thing of the past? Think again. While it may be true that no one is exempt from a downsizing, layoff, or unexpected re-organization in today’s economic climate, that doesn’t have to mean you have no job security. ... Views: 857
It’s mid-March already. How are those New Year’s Resolutions or intentions coming along? Are you like most people who have long-since abandoned their resolutions (sometime around Jan 28th) or are yours limping along, but with less vim and vigor than you would like? If you are going strong…you ... Views: 1034
"To love what you do and feel that it matters; how could anything be more fun?" Katharine Graham
A recent New Employer/Employee Equation survey by Harris Interactive, Inc. conducted for Age Wave, took a broad look at the American workforce and found some less-than-encouraging attitudes ... Views: 823